Add sumToTag# primop

Add a sumToTag# primop indicating which sum alternative is represented by a particular unboxed sum value. For example,

sumToTag# (# a | #) = 0#
sumToTag# (# | | b #) = 2#


It’s sometimes useful to get the numerical value of an alternative. For example, I might write

newtype Trit# = Trit# (# (##) | (##) | (##) #)

tritToInt# :: Trit# -> Int#
tritToInt# (Trit# (# (##)|| #)) = 0#
tritToInt# (Trit# (# |(##)| #)) = 1#
tritToInt# (Trit# (# ||(##) #)) = 2#

Under the hood, unboxed sums are actually represented by Int# tags alongside the “payload” values, often with some padding. For example, (# (##) | Bool #) is represented as something like (# Int#, Bool #). The values look like this:

(# (##) | #)   ~=   (# 1#, padding #)
(# | b #)      ~=   (# 2#, b #)

Note: the choice to make the first alternative 1# rather than 0# is poorly motivated, and should probably be changed, but that’s beyond the strict scope of this proposal.

If we could only get our hands on the Int# tag, then we could calculate tritToInt# very efficiently. The C– code would look much like the code that would be produced by

tritToInt'# :: (# Int# #) -> Int#
tritToInt'# (# t #) = t - 1

Unfortunately, that’s not the sort of code that tritToInt# will actually produce. Rather, it will produce code like this:

tritToInt''# :: (# Int# #) -> Int#
tritToInt''# (# 3# #) -> 2#
tritToInt''# (# 2# #) -> 1#
tritToInt''# _ -> 0#

This seems pretty silly, considering that the result of tritToInt# is likely to be fed straight into some numerical computation. There will be extra code and unnecessary conditional branches when all that’s needed is a simple decrement operation.

Proposed Change Specification

Add a sumToTag# inline primop, analogous to dataToTag#, with the following type.

sumToTag# :: forall (xs :: [RuntimeRep]) (a :: TYPE ('SumRep xs)). a -> Int#

sumToTag# will return the 0-based index of the sum alternative of its argument.

It may seem bizarre to have a function that is polymorphic in the runtime representation of its argument; we could only call such a function when we know the concrete representation of its argument, i.e. when the xs :: [RuntimeRep] type argument is closed. However, GHC already imposes a universal ban on levity-polymorphic arguments (see Section 5.1 of Levity Polymorphism) so we do not have to worry about this case.


sumToTag# ((# | 2# | #)
             :: (# (# Int, Char #) | Int# | Bool #)) = 1#

-- No need to pin down specific types
sumToTag# ((# | x | #)
             :: (# a | x | b :: TYPE 'UnliftedRep #)) = 1#

This will compile, but can never ever be called:

foo :: forall (a :: TYPE ('SumRep '[])). a -> Int#
foo = sumToTag#

This will compile, but cannot be called with current primitives; if that changes in the future, it will always return 0#.

bar :: forall (a :: TYPE ('SumRep '[ 'IntRep])). a -> Int#
bar = sumToTag#

Effect and Interactions

It will be possible to extract tags efficiently. With the current implementation of unboxed sums, we would compile to code looking something like

sumToTag# (# tg1, ... #) = tg1 -# 1#

It would be beneficial to implement a special rule for case of sumToTag#, in case that should appear in the course of optimization.

case sumToTag# a of
  0# -> e0
  1# -> e1
  _ -> e2


case a of
  (# _|| #) -> e0
  (# |_| #) -> e1
  (# ||_ #) -> e2

One long-term option this primop gives us is to stop returning Int# from primops whose values represent only two or three specific values. For example, we would have the option of writing

(==#) :: Int# -> Int# -> (# (##) | (##) #)

which more faithfully represents what the return value can be, while still being able to work with the Int# representation directly using sumToTag#. I do not propose making such a change at this time.

Costs and Drawbacks

Implementing this primop should be extremely cheap. Implementing the special case rule will probably not be terribly hard; its structure should generally follow that of the rule for case of dataToTag#.

The main (theoretical) drawback I see is that sumToTag# weakens parametricity. Today, we can reason that a function polymorphic over its type can’t inspect its argument. With sumToTag#, it can do so, to a limited extent. In practice, however, primops already break parametricity, and users who don’t have access to principled ones like tagToSum# may well reach for more dangerous unsafe coercions to get the job done.


Joachim Breitner asks, “Could this be solved by an optimization in a later phase that detects this pattern, and produces the code that you want?” Perhaps. Such an optimization would have to be in the C– stage, which is rather late in the game. It would have to be reminiscent of common subexpression elimination, but I believe it would be considerably more complicated. Imagine what this would look like in Haskell: If we saw

case a of
  (# (##) | #) -> b
  (# | (##) #) -> b + 1

then we’d have to somehow figure out that we should transform to

case a of
  (# (##) | #) -> b + 0
  (# | (##) #) -> b + 1

so we can achieve the equivalent of

b + sumToTag# a

This all seems much too hard.

Unresolved Questions

Should we also offer tagToSum#, mirroring tagToEnum#? Conceptually,

  :: forall (a :: TYPE ('SumRep '[ 'TupleRep '[]
                                 , 'TupleRep '[], ...])).
  Int# -> a

-- For example:

tagToSum# :: Int# -> (# (##) | (##) | (##) #)
tagToSum# 0# = (# (##) || #)
tagToSum# 1# = (# | (##) | #)

where the type-level list has at least one element. Unlike sumToTag#, tagToSum# would be unsafe in two different ways:

  1. The user could supply an out-of-bounds Int# value.

  2. The user could supply an uninhabited type:

    newtype Uninhab :: TYPE ('SumRep '[ 'TupleRep '[]
                                      , 'TupleRep '[]]) where
      Uninhab :: Uninhab -> Uninhab

Including tagToSum# seems nice for symmetry’s sake, but I have not yet found a situation where it’s truly necessary. In the Trit# example above, it would be a natural way to deal with certain arithmetic results:

lowTrit :: Int# -> Trit#
lowTrit x = tagToSum# (x `remInt#` 3#)

But when would we really benefit from this? Most of the time we’ll just perform a case match, and case-of-case will clean everything up. The rest of the time, we’ll probably be allocating memory and the conversion will be the least of our worries.

Implementation Plan

(Optional) If accepted who will implement the change? Which other resources and prerequisites are required for implementation?


(Optional) This section provides an opportunty for any third parties to express their support for the proposal, and to say why they would like to see it adopted. It is not mandatory for have any endorsements at all, but the more substantial the proposal is, the more desirable it is to offer evidence that there is significant demand from the community. This section is one way to provide such evidence.