1 Allow expressions in SPECIALISE pragmas

GHC today supports SPECIALISE pragmas (American spelling also accepted) that cause GHC to create a (partially) monomorphised version of a polymorphic function, often increasing efficiency:

addMult :: Num a => a -> a -> a
addMult x y = x * 2 + y

{-# SPECIALISE addMult :: Int -> Int -> Int #-}

With the SPECIALISE pragma, GHC will produce

addMultInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
addMultInt x y = x * 2 + y
{-# RULES "addMult/Int" addMult = addMultInt #-}  -- NB: applies only at type Int

Note that addMultInt uses no indirection in its use of addition and multiplication, unlike addMult, which makes two calls to dictionary functions, confounding branch prediction and slowing down execution. The RULE means that GHC will replace all calls of addMult at Int to use the faster version.

The syntax of today’s SPECIALISE requires a function and its specialised type.

This proposal suggests to generalise the syntax of SPECIALISE to allow a function application with an optional type signature, not just a function name and a type. Happily, this is backward compatible, because type signatures are expressions, too. This will allow, for example

{-# SPECIALISE addMult @Double #-}
{-# SPECIALISE addMult (5 :: Int) #-}
{-# SPECIALISE addMult 5 :: Int -> Int #-}

The first of these is a more succinct phrasing of what we have today: it simply specialises addMult to work on Doubles, but without having to repeat the entire type. The second does something new: it allows expression specialisation, which can then lead to further evaluation within the function body. In this case, GHC will create

addMult5 :: Int -> Int -> Int
addMult5 y = let x = 5 in x * 2 + y
{-# RULES "addMult/5" addMult 5 = addMult5 #-}

GHC can then further optimize the right-hand side of addMult5 to avoid doing any multiplication at run time.

1.1 Motivation

See the introduction. In addition to the examples there, we can imagine a case like this

frob :: Bool -> ...
frob b ... = ...
    ... if b then helper1 else helper2 ...

The function frob is a big, complicated function. Deep in its bowels, it either uses helper1 or helper2 to do a critical step. However, most (or maybe all) call sites of frob pass in a literal True or False. Really, it would make sense to have frobHelper1 and frobHelper2 as separate functions, but that would cause unhappy duplication of all the complexity inherent in frob.

With the ability to specialise expressions, we can write

{-# SPECIALISE frob True #-}
{-# SPECIALISE frob False #-}

This will make two copies of frob, one for True and one for False. These will then be optimised to make direct calls to helper1 or helper2, respectively. Call sites (that use a literal True or False) will be rewritten to use the specialised versions.

1.2 Proposed Change Specification

  1. Here is the new BNF for SPECIALISE pragmas:

    pragma ::= ...
            |  '{-#' specialise_keyword activation rule_foralls specexp [ '::' type ]'#-}'  -- (1)
            |  '{-#' specialise_keyword activation qvar '::' type ',' types1 '#-}'          -- (2) DEPRECATED
    specexp ::= qvar
             |  specexp aexp
             |  specexp '@' atype
      -- as today
    activation ::= ...  -- this encompasses "[2]" and "[~0]"
      -- as today
    rule_foralls ::= 'forall' rule_vars '.' 'forall' rule_vars '.'
                 |   'forall' rule_vars '.'
                 |   {- empty -}
      -- as today
    types1 ::= types1 ',' type
           |   type
  2. The first production (1) includes {-# SPECIALISE f :: type #-} as a special case in which there are no arguments. The :: type part is optional, because it is often unnecessary if arguments are supplied.

  3. The second production (2) is there only to support the current (implemented but entirely undocumented) possiblity of having multiple types in one SPECIALISE pragma. With this proposal, GHC will deprecate this form. A new warning, controlled by -Wdeprecated-pragmas (in -Wdefault), will be emitted when it is used, and GHC may remove support for the syntax altogether after at least two major releases with the warning.

  4. As today, SPECIALISE pragmas may be written only at top-level or in a class or instance declaration, never in a let or where.

  5. The optional forall clauses operate just like in rewrite rules: If there is one forall, it binds term variables. If there are two foralls, the first binds type variables and the second binds term variables.

  6. All free variables of a SPECIALISE pragma must be in scope, and the expression must be well typed.

  7. The qvar at the head of the specexp must not be one of the forall’d variables.

  8. We do not allow infix notation: the function to be specialised must be at the head. One could change this choice, but it is simple and clear.

  9. Assume there is a definition f = rhs. (It may be defined with arguments on the left of course.) Then a SPECIALISE pragma

    {-# SPECIALISE [1] forall x,y. f True (x,y) #-}

    causes GHC to do the following:

    1. Create a fresh name (we’ll call it f').

    2. Create a new top-level binding f' x y = rhs True (x,y).

    3. Create a new rewrite rule {-# RULES "f/f'" [1] forall x,y. f True (x,y) = f' x y #-}.

    4. If the SPECIALISE INLINE pragma is used (or its American spelling), then GHC additionally adds {-# INLINE [act] f' #-}. This behavior is unchanged from today.

    GHC does not need to build source syntax as written above, and then typecheck and desugar it; it just behaves as if that happened. In practice, inference will be run on the original pragma, and the new top-level binding and rewrite rule will be constructed (in Core) to be well-typed.

  10. GHC will issue a warning (controlled by -Wuseless-specialisations and part of the default warnings) if a specialisation can be determined to be useless (that is, not specialise anything). Examples: {-# SPECIALISE addMult #-}, {-# SPECIALISE forall x y. addMult x y #-}, and {-# SPECIALISE addMult :: Num a => a -> a -> a #-}. This warning should trigger when the elaborated expression is eta-equivalent to the function being specialised.

1.3 Examples

See the introduction and Motivation sections. As an example with variables, we have

(-) x y = ...rhs...
{-# SPECIALISE forall (x :: Int). (-) x 1 #-}

This will cause the following declarations:

minus' :: Int -> Int
minus' x = (...rhs...) x 1
{-# RULES "minus1" forall x. (-) x 1 = minus' x #-}

Now, every time we say any_expression - 1 in our (optimised) program, we will actually invoke minus'.

Consider a recursive function

f :: Bool -> Int -> Int
f b x = ...(if b then e1 else e2)...(f b e3)...

{-# SPECIALISE f True #-}

Then GHC will generate

f' = (\b x -> ...(if b then e1 else e2)...(f b e3)...) True
{-# RULES "f" f True = f' #-}

After simplifying the RHS of f', including applying the rewrite rule in its RHS, we get

f' = \x -> ...e1...(f' e3)...

Note that f' has become self-recursive, through the application of the rewrite rule.

Consider another recursive function

loop :: [Int] -> Int
loop [] = 1
loop (x:xs) = x * loop xs

{-# SPECIALISE loop [] #-}
{-# SPECIALISE forall x xs . loop (x:xs) #-}

This will generate

loopNil = 1
loopCons x xs = x * loop xs

{-# RULES "loop/loopNil" loop [] = loopNil #-}
{-# RULES "loop/loopCons" forall x xs . loop (x:xs) = loopCons x xs #-}

So a call like loop [1,2] will fire the loop/loopCons rule to give

loop [1,2]  -->   loopCons 1 [2]

But loopCons is a simple non-recursive function, and may well inline (especially if you say SPECIALISE INLINE)

loopCons 1 [2]  -->  x * loop [2]

Now the process can repeat, and the loop is unrolled.

1.4 Effect and Interactions

  1. This generalises the current syntax for specialisation pragmas in a natural way. Indeed, I have written specialisation pragmas using the type applications syntax just expecting them to work.

  2. Specialisation is now possible for functions with ambiguous types, previously impossible.

  3. Term-level specialisation is now possible, a new feature that will enable users to avoid repetition with no runtime cost.

  4. Given how this builds on the existing machinery so nicely, the implementation burden is expected to be small.

  5. The syntax allowing multiple types to be specified is not documented in the manual and is rarely used, according to a Hackage search, and does not scale to handle the expression-level specialisation of this proposal. Hence the plan to remove this undocumented feature altogether.

1.5 Costs and Drawbacks

  1. It is a bit annoying that the multiple-types syntax is not covered by this proposal, but the world is not perfect.

1.6 Alternatives

  1. We do not have to do anything. But it seems the language is crying out for this generalisation, so doing nothing would be very unsatisfying.

1.7 Unresolved Questions

None at this time.