Simplify subsumption

This proposal argues that GHC’s type system is a bit too liberal; in particular, the subsumption judgement is too liberal. It adds a little bit of convenience for the programmer, but at quite a high cost in terms of changing semantics and type-system complexity. So I propose that we should simplify the type system, by removing * Covariance of function types * Contravariance of function types * Deep skolemisation * Deep instantiation

All four features are implemented in GHC.

However, all four change the semantics of Haskell, by performing eta-expansion, changing bottom into non-bottom. That’s a pretty serious change, which needs pretty serious motivation. But actually all we get in exchange is a minor improvement in programming convenience. So I argue that:

Here is a thought experiment. Suppose GHC lacked all four features, and someone proposed adding them. That proposal would never leave the launchpad. A minor change in programming convenience, in exchange for changing language semantics? No. If that’s true, then the only issue would be back-compat issues: how many libraries would be affected, and how painful they would be to fix. We have collected data on this, presented in


The baseline for this proposal is Practical Type Inference for Arbitrary Rank Types, and specifically Section 4.6 which concerns the subsumption judgement. That section discusses * Covariance of the function arrow (Fig 7, rule FUN) * Contravariance of the function arrow (Fig 7, rule FUN) * Deep skolemisation (Fig 7, rule DEEP-SKOL) * Deep instantiation. Section (4.7.3) says that we don’t need deep instantiation, but GHC actually does that too, for reasons sketched below.

The proposal argues to remove all four. The following subsections descuss each in turn.

Deep skolemisation

Consider these types (paper, 4.6.1):

f :: ab.a  b  b
g :: (p.p  (q.q  q))  Int

Is (g f) well typed? Notice that g requires an argument with a forall to the right of an arrow. With deep skolemisation, the answer is “yes”. But remember that GHC elaborates to System F. Here is its elaboration of (g f):

g (/\p. \(x:p). /\q.\(y:q). f @p @q x y)

The lambdas do the impedence matching to turn f into an argument of exactly the type that g expects.

BUT suppose f and g are defined like this:

f = bottom
g f = f `seq` 0

You would expect g f to diverge, since it seq’s on bottom. But it won’t! it’ll return 0. Yikes.

Without deep skolemisation, (g f) is rejected. But the programmer can easily repair it by manual eta-expansion, to

g (\x y. f x y)

and now, of course, it is not surprising that the expression evaluates to 0.

Deep instantiation

Suppose f :: Int -> forall a. a -> a. Again, notice the forall to the right of the arrow. Now consider this definition, which lacks a type signature:

g x = f

What type would you expect to infer for g? The obvious answer (and the one we’d get without deep instantiation) is

g :: forall b. b -> Int -> forall a. a -> a

But GHC actually deeply instantiates f (for no very well-explained reason), so we get

g :: forall b a. b -> Int -> a -> a

with the buried foralls pulled to the top. Perhaps that type is a tiny bit more explicable to the programmer. But again, to produce that type, GHC must elaborate g to

g = /\ b a. \(x:b). \(i:Int). f i @a

GHC has eta-expaned f, which changes the semantics. Yikes.


Suppose you have

g :: ((forall a. a -> a) -> R) -> S
f :: (Int -> Int) -> R

Now, is (g f) well typed? That depends on whether

(Int -> Int) -> R   <=    (forall a. a -> a) -> R

where <= is pronounced “is more polymorphic than” see the paper sections 4.4. and 4.6.

Well, according to rule FUN of Figure 7, using contravariance of (->), that is true if

forall a. a -> a    <=      Int -> Int

and that is certainly true. But again, to witness that proof GHC needs to eta-expand during elaboration. We get this elaboration of (g f):

g (\(h : forall a. a->a).  f (h @Int))

Again we have changed the semantics. Yikes.

Again, lacking covariance the program would be rejected, but is easily fixed by manual eta-expansion, thus g (\h -> f h)


Fig 7 in the paper also supports covariance of the function arrow, but exactly the same eta-expansion issues arise.

Proposed Change Specification

There are no syntactic changes.

The changes to the type system is to simplify the subsumption judgement by removing

  • Covariance of function types

  • Contravariance of function types

  • Deep skolemisation

  • Deep instantiation

Thinking about a transition, it is very difficult to accept all current programs, while providing a warning for programs that will need to be changed when the propsal is adopted. Doing so would amount to compiling every program twice, which does not seem acceptable.

It would be possible to offer a flag that restored the old behaviour, but that still means changing the .cabal file, or adding a LANGUAGE pragma. It seems more straightforward simply to change the source code to work with the new restrictions. These changes turn out to be extremely minor, and fully backward compatible.


See Motivation above.

Effect and Interactions

  • See Section 7 of the Quick Look paper for a detailed analysis of the practical impact of these changes.

  • Everything (specification, implementation) becomes a bit simpler

  • Quick Look Impredicativity gains more power

Key conclusions of the practical impact (details in the paper) are: * Where programs require changes under this proposal, those changes are simple, local, and arguably desirable anyway. * The changes are backward-compatible: if you change a package to accommodate this proposal, it’ll still compile with earlier GHC’s too.

Costs and Drawbacks

The main user-facing cost is that some existing programs will require some manual eta-expansion.

There are some implementation consequences:

  • TcUnify.matchExpectedFunTys would need to be extended to deal with the possiblity of a forall. Very straightforward.

  • The ambiguity check would need a bit more code than at present. Currently, we just check whether ty <= ty using the existing subsumption check: if this check fails, the type is ambiguous. With but with a simpler subsumption check Int -> forall a. String would be a sub-type of itself, even though it’s plainly ambiguous. So we’d have to write a proper ambiguity checker. Not hard!

Examples of back-compat issues

We found an example of a back-compat problem in cabal-doctest. In Cabal:Distribution/Compat/Prelude we have:

type CabalIO a = HasCallStack => IO a

(actually the definition re-uses IO as the name, but that’s just confusing, so I’ve renamed it CabalIO here.) Then in Cabal:Ditribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo we have

withLibLBI :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo
           -> (Library -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> CabalIO ()) -> CabalIO ()

Finally, in cabal-doctest, a function has a local definition, with no type signature, looking like

let getBuildDoctests withCompLBI mbCompName compExposedModules
                     compMainIs compBuildInfo = ...
...(getBuildDoctests withLibLBI ...)...

Now, lacking a type signature on getBuildDoctests, GHC infers the type of the function to have plain arrows in its type, something like

getBuildDoctests :: (PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> blah -> IO ())
                 -> ...blah...

but in the call the actual argument withLibLBI has type

withLibLBI :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> blah -> HasCallStack => IO ()

And the function and its argumetnt do not agree about the placement of the HasCallStack constraint. With deep skolemisation, GHC would eta-expand the call to

getBuildDoctests (\ a b c. withLibLBI a b c)  ...

but, as discussed, that is unsound in general.

Moreover, there is a nested use of CabalIO in withLibLBI’s third argument, so GHC has to use contravariance and more eta expansion to make that line up.

The solution is simple, and improves the code: just give getBuildDoctests a type signature!


  1. Status quo. But the the status quo is extremely unsatisfactory.

  2. Change GHC’s internmediate language to base it on System F-eta (Mitchell, 1988). In this language, everything is done modulo eta expansion/contraction. Apart from the huge engineering consequences, it’s not clear that F-eta as an intermediate language is compatible with Haskell, which distinguishes bottom from (:raw-latex:`\x`.bottom).

Unresolved Questions

Implementation Plan

Implementation is relatively easy. I can do it, or Richard, or Alejandro.