Deep Subsumption

DeepSubsumption is a languge extension which allows users to opt-into deep subsumption as it existed before GHC-9.0.

1. Motivation

The simplified subsumption proposal argued in favour of simplifying the subsumption judgement in GHC’s type system, by removing:

  • Covariance and contravariance of function types

  • Deep skolemisation

  • Deep instantiation.

The change was motivated by wanting to simplify both the implementation and language semantics, as well as being a stepping-stone to the implementation of Quick-look impredicativity.

Unfortunately, the breakage study failed to accurately predict how annoying this change would be to users. Some common patterns found in libraries now require eta-expansion, when the compiler used to automatically insert the appropriate lambdas.

This proposal suggests adding a new language extension, DeepSubsumption, enabled by default in the common case when the language is set to -XHaskell2010, which recovers the previous subsumption rules. This would allow users to opt-in to deep subsumption as it was before GHC-9.0.

2. Proposed Change Specification

We propose to add a language extension DeepSubsumption which restores the previous deep subsumption behaviour:

  • The extension implements deep skolemisation and the co/contra subtyping rules, which were removed by simplified subsumption.

  • It does not re-introduce deep instantiation. Doing only shallow instantation is not a cause of breakage: it changes only some types reported in error messages and in GHCi. Moreover, deep instantiation is fundamentally incompatible with the widely used TypeApplications extension.

  • It makes no changes to the Quick Look algorithm, which implements ImpredicativeTypes. That is, Quick Look treats function arrows as invariant, even if DeepSubsumption is on. As its name suggests, Quick Look takes a quick look at an application, searching for opportunities for impredicative instantiation, but leaves the main type inference algorithm unaffected.

When DeepSubsumption is on by default:

  • DeepSubsumption will be part of the Haskell2010 and Haskell98 extension sets.

  • DeepSubsumption will not be part of GHC2021.

Like any other extension, DeepSubsumption can be turned on or off with a LANGUAGE pragma or in a .cabal file. Because DeepSubsumption is part of Haskell2010 and Haskell98, projects compiled with .cabal files that declare either of these to be the default-language will get the benefits of deep subsumption, much like it was implemented prior to GHC-9.0. Note that any project using GHC2021 must also have upgraded to use shallow subsumption, because the two features came out in the same GHC release.

2.2 Warnings

Given that we don’t think that using DeepSubsumption is a good idea, we also propose to improve diagnostics to help users migrate to simplified subsumption.

  • When -XDeepSubsumption is off, the error message can be improved to suggest eta-expansion (and optionally enabling DeepSubsumption).

  • When -XDeepSubsumption is on:

    • A new warning -Wdeep-subsumption, in -Wcompat and -Weverything (but not other warning sets), will warn whenever deep subsumption is used, suggesting that the user eta-expand.

    • A new warning -Wauto-lambda-destroys-sharing, in -W, will warn (on a best effort basis) when deep subsumption creates a lambda that may destroy runtime sharing (and thus pessimise runtimes).

In the text above, “eta-expansion” is a short-hand used in this proposal. The actual error message will be crafted to either avoid or introduce this terminology.

3. Examples

In this section we present two case studies about how migrating to simplified subsumption has been challenging for users.

Example 1: Type synonyms with quantified variables

The example given by ParetoOptimalDev on Discourse was carefully analysed by Jaro R.

Certain libraries such as pipes define a general data type together with specialised type synonyms with universally quantified type variables. It is key to use a type synonym rather than a newtype, so that the specialised versions can still work with more general combinators. For example, pipes defines the following data types:

data Proxy x' x a b m r = ....

type Producer' b m r = forall x' x . Proxy x' x () b m r

and also provides the fromHandle function, which uses the Producer' type synonym:

fromHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle -> Producer' ByteString m ()

Using the fromHandle function can lead to compilation failures with simplified subsumption. For example:

withFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r

readFreqSumFile file = readFreqSumProd $ withFile file ReadMode fromHandle

Here fromHandle has a forall to the right of its arrow, whereas withFile’s third argument does not.

Solution 1: Eta-expansion

As described in the simplfied subsumption proposal, the simplest fix is to eta-expand the call to fromHandle in the definition of readFreqSumFile:

readFreqSumFile file = readFreqSumProd $ withFile file ReadMode (\x -> fromHandle x)

However, ParetoOptimalDev isn’t so satisfied by this solution because

  1. It required many such “pointless” changes to the code base.

  2. It seems “random” when you need to eta-expand or not, Haskell programmers expect eta-equivalence to hold (even though it does not and never has).

  3. They view the benefits (simpler language, simpler semantics) as something that is not worth breaking. We have lived with deep subsumption for many years.

This led Jaro to explore some other alternatives.

Solution 2: Newtype Wrapper

Simon PJ suggests making these type synonyms into newtypes:

newtype Producer' b m r = MkProducer' (forall x' x. Proxy x' x () b m r)

If you implement all the required constraints for this type then you can just write the original:

readFreqSumFile file = readFreqSumProd $ withFile file ReadMode PB.fromHandle

But this is not quite a good solution here, because you can’t automatically derive all the instances, and you cannot compose these producers with other pipes. This interoperability could possibly be restored by using the same tricks that the optics library uses to get their lenses to compose, but that seems like quite a big change here.

Solution 3: Rewrite type synonyms in place

Another simple change to resolve this is to avoid using type synonyms altogether, by inlining their definition in-place:

fromHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle -> Proxy x' x () ByteString m ()

Then the original non-eta-expanded implementation of readFreqSumFile typechecks without issues. However, this worsens the usability of the library, as it becomes harder to understand that the Proxy in this case really must be a producer. It is also another invasive change to rewrite all the type signatures of all downstream libraries which use this pattern.

Solution 4: Deep Subsumption

With this proposal, the user enables DeepSubsumption and the program continues to typecheck as before:

{-# LANGUAGE DeepSubsumption #-}


readFreqSumFile file = readFreqSumProd $ withFile file ReadMode PB.fromHandle

Example 2: Type synonyms with implicit parameters

Another consumer hit hard by the change is the Integrated Haskell Platform. In particular they define a type synonym which contains an implicit parameter:

type Html = (?context :: ControllerContext) => Html5.Html

which is used to create the renderUser combinator:

renderUser :: User -> Html
renderUser user = [hsx|<li>{get #name user}</li>|]

but now renderUser fails to typecheck in renderUsers without eta-expansion:

forEach :: (MonoFoldable mono, Applicative m) => mono -> (Element mono -> m ()) -> m ()

renderUsers :: [User] -> Html
renderUsers users = [hsx|
    {forEach users renderUser}

Again, renderUser has a forall to the right of its function arrow (hidden under Html), while forEach’s second arguemnt does not. The “solution” is to eta-expand the call to renderUser:

renderUsers :: [User] -> Html
renderUsers users = [hsx|
    {forEach users (\x -> renderUser x)}

But such changes were deemed unsatisfactory by the maintainers:

All of them break existing IHP apps / require a lot of changes when updating.

In this situation too, the benefits of simplified subsumption are deemed to not be worth the costs in terms of usability and user-friendliness. This too suggests re-instating the old behaviour as an opt-in by adding a DeepSubsumption extension.

4. Effect and Interactions

The DeepSubsumption language pragma has all the drawbacks identified in the simplified subsumption proposal, but crucially allows users to opt-in to the drawbacks if their value judgement is different to that of the steering committee.

5. Costs and Drawbacks

  • We do not recommend that people use this feature. It makes the language more complicated and runtime performance less predictable.

  • In situations where the eta-expansion behaviour is desired for its user-friendliness, the requirement to enable a strange DeepSubsumption extension might just lead to even more confusion.

  • Alejandro Serrano suggests that reintroducing this feature will not alleviate any pain, because by the time it is introduced maintainers will have already updated their libraries to account for the changes, and will not want to introduce more churn by enabling DeepSubsumption and removing the eta-expansions they recently added.

6. Alternatives

  • The alternative is to do nothing. Users will have to accept that simplified subsumption is here to stay and update their code appropiately.

7. Unresolved Questions

  • We need to decide whether we would want to backport this feature to the 9.2 branch.

8. Implementation

Fortunately, the implementation complexity of adding DeepSubsumption is modest, and well localised. We already have an MR that implements it: !8210.

9. Endorsements