\cases - Multi-way lambda expressions

This proposal introduces a syntactic construct that provides functionality to case split on the arguments of multi-parameter lambda expressions.


In Haskell 2010, there are two syntaxes to define a function: via the function definition syntax, or via lambda expressions. The most obvious difference between these is that the former assigns a name to the function, whereas the latter can be used to create anonymous functions. However, the differences go significantly beyond that:

  • Lambda expressions can only have a single clause, function declarations can have an arbitrary non-zero number of equations

  • Lambda expressions cannot have guards

  • Lambda expressions must have at least one parameter

There have been multiple attempts in the past to bring the capabilities of lambda expressions closer to those of function declarations:

  1. The extension -XLambdaCase introduces a \case construct which allows lambda expression to have multiple clauses, however, only one pattern can be matched on. Like a regular case-expression, this can also have guards. During its implementation as well as after it, there were attempts to make it possible to match on multiple patterns. No solution was found, in part because this would make it different from regular case-expressions.

    • If there were an expression that had pattern matching syntax more similar to lambda expressions but which could also have guards and multiple clauses, it could be used instead of -XLambdaCase and would be able to match on multiple patterns.

  2. The extension -XMultiWayIf essentially introduces standalone guards, simplifying the use of guards that aren’t at the outermost level of a function declaration or case-expression. Among other things, this made it easier to use guards inside of lambda expressions.

    • If there were an expression similar to lambda expressions that could have guards and wasn’t required to have at least one parameter, it could be used instead of -XMultiWayIf. This includes all uses of -XMultiWayIf, not just those inside of lambdas (see Example section).

  3. During the implementation of -XLambdaCase, some suggested allowing lambda expressions to have multiple clauses. This was not implemented: The most obvious approach of turning \ into a layout herald had the disadvantage of making some common idioms invalid.

    • This could be circumvented by introducing a new expression that isn’t required to be backwards compatible with existing idioms.

Proposed Change Specification

BNF Changes

Bold indicates changes to the existing BNF.



\case { alts }

(\case expression)


\cases { nalts }

(\cases expression)


alt1 ; … ; altm

(m ≥ 0)


pat -> exp [ where decls ]


pat gdpat [ where decls ]


(empty alternative)


nalt1 ; … ; naltm

(m ≥ 1)


[ apat1 … apatn ] -> exp [ where decls ]

(n ≥ 0)


[ apat1 … apatn ] gdpat [ where decls ]

(n ≥ 0)


(empty alternative)

Aside from the explicit layout using {, }, and ;, implicit layout as described in the Haskell report can also be used.

Note the differences in the BNF to \case: - \case always has arity 1, whereas \cases can have any arity, including zero - The patterns in \case do not need to be parenthesized (as in case, with pat), whereas the patterns in \cases must be atomic or parenthesized (as in function definitions, with apat) - \case can have zero clauses, whereas \cases must have at least one clause

In expressions that have zero scrutinees and multiple guards, there is an ambiguity as to whether the expression has multiple alternatives with one guard each or one alternative with multiple guards (or any combination thereof). However, the semantics for these are equivalent, so this ambiguity can be resolved in an arbitrary way.


filter = \cases _ []                 -> []
                p (x:xs) | p x       -> x : filter p xs
                         | otherwise ->     filter p xs


When the -XLambdaCase extension is enabled, a new expression is added, introduced by the token sequence \ cases. The whitespace between \ and cases is optional and may contain an arbitrary sequence of whitespace characters. \cases behaves in a way largely similar to \, but it is a layout herald.

As the BNF shows - There can be any number of patterns including zero (n ≥ 0) - There must be at least one clause (m ≥ 1). If there were zero clauses, the arity of the \cases-expression would be ambiguous (see Alternatives section for details). - As with \case-expressions, it is possible to use where blocks within each clause - Unlike case, cases is not a keyword. Only the token sequence \ cases is treated specially (more precisely, lexically, cases is a varid rather than a reservedid, and it may be used as a variable).

As with function declaration equations, all clauses must have the same number of patterns.

Given a \cases-expression csexp with one or more scrutinees and a function f declared with function declaration syntax, and with the same alternatives and same guards for each alternative as csexp, the semantics of the expression mcexp are the same as those of the expression f. If csexp has no scrutinees, the semantics are the same as those of an expression p declared with a pattern binding with the same guards as csexp.

The new expression matches function declaration syntax very closely, making refactoring easy.

Further Examples

Guards can be used instead of -XMultiWayIf inside lambda expressions:

{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf, BlockArguments #-}
take' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
take' = flip $ flip foldr (const [])
  \x more n -> if | n > 0 -> x : more (n - 1)
                  | otherwise -> []

-- becomes

take' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
take' = flip $ flip foldr (const [])
  \cases x more n | n > 0 -> x : more (n - 1)
                  | otherwise -> []

The new syntax could be used instead of -XMultiWayIf elsewhere as well:

foo = bar baz if | g1 -> a
                 | g2 -> b

-- with -XBlockArguments becomes

foo = bar baz \cases | g1 -> a
                     | g2 -> b

\case can be replaced by the new syntax:

\case Bar baz -> Just baz
      Quux -> Nothing

-- becomes

\cases (Bar baz) -> Just baz
       Quux -> Nothing

Unlike current \case, multiple patterns can be matched:

-- \case can't be used here!
-- At least not easily
\foo bar baz -> case (foo, bar, baz) of
  (Just 4, 3, False) -> 42
  _ -> 0

-- becomes

  (Just 4) 3 False -> 42
  _ _ _ -> 0

The new syntax can be used instead of regular function declaration syntax, potentially resulting in more concise definitions:

extremelyLengthyFunctionIdentifier (Just a) False = Just 42
extremelyLengthyFunctionIdentifier (Just a) True  = Just (a / 2)
extremelyLengthyFunctionIdentifier _        _     = Nothing

-- becomes

extremelyLengthyFunctionIdentifier = \cases
  (Just a) False -> Just 42
  (Just a) True  -> Just (a / 2)
  _        _     -> Nothing

This also makes it possible to have where bindings that scope over multiple equations

-- have to repeat the definition of `magicNumber` or place it outside the definition of
-- foo
foo (Just x) p | x < 0 = ...
               | let y = blah + 1 = ...
  where blah = x + magicNumber
        magicNumber = 5
foo Nothing _ = magicNumber
  where magicNumber = 5

-- becomes

-- note that the first `where` clause belongs to the first clause, rather than the
-- function declaration, because it is indented further

foo = \cases
  (Just x) p | x < 0 -> ...
             | let y = blah + 1 -> ...
    where blah = x + magicNumber
  Nothing _ -> magicNumber
    magicNumber = 5

To illustrate with some real-world examples, this section shows how some snippets found on hackage would look if they used this new syntax:


_prefixNS = \case
    Left l -> S l
    Right x -> case x of Here fv -> Z @_ @v @start fv

_prefixNS = \cases
    (Left l) -> S l
    (Right x) -> case x of Here fv -> Z @_ @v @start fv


printGender :: Language -> Gender -> Text
printGender = \case
  English -> printGenderEnglish
  Chinese -> printGenderChinese

printGenderEnglish :: Gender -> Text
printGenderEnglish = \case
  Male   -> "Male"
  Female -> "Female"

printGenderChinese :: Gender -> Text
printGenderChinese = \case
  Male   -> "男性"
  Female -> "女性"

-- becomes

printGender :: Language -> Gender -> Text
printGender = \cases
  English Male   -> "Male"
  English Female -> "Female"
  Chinese Male   -> "男性"
  Chinese Female -> "女性"

Effect and Interactions

The new expression subsumes the functionality that -XLambdaCase provides. (See “Alternatives” section for a discussion on deprecation.)

The proposed syntax can also be used instead of -XMultiWayIf, however in a slightly more verbose manner, as shown in the “Further Examples” section.

  1. would introduce a new keyword and thus make it impossible to use the chosen word for other purposes, though this would be gated behind an extension.

Since the proposal changes the existing -XLambdaCase extension, it is not entirely backwards-compatible: Expressions like \cases -> cases + 1 are now interpreted differently when -XLambdaCase is active.

Costs and Drawbacks

It is one additional syntactic construct to maintain, however the maintenance cost should be fairly low due to the similarity to already existing constructs.

While this also means one additional construct to learn for beginners, the syntax is largely consistent with similar constructs in the existing language, and as such users might in fact be surprised that a construct with similar capabilities doesn’t yet exist.


  • Instead of adding functionality to -XLambdaCase, a new extension, e.g. -XLambdaCases could be added. It might be desirable to have this new extension imply -XLambdaCase.

  • This proposal does not permit zero clauses, as with case-expressions and -XEmptyCase. This could be permitted. In this case, however, a way would have to be found to indicate how many arguments a given expression matches on, as otherwise, it would be ambiguous. The number of arguments an expression matches on becomes obvious from the clauses, e.g. \cases a b -> ... clearly matches on two arguments. Without clauses, this remains unclear. This means it would also be unclear whether the patterns are non-exhaustive: Consider the expression f = \cases {} :: Bool -> Void -> a. If the expression is supposed to match on both arguments, the patterns are exhaustive. If it is only supposed to match on the first argument and evaluate to a function of type Void -> a, it is not exhaustive. Moreover, in the former case, f undefined `seq ()` evaluates to (), whereas in the latter case, it evaluates to bottom. Currently, with \case {}, this problem doesn’t arise, since it always matches on exactly one argument, and similarly for case x of {}, which only matches on x. A syntax to resolve this has been proposed in the discussion: (\cases) for matching on no arguments, (\cases _) for one, (\cases _ _) for two, and so on. Alternatively, absurd patterns could be introduced, which would provide a more general solution that could also be used in function definition syntax.

  • Regular lambda expressions could be extended to use layout and guards, however, this necessitates some potentially controversial decisions on when exactly to herald layout, since always doing so would disallow existing idioms; these would not be legal when the extension is enabled:

      f a >>= \b ->
      g b >>= \c ->
      h c
    foo = \x -> do
      a x

    Two alternatives would be to only herald layout

    • if a newline immediately follows the \ or

    • if, given that token t is the token after \, the line below the one with t has the same indentation as or greater than t

    Both of these would avoid the problem, but both rules are dissimilar from how layout heralding is handled in other Haskell constructs.

  • Expressions with zero patterns could be allowed only if the expression contains guards, rather than always being allowed. This would make them somewhat less consistent, but it is how lambda expressions work (i.e. \ -> ... is illegal) and only disallows expressions that are needlessly verbose (e.g. \cases -> exp can always be replaced by exp).

  • \case could be deprecated, since all its use cases (except for those involving -XEmptyCase) would be subsumed by \cases. However, the discussion of this proposal has shown that such a deprecation would be a controversial change in its own right, and that some working out has to be done as to the exact details of it, thus, this might be better suited to being its own, separate proposal.

  • The possibility to have a construct similar to -XMultiWayIf but without the keyword, i.e. using guards directly as an expression, was also raised in the discussion. If this were to be used, any pattern matching would have to be done with pattern guards.

  • A few alternative designs were discussed in greater detail. Denoting \cases as (1), these are

    • (2): Comma-separated ``case``


      filter = \case _, []               -> []
                     p, x:xs | p x       -> x : filter p xs
                             | otherwise ->     filter p xs

      This alternative does not introduce a new construct. It instead consists of a straightforward extension to an existing one: Allow separating multiple patterns in \case by commas. This makes it the least disruptive of the presented alternatives.

      A clause would only match if all of its patterns match their respective scrutinee.

      Rather than introducing a new extension, this behavior would be enabled by -XLambdaCase.

      Additionally, an analogous extension could be introduced for case of:

      case numerator, denominator of
        _          , 0 -> Nothing
        Whole n    , d -> Whole (n `div` d)
        Complex a b, d -> Complex (a `div` d) (b `div` d)

      This can be used instead of using tuples to achieve something similar:

      case (numerator, denominator) of
        (_          , 0) -> Nothing
        (Whole n    , d) -> Whole (n `div` d)
        (Complex a b, d) -> Complex (a `div` d) (b `div` d)

      With the advantage that users don’t have to be worried or learn about whether using tuples in such cases incurs a performance penalty, and it would mean that the \case syntax stays consistent with case of syntax.

      This extension to case of would be enabled regardless of whether or not -XLambdaCase is turned on.

      If no clauses are given, i.e. the expression in question if \case {}, how many arguments this expression should take is ambiguous. However, currently, with -XEmptyCase, this expression is already valid and takes a single argument. Thus, to maintain backwards compatibility and for lack of a better option, this proposal does not alter the behavior of this expression.

      In general, the lack of parentheses makes this alternative slightly more concise than the others, especially in cases with only a single pattern.

      One potential concern is that this breaks the pattern of symmetry between expressions and patterns that match them. For example, if a function is defined as f (Just a) (Right b) = a + b, it can be called as f (Just a) (Right b), but when using \case (i.e. f = \case Just a, Right b -> a + b), the patterns are separated by commas, whereas the expression calling f still uses parentheses.

    • (3): One lambda per clause, ``case of``


      filter = case of \_ []                 -> []
                       \p (x:xs) | p x       -> x : filter p xs
                                 | otherwise ->     filter p xs

      The functionality of -XLambdaCase is extended, according to the following schema:

      case [ scrutinee ] of
        [ Pattern_0a ] \ Pattern_1a ... Pattern_na -> Expression_a
        [ Pattern_0b ] \ Pattern_1b ... Pattern_nb -> Expression_b

      Semantically, this would be equivalent to

      \var_1 ... var_n -> case ([ scrutinee, ] var_1, ..., var_n) of
        ([ Pattern_0a, ] Pattern_1a, ..., Pattern_na) -> Expression_a
        ([ Pattern_0b, ] Pattern_1b, ..., Pattern_nb) -> Expression_b

      A new extension -XExtendedCase is introduced. With this new extension enabled, the case expression is able to define anonymous functions. The scrutinee may be omitted, in which case the corresponding pattern in each clause must also be omitted. Furthermore, in each clause, between the usual pattern (if it is present) and the arrow, a \ and a number of patterns may be written. The number of patterns must be consistent across all clauses, and the types of corresponding patterns must match (e.g., the first pattern after the backslash must have the same type for all clauses). As usual, case clauses can contain guards as well.

      The number of patterns after each \ determines the arity of the function that a case expression produces. The nth pattern after the \ is matched against the nth argument given to the function.

      Note that the patterns after the \ must be enclosed by parentheses if they consist of more than one token, just like patterns in a lambda expression, but unlike the pattern that can come before the \.

      If there is no scrutinee, it is not immediately clear what the meaning of an expression without clauses, i.e. the expression case of {}, should be, since the number of arguments to the anonymous function is not specified. Users might expect this to compile if the -XEmptyCase extension is enabled. However, due to the inherent ambiguity, this proposal does not allow a case expression that lacks both a scrutinee and clauses. Other approaches are possible, see Alternatives section.

      Like the existing behavior for alternatives in case expressions, and equations in function declaration syntax, it is possible to use where clauses within each clause of the extended case expression. Furthermore, each clause can have guards, which appear after all patterns.

      This alternative has some desirable properties, in that it extends an existing syntactic construct rather than introducing a new one and is syntactically similar to lambda expressions. On the other hand, it does not relate to existing syntax as directly as the alternatives (e.g., it produces an anonymous function but doesn’t start with \, as opposed to lambda expressions and \case), and its functionality overlaps with that of \case.

      Since the introductory example only demonstrates the case without scrutinee, here is a different example:

      sendEmail :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Maybe Attachment -> IO ()
      sendEmail address = case validate address of
        Just emailAddress \subject content (Just attachment) -> sendWithAttachment emailAddress subject content attachment
        Just emailAddress \subject content Nothing           -> sendWithoutAttachment emailAddress subject content
        Nothing           \_       _       _                 -> error "invalid address"
    • (4): Multi-pattern ``case`` with parentheses


      filter = \case _ []                 -> []
                     p (x:xs) | p x       -> x : filter p xs
                              | otherwise ->     filter p xs

      Regular function definition syntax requires parentheses around patterns that consist of more than one token. The same could be done with \case. This would make the two syntaxes more consistent, and allow easy refactoring from one to the other. It also doesn’t introduce any new syntactic constructs that have to be maintained.

      However, it behaves differently from the current -XLambdaCase extension, which doesn’t require parentheses around patterns. This would seem to make it non-backwards-compatible, especially if it still uses the same -XLambdaCase extension name. This can be mitigated in various ways.

      First, a refactoring tool could be provided to update existing code and introduce parentheses where necessary, which would massively lower the effort required to update old code to be compatible with the new extension. Note that while the current -XLambdaCase extension doesn’t require parentheses, it doesn’t prohibit them, either. Thus, code updated with such a tool would work with both versions of the extension.

      Second, a special case could be introduced to have the compiler handle \case differently if there is only one pattern. More specifically, this means that the type checker detects when the first pattern in a clause is a solitary, non-nullary constructor. If this is the case, the AST is reconstructed such that the remaining patterns in the clause become arguments of this constructor.

      When this special case is triggered, the compiler would produce a warning (-Wdeprecated-lambda-case), which would be on by default, and warn the user that they’re using syntax which will be deprecated at some future point. This would make it possible to remove the special casing and warning after a few releases have passed.

    • Summary:





  1. Keyword (\cases, \cases, etc.)

    \cases (Just a) (Left b) -> ...
  _        _        -> ...
  • Parity with function equation syntax

  • Disagreement over which keyword to use

  • Adds yet another similar construct and hence disagreements about deprecations

  1. Comma-separated \case

    \case Just a, Left b -> ...
 _     , _      -> ...
    case Just 34, Right [] of
Just a, Left b -> ...
_     , _      -> ...
  • Conceptually, the smallest change that achieves the goal: Just a minor extension to one or two existing constructs

  • That means no demand for or concerns about potential deprecation

  • Parity with extended case … of syntax

  • Like current \case, single pattern uses are concise due to lack of parentheses

  • Different from function equation syntax and from function application syntax: you apply as f (Just 34) (Right []) but pattern match with ``case ``Just 23, Right []

  1. One lambda per clause case of

    case of
\(Just a) (Left b) -> ...
\_        _        -> ...
    case [1,2,3] of
(x:xs) \(Just a) (Left b) -> ...
_      \_        _        -> ...
  • Allows combining pattern matching on scrutinees and function arguments in one expression

  • Parity with function equation syntax

  • While it extends an existing construct, this extension makes it overlap with \case functionality

  • Not as obvious an extension from existing syntax as the other options (i.e. starts with case, not </tt>, even though it takes arguments)

  1. Multi-pattern \case with parentheses

(Just a) (Left b) -> ...
_        _        -> ...
  • Doesn’t introduce a new construct, and doesn’t introduce any overlap with others

  • Parity with function equation syntax

  • Not backwards compatible - can be mitigated by using (possibly temporary) compiler magic to allow single-scrutinee \case without parentheses, as well as providing an automatic refactoring tool to update existing code

Implementation Plan

I (Jakob Brünker) will implement this proposal.