Syntax for Modifiers: a generalization of linear-types syntax

This proposal introduces a new form of syntax %blah that defines a modifier. Modifiers somehow change the meaning of the next token or of the construct they appear in. The blah is parsed and renamed as a type. For now, all modifiers will be built in, but we might imagine making an extensible feature later.

As of the writing of this proposal, there will be precisely one modifier: the %1 or %Many of linear types. However, #242 proposes matchability essentially as a postfix modifier; under this proposal, the syntax for matchability and multiplicity would be unified.

The main goal of this proposal is to set out a future direction for the syntax of modifiers.


The latest form of linear types allows us to write Int %1 -> Bool to write a function that must consume its input Int precisely once. The fact that the function is linear is indicated by the %1 before the ->.

A separate proposal #242 describes how the matchability of a function will be written postfix, with a @. (The precise meaning of “matchability” is irrelevant here.) So, if someone wanted to specify both the multiplicity and the matchability of a function, they would write e.g. Int %Many -> @Unmatchable Bool. The problme is that we can easily imagine yet more decorations one would want to put on an arrow. With multiplicity coming before and matchability afterwards, there is now no more room for other modifiers (such as injectivity, or visibility, or higher-order role, or others we haven’t imagined yet).

In addition, GHC already supports some modifier-like constructs, but uses a different syntax. Specifically, the term-level operators inline and oneShot are given types like the identity function, but they are really modifiers on the variable that comes afterwards. We might imagine making their special status more explicit by writing them %inline or %oneShot.

Proposed Change Specification

  1. Introduce a new extension -XModifiers.

  2. With -XModifiers, introduce modifier syntax on arrows as follows (cf. the Haskell 2010 Report for all BNF syntax, and recall that we use braces to denote “zero or more”):

    type     ::= btype [ {modifier} -> type ]
    prefix%  ::= '%'    -- only in prefix position
    modifier ::= prefix% atype
  3. With -XModifiers, introduce modifier syntax on types as follows:

    btype    ::= {modifier} atype | btype atype
  4. With -XModifiers, introduce modifier syntax on the term level as follows:

    fexp     ::= {modifier} aexp | fexp aexp
  5. With -XModifiers, introduce modifier syntax in patterns as follows:

    lpat     ::= {modifier} lpat | ...
  6. With -XModifiers, introduce modifier syntax on record field declarations as follows:

    fielddecl ::= vars {modifier} '::' (type | '!' atype)
  7. With -XModifiers, introduce modifier syntax on top-level declarations as follows:

    topdecl ::= {modifier} [ ';' ] 'type' simpletype '=' type
            |   {modifier} [ ';' ] 'data' [context '=>'] simpletype ['=' constrs] [deriving]
            |   {modifier} [ ';' ] 'newtype' [context '=>'] simpletype = newconstr [deriving]
            |   {modifier} [ ';' ] 'class' [scontext '=>'] tycls tyvar ['where' cdecls]
            |   {modifier} [ ';' ] 'instance' [scontext '=>'] qtycls inst ['where' idecls]
            |   {modifier} [ ';' ] 'default' '(' type1 ',' ... ',' typen ')'
            |   {modifier} [ ';' ] 'foreign' fdecl
            |   {modifier} ';' decl

    Recall that the Haskell 2010 Report uses brackets to denote an optional bit of syntax. The optional semicolons allow modifiers to appear on a line previous from the declaration affected. The semicolon is mandatory on decl because decls do not start with keywords (except for fixity declarations) and may have modifiers of their own. The semicolon makes clear that the modifier is meant to affect the entire declaration.

  8. With -XModifiers, introduce modifier syntax on data constructor declarations as follows:

    -- H98-style constructor
    constr ::= {modifier} con ['!'] atype1 ... ['!'] atypek
             | {modifier} (btype | '!' atype) conop (btype | '!' atype)
             | {modifier} con '{' fielddecl1 ',' ... ',' fielddecln '}'
    -- GADT-style constructor
    gadt_constrs ::= {modifier} con_list '::' sigtype

    Modifiers in gadt_constrs apply to each constructor in con_list.

  9. Reserve the use of % in a prefix occurrence to be used only for modifiers; though this proposal does not do so, we can imagine extending the modifier syntax to apply to further syntactic situations (e.g. term-level operators, declarations, import lists, etc.).

  10. Modifiers are parsed, renamed, and type-checked as types.

  11. The type of a modifier is determined only by synthesis, never by checking. That is, in the bidirectional type-checking scheme used by GHC, we find the type of the modifier by running the synthesis judgment. Effectively, this means that if we consider a modifier to be some head (constructor or variable) applied to a sequence of arguments (possibly none), the head must have a known type: constructors always have a known type, and variables have a known type if declared with a type signature. Alternatively, the modifier may have a top-level type signature.

  12. A modifier of type Multiplicity changes the multiplicity of the following arrow, or following pattern-bound variable of a lambda, or preceding record field. Multiple modifiers of type Multiplicity on the same arrow are not allowed. Any other use of a modifier is an error.

  13. -XLinearTypes implies -XModifiers.

  14. Future modifiers will be put before the element they modify. Alternatively, a modifier can be put directly before a syntactic closer or separator, such as ; or where or ).

  15. Modifiers with an unknown meaning produce a warning, controlled by -Wunknown-modifiers. They are otherwise ignored. (However, in order to know that a modifier is unknown, it still must be parsed, renamed, and type-checked.)


Here are some examples that will be accepted or rejected with this proposal:

f1 :: Int %1 -> Bool    -- unaffected, actually: that "%1" is one lexeme, and
                        -- is not a modifier. See more on this below.
f2 :: Int %Many -> Bool -- accepted: Many :: Multiplicity
f3 :: Int %m -> Bool    -- rejected: the kind of m is undeclared
f4 :: Int %(m :: Multiplicity) -> Bool   -- accepted with a type signature
f5 :: Int %One %Many -> Bool   -- rejected (although it will parse)
f6 :: Int %Many %Many -> Bool  -- rejected
f7 :: Int %(m :: Multiplicity) -> Int %m -> Int
  -- rejected: the second use of '%m' has an unknown type

map :: forall (m :: Multiplicity). (a %m -> b) -> [a] %m -> [b]
  -- accepted: m has a known type

The syntax (and semantics) for modifiers on patterns and record fields is exactly as described in the linear types proposal.

Further examples:

  • Types: %Mod1 T (%Mod2 a) (%Mod3 (S b)); Mod1 applies to T, Mod2 applies to a, and Mod3 applies to S b. Note that this proposal does not introduce any valid modifiers for types.

  • Terms: Same as the example above.

  • Lambda expressions: \ x %Many -> ... or \ x %One -> .... This would be parsed but rejected, because the new syntax applies only for lambda that bind a single, top-level variable: \ x y %One -> ....

  • Field declaration: data T = MkT { field %Many :: Int }.

  • Class declaration: %Mod class C a where .... Other declaration forms are similar. This proposal does not introduce any valid modifiers for types, but #390 does.

Effect and Interactions

  • It is expected that the matchability of #242 will have a kind Matchability. Then, users will be able to write Int %Many %Matchable -> Bool or Int %Matchable %Many -> Bool. The details are left to #242 (assuming this proposal is accepted first). The author of #242, Csongor Kiss, was involved in the conceptualization of this proposal.

  • Future modifiers will also seamlessly work with existing ones, where order is not expected to matter (though that would be up to other proposals to spell out).

  • The %1 will remain a single lexeme and does not participate with this proposal. We may want more exceptions to the general scheme in the future.

  • The key action of this proposal is to carve out a new syntax space, anchored by a prefix occurrence of %. Ideally, there would be few exceptions to the general scheme (but %1 is one such exception). It is possible that future extensions to this idea will be disambiguated before the type checker gets a chance to do its work.

  • This proposal means that Int %m -> Bool, acceptable today as a multiplicity-polymorphic function, would be rejected. The user would need to add a kind annotation to tell us that m is a multiplicity (and not, say, a matchability, which is also expected to support polymorphism). See an Alternative below for a trick to mitigate this problem.

  • This proposal paves the way for future proposals introducing new modifiers. Possible candidates:

    • matchability

    • injectivity on arrows

    • oneShot

    • inline

    • a replacement for the {-# OVERLAPPING #-} pragmas. These pragmas have, in my opinion, never really fit in: they change the semantics of the declaration. Pragmas are meant to be hints or instructions to the compiler, not something that changes the meaning of a program and its typing rules.

    • a mechanism for suppressing warnings over one region of a program, instead of at the module level: %(suppress "uni-complete-patterns") (case x of ...). This could also be done with a pragma.

  • Some other features that have had tortuous and torturous syntax discussions may have enjoyed having the modifier option. For example, this might have been used instead of type role for role annotations: data Tagged (%Nominal t) a = Tagged a. Or it might have been an alternative for -XDerivingStrategies.

  • Though not proposed here, we can imagine a large extension to this mechanism allowing for user-written modifiers, giving meanings via a plugin. Perhaps some modifier supports some function call to the GHC API that transforms the meaning of bit of syntax. The possibilities are tantalizing.

  • These modifiers recall Java’s Annotations mechanism, which were a direct inspiration.

  • A key design principle here is that modifiers affect the next item in the AST (if one exists). By keeping with this principle, we avoid the possibility of ambiguity: if some modifiers affected a previous element and some affected the next, then we could find ourselves in trouble.

  • The -Wunknown-modifiers warning is meant to enable future compatibility. For example, suppose we want to label ambiguous types with %Ambiguous. It would be very annoying to use, say, CPP to remove the modifier for GHCs that do not support it. Instead, this proposal allows the modifier to be accepted and ignored. This would only work if Ambiguous is in scope in the type namespace. Additionally, a given GHC must know how to parse modifiers at the location where they are written. Perhaps a more complete design would modify the entire Haskell grammar putting modifiers wherever they could potentially make sense (and thus be more future compatible), but this proposal covers only types and terms (and not, say, class declarations).

  • Because modifiers are treated as types, they will typically begin with a capital letter. (Note that a polymorphic multiplicity is a type variable, and this is fine.)

Costs and Drawbacks

  • The loss of the inferred kind of m in multiplicity polymorphism is a drawback. However, a user seeing Int %m -> Bool is hard-pressed to understand what is going on. On the other hand, labeling m :: Multiplicity explicitly (either in the binding for m or in a usage site) is much more perspicuous.

  • Any feature has a maintenance burden, but this one should be fairly small.

  • Having yet another special symbol in a special position is a drawback. Yet % is already such a symbol (due to -XLinearTypes), and the existence of an extensible modifiers mechanism makes it possible to avoid adding new symbols to this set.


  • A previous version of this proposal described that modifiers would work via a Modifier class-like constraint. However, type inference seemed, well, challenging. So this simplifies the proposal to be more syntactic.

  • There does not seem to be much point in introducing modifier syntax beyond the linear-types syntax, but it seemed helpful to do so here. We can drop that.

  • We could avoid ambiguity using extra punctuation (e.g. class ( %Mod1, %Mod2 ) C a b => D a b c where ...), but “modifiers come before what they modify” is simple and uniform.

  • We could require semicolons between modifiers and opening keyword for all declarations, but it seems easy enough and harmless enough not to.

Unresolved Questions

  • Is it too soon? That is, this proposal solves a problem we do not yet have: the combination of multiplicity and matchability. Yet, it seems much easier to consider this idea separate from the quite considerable complexity of #242, and so I have made it a separate proposal.

  • This proposal floats the idea of %oneShot and %inline, but these might fit better as pragmas than modifiers. In any case, they are not proposed concretely here and would be subject to a future proposal.