1 Unsatisfiable

This proposal introduces a new built-in constraint form, Unsatisfiable, as a mechanism for introducing custom type error messages. It is similar to the existing TypeError built-in type family, but it is more predictable when errors are reported.

A previous iteration of this proposal included another constraint form, Warning, for custom type warnings. This is now described in proposal #454 instead.

1.1 Motivation

GHC allows users to define custom type error messages using the TypeError type family. This is defined (in GHC.TypeLits) as follows:

type family TypeError (a :: ErrorMessage) :: b where

TypeError is poly-kinded, so it can be instantiated wherever needed: typically either on the right-hand side of a type family definition to mark an invalid case, or in a context (instantiating it at kind Constraint) to indicate that a constraint should not be solved.

When GHC is reporting custom type errors it renders the user-supplied ErrorMessage argument in place of the usual type error message. The details of the ErrorMessage type are not crucial here: it allows concatenation of literal strings and pretty-printed types. For further details of the current design, see the GHC user’s guide on TypeError.

However, type families do not currently enjoy a clearly-defined operational semantics. It is not well specified under what circumstances GHC will reduce type families during the constraint solving stage of type inference, so it is not obvious when a TypeError will be encountered and reported as an error. In practice, GHC solves constraints normally, then when reporting unsolved constraints, it searches the constraint type for occurrences of TypeError and reports any that it finds. Unfortunately, this can lead to surprising behaviour, as the following subsections describe.

1.1.1 TypeError can report errors too lazily

The following is a tempting but problematic use of TypeError, because it does not report an error when one would be expected:

type family NotCharBad x :: Type where
  NotCharBad Char = TypeError (Text "Oops")
  NotCharBad x    = x

f :: x -> [NotCharBad x] -> [NotCharBad x]
f _ r = r

oops :: Bool
oops = null (f 'x' [])

The intention is that f should not be callable with x ~ Char. However type-checking oops does not depend on how NotCharBad Char reduces, so the TypeError is not triggered.

See #13775 for another example of a type error being reported too lazily.

Where it is important that certain inputs are prohibited, a better pattern is to use type families that return constraints:

type family NotCharGood x :: Constraint where
  NotCharGood Char = TypeError (Text "Oops")
  NotCharGood x    = ()

g :: NotCharGood x => x -> [x] -> [x]
g _ r = r

Now type-checking null (g 'x' []) will need to solve the NotCharGood Char constraint, and hence will trigger the TypeError.

1.1.2 TypeError can report errors too eagerly

In the previous subsection, we saw a program that did not report a custom type error when one would be expected, and that this can be avoided by using TypeError at kind Constraint. However, the opposite problem exists as well: sometimes custom type errors are reported when they are not expected.

As a simple example, it is not possible to directly write a function which will trigger a type error when used, because this is rejected at the definition site (in released GHC versions, though this is changing per #20241):

foo :: TypeError (Text "Don't call foo") => Int
foo = 0

As a more substantial example, consider the following (where If is the type family from Data.Type.Bool):

-- Using a type family rather than a type synonym to work around #20181
type family ExpectTrue x :: Constraint where
  ExpectTrue x = If x (() :: Constraint) (TypeError (Text "Input was False!"))

h :: ExpectTrue x => proxy x -> ()
h _ = ()

-- This works:
eg1 _ = h (Proxy @True)

-- This yields an error (expected):
eg2 _ = h (Proxy @False)

-- This yields an error (unexpected):
eg3 p = h p

Here h is supposed to be called with x ~ True. As one would expect, explicitly instantiating x ~ True allows it to be called, while instantiating x ~ False triggers the error. However, eg3 demonstrates that the error is triggered also when x is unconstrained. This is because GHC infers that:

eg3 :: If x () (TypeError (Text "Input was False!")) => proxy x -> ()

Even though x is not yet known, and the If type family application may reduce to eliminate the TypeError depending on the value of x, GHC still reports the occurrence of the TypeError.

See #14771 and #16906 for more examples of errors being reported too eagerly.

1.1.3 TypeError can report too many errors

One of the uses of TypeError is to point out that a class instance is impossible, with a domain-specific error message. For example:

class ReflexiveEq a where
    reflexiveEq :: a -> a -> Bool

instance TypeError (Text "Equality is not reflexive on Double") => ReflexiveEq Double where
    reflexiveEq _ _ = False

This displays the custom type error when trying to use the instance:

ghci> reflexiveEq 0 (0 :: Double)

<interactive>:28:1: error:
     Equality is not reflexive on Double
     In the expression: reflexiveEq 0 (0 :: Double)

However, when superclasses are involved, the instance may need to carry additional constraints, which can result in too many errors being reported. For example:

class Eq a => ReflexiveEq' a where
    reflexiveEq' :: a -> a -> Bool
    reflexiveEq' = (==)

instance (TypeError (Text "Can't compare functions with reflexiveEq"), Eq (a -> b)) => ReflexiveEq' (a -> b)

instance TypeError (Text "Can't compare functions with (==)") => Eq (a -> b) where
    _ == _ = False

Notice that the instance for ReflexiveEq' had to repeat the Eq (a -> b) constraint in the instance context, because otherwise a type error is reported at the instance definition site. But this approach means both errors are reported at the use site:

ghci> reflexiveEq' id not

<interactive>:36:1: error:
     Can't compare functions with (==)
     In the expression: reflexiveEq' id not
      In an equation for it: it = reflexiveEq' id not

<interactive>:36:1: error:
     Can't compare functions with reflexiveEq
     In the expression: reflexiveEq' id not
      In an equation for it: it = reflexiveEq' id not

Ideally, when using a custom type error to report a domain-specific error message for a particular instance, it would not be necessary to add other constraints to the instance context.

1.1.4 Marking instances as impossible

As noted in the previous subsection, a common use of TypeError is to get a custom error message when code uses a class instance that a library author wishes to mark as unusable.

For example, the optics library defines the following class and a catch-all instance with a custom error (plus other overlapping instances that do not use TypeError):

class JoinKinds k l m | k l -> m where
  joinKinds :: ...

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} ( JoinKinds k l m, TypeError ... ) => JoinKinds k l m where
  joinKinds _ = error "unreachable"

There are two issues with this definition:

  1. The instance context mysteriously includes JoinKinds k l m, which is the very constraint being defined. This is necessary to avoid GHC rejecting the definition due to a functional dependency violation. The apparent circularity is not a problem in practice, because current GHC versions will report the type error without looping, but it is unclear that this behaviour is guaranteed to remain consistent in the future.

  2. The class method joinKinds must be given a definition via an explicit call to error, to avoid a GHC warning that the method definition is missing.

Since the instance will never be used without a type error, it would be better if the instance context did not require the additional constraint to work around the functional dependency, and the class method could be omitted.

1.1.5 TypeError and -fdefer-type-errors

A further issue arises with -fdefer-type-errors. When this flag is enabled, GHC turns type errors into compile-time warnings, and replaces the erroneous code with runtime exceptions. However, when using TypeError to prevent a definition from being called, there is nothing to guarantee that the error will be triggered at runtime. For example:

ghci> let v = reflexiveEq 0 (0 :: Double)

<interactive>:32:9: warning: [-Wdeferred-type-errors]
     Equality is not reflexive on Double
     In the expression: reflexiveEq 0 (0 :: Double)
      In an equation for v: v = reflexiveEq 0 (0 :: Double)
ghci> v

We would expect evaluation of v to throw an error, but it does not! Instead it uses the “redundant” method definition from the ReflexiveEq Double instance to yield a value. See #16249 and #18310 for discussion of this issue.

Ideally, it would be possible for the definition of the reflexiveEq method in the ReflexiveEq Double instance to explicitly make use of the fact that the context is inconsistent, rather than giving a bogus definition that is not expected to be called. Then under -fdefer-type-errors, evaluation of the bogus evidence for the constraint would be forced, resulting in the expected runtime error.

1.2 Proposed Change Specification

The GHC.TypeError module (the planned new home for TypeError per !6066) is extended with the following definitions:

class Unsatisfiable (e :: ErrorMessage) where
  unsatisfiableLifted :: a

unsatisfiable :: forall (e :: ErrorMessage) {rep} (a :: TYPE rep). Unsatisfiable e => a
unsatisfiable = unsatisfiableLifted @e @((# #) -> a) (# #)

The full type of unsatisfiableLifted is:

unsatisfiableLifted :: forall (e :: ErrorMessage) (a :: Type). Unsatisfiable e => a

The class method needs to be lifted, but it is sometimes convenient to have unsatisfiable be representation-polymorphic (just as error is). Thus we use a trick to get from unsatisfiableLifted to unsatisfiable: instantiate it with the (lifted) function type (# #) -> a and apply it to the unboxed unit tuple.

The Unsatisfiable class and unsatisfiable function are exported, but the unsatisfiableLifted class method is not.

1.2.1 Treatment of Unsatisfiable constraints

Special rules in the constraint solver handle Unsatisfiable constraints that remain at the end of constraint solving:

  1. If at least one Given constraint of the form Unsatisfiable e is present, the constraint solver will automatically solve all Wanted constraints (including any Unsatisfiable Wanted constraints). The evidence for a Wanted w consists of a call to unsatisfiable @e @w.

  2. Otherwise, if a Wanted constraint of the form Unsatisfiable e remains unsolved, a type error is reported but the usual “unsolved constraint” error message is replaced by the custom message that results from normalising and rendering the type e :: ErrorMessage. The rendering of ErrorMessage values works just as for TypeError.

This happens after defaulting; it is rather like defaulting in that it takes place once “normal” constraint solving has made as much progress as it can. We wait until the end of constraint solving to make use of Given Unsatisfiable constraints, rather than exploiting them eagerly, so that programs are “as defined as possible”. For example, if we have Givens (Unsatisfiable e, Eq a) and Wanted Eq alpha, it is better to wait in case we later discover a ~ alpha and hence give a normal solution to the Eq alpha Wanted using the Eq a given. (This makes a difference to runtime semantics only when -fdefer-type-errors is in effect, as discussed below, or with unsafeCoerce.)

Moreover, Unsatisfiable constraints have the following special properties:

  1. An Unsatisfiable constraint is never automatically generalised.

  2. GHC will report an error if a user attempts to define an instance for Unsatisfiable.

  3. If an Unsatisfiable Given constraint is present during pattern-match coverage checking, the match is trivially regarded as total. (This is consistent with TypeError following #20180; see example 7 below.)

  4. If a class instance has an Unsatisfiable Given constraint in the context, it bypasses the functional dependency check. Moreover, GHC will not emit warnings about any missing methods or associated types. Missing methods will be implemented by calling unsatisfiable (rather than throwing the usual “No instance nor default method for class operation” exception). Missing associated types will simply not reduce. (See section 1.4 for motivation.)

Otherwise Unsatisfiable behaves like an ordinary class, in particular:

  1. During constraint solving, the solver treats Unsatisfiable constraints like any other class with no instances. An Unsatisfiable e Given constraint can solve a corresponding Unsatisfiable e Wanted constraint, but not Unsatisfiable e' for some distinct e'.

  2. The representation of an Unsatisfiable e constraint in Core is GHC’s normal representation of a class with a single method, equivalent to the dictionary:

    newtype UnsatisfiableDict e = MkUnsatisfiableDict (forall a . a)

    GHC does not use MkUnsatisfiableDict when solving constraints, because Wanted Unsatisfiable constraints are only ever solved by producing a call to unsatisfiable (or error, when using -fdefer-type-errors).

1.3 Examples

For more substantial examples, see the unsatisfiable package by Oleg Grenrus. This package implements a type-checker plugin that roughly corresponds to the design of the Unsatisfiable constraints in this proposal.

  1. The following definitions are accepted (assuming DataKinds, FlexibleContexts and TypeApplications are enabled):

    type Msg = Text "Cannot call 'uncallable'."
    uncallable :: Unsatisfiable Msg => ()
    uncallable = unsatisfiable @Msg
    uncallable' :: Unsatisfiable Msg => ()
    uncallable' = uncallable

    The definition of uncallable is accepted because Unsatisfiable appears as a Given, not a Wanted. In uncallable', the Wanted arising from the occurrence of uncallable is solved using the Given in the context.

  2. The following definition results in a custom type error message (as the Unsatisfiable Msg constraint is reported rather than being generalised over):

    rejected = uncallable  -- error
  3. The following definition is accepted:

    unusual :: Unsatisfiable Msg => Char
    unusual = 42  -- no error

    Here the presence of Unsatisfiable Msg in the context means that the Num Char constraint arising from the body of unusual is discharged automatically.

  4. The following definition is accepted:

    k :: Unsatisfiable (Text "No") => ()
    k = uncallable  -- no error

    The Given Unsatisfiable (Text "No") solves the Wanted Unsatisfiable Msg, even though the messages are different. This shows that error messages can be changed.

  5. Recall the following example from the Motivation, adapted for Unsatisfiable:

    type ExpectTrue x = If x (() :: Constraint) (Unsatisfiable (Text "Input was False!"))
    h :: ExpectTrue x => proxy x -> ()
    h _ = ()
    eg1 _ = h (Proxy @True)   -- no error
    eg2 _ = h (Proxy @False)  -- error
    eg3 p = h p               -- no error

    As with the TypeError version, eg1 is accepted and eg2 is rejected with a custom type error message. Unlike the TypeError version, eg3 is accepted, with the inferred type:

    eg3 :: If x () (Unsatisfiable ('Text "Input was False!")) => proxy x -> ()

    This is just the result of the normal constraint-solving behaviour. Since the type constructor at the head of the constraint is If, the special-purpose treatment of Unsatisfiable does not come into play. In contrast, using TypeError results in this definition being rejected, because GHC searches deeply inside the type for applications of TypeError.

  6. The ReflexiveEq example from the Motivation can now be written like this:

    class Eq a => ReflexiveEq a where
        reflexiveEq :: a -> a -> Bool
        reflexiveEq = (==)
    instance Unsatisfiable (Text "Can't compare functions with reflexiveEq") => ReflexiveEq (a -> b)
    type DoubleMsg = Text "Equality is not reflexive on Double"
    instance Unsatisfiable DoubleMsg => ReflexiveEq Double where
        reflexiveEq = unsatisfiable @DoubleMsg

    Even though Eq is a superclass of ReflexiveEq, the instance does not need to list it in the context, because the Given Unsatisfiable constraint suffices to solve the Eq (a -> b) constraint. This means that use sites will not accidentally duplicate error messages as with the current behaviour of TypeError.

    Moreover, when -fdefer-type-errors is used to call reflexiveEq 0 (0 :: Double), this will result in a runtime exception that correctly blames the use of -fdefer-type-errors to bypass the Unsatisfiable constraint.

  7. The following is regarded as total by the pattern-match coverage checker (thanks to /u/ComicIronic on Reddit for the example):

    data MyGADT a where
      MyInt :: MyGADT Int
    type family IsBool a where
      IsBool Bool = ()
      IsBool a    = Unsatisfiable (Text "Must be Bool")
    foo :: IsBool a => MyGADT a -> Void
    foo x = case x of {}

    This means it is possible to use Unsatisfiable to get custom error messages, without needing to write cases that are in practice inaccessible. Similar functionality was recently implemented for TypeError by Sam Derbyshire (see #20180).

  8. The following is accepted despite the apparent functional dependency violation:

    class C a b | a -> b
    instance Unsatisfiable (Text "No") => C a b

    That is, an instance can be ruled out with a custom type error even where this would otherwise conflict with the functional dependencies.

1.4 Effect and Interactions

The points at which Unsatisfiable constraints trigger type error messages are well-specified, and fit well with GHC’s constraint-based type inference algorithm. This means it should be simpler and more predictable than TypeError.

Unsatisfiable does not subsume TypeError entirely, because Unsatisfiable is restricted to kind Constraint, whereas TypeError is kind-polymorphic. Thus there may be situations where TypeError is required, e.g. the “impossible” cases in type family definitions (comparable to error at the term level). Both Unsatisfiable and TypeError will remain available for use, so this proposal does not lead to significant backwards incompatibility.

The issues raised in the Motivation have now got more principled solutions:

  1. The NotCharBad type family in section 1.1 relied on instantiating TypeError at a kind other than Constraint. Unsatisfiable cannot be used in this way, and encourages the use of type families that return constraints as demonstrated by NotCharGood.

  2. The semantics of Unsatisfiable guarantee that a function like foo from section 1.2 should be definable (but not callable):

    foo :: Unsatisfiable (Text "Don't call foo") => Int
    foo = 0

    With TypeError this is a merely accidental property of the implementation, subject to change (see #20241).

    Moreover, an example such as eg3 from section 1.2 no longer results in an unexpected error:

    eg3 :: If x () (Unsatisfiable (Text "Input was False!")) => proxy x -> ()

    Here the constraint is not headed by Unsatisfiable so the error-reporting mechanism does not fire. Unlike TypeError, mere presence of Unsatisfiable somewhere within a constraint type does not trigger an error.

  3. When a Given Unsatisfiable constraint is present in a context (e.g. of a class instance), there is no need to include any other constraints in the context. This avoids the problems with unnecessary additional errors being reported as discussed in section 1.3. For example, the following is accepted:

    class Eq a => ReflexiveEq a where ...
    instance Unsatisfiable (Text "Can't compare functions with reflexiveEq") => ReflexiveEq (a -> b)
  4. In the JoinKinds example from section 1.4, the following is accepted:

    instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} ( Unsatisfiable ... ) => JoinKinds k l m

    It is no longer necessary to include JoinKinds k l m in the context to bypass the functional dependency, nor define the joinKinds class method to avoid a redundant warning.

  5. The unsatisfiable function allows explicit appeals to the “evidence” for an Unsatisfiable constraint. These may be inserted automatically by the compiler, but they may also be written explicitly by a user who wishes to make clear that a particular term is unreachable. This avoids the problems described in section 1.5, because if -fdefer-type-errors is used to run code that should be unreachable, calls to unsatisfiable will force the error thunk inserted by -fdefer-type-errors and yield an appropriate error message (see further discussion of -fdefer-type-errors below).

1.4.1 Interaction with deferred type errors

As usual, when -fdefer-type-errors is enabled, unsolved constraint errors will be deferred to runtime by the compiler automatically generating a dictionary that throws a runtime exception if evaluated. The message attached to the exception contains the type error that was deferred (including its source position).

This proposal does not change this behaviour; a use of Unsatisfiable merely changes the message that is produced. For example:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fdefer-type-errors #-}

f :: Unsatisfiable (Text "Blah blah") => a -> a
f x = x+1

main = print (f True)

Compiling this program will emit a warning corresponding to the deferred type error. Executing it will throw a runtime exception like this:

*** Exception: Unsatisfiable.hs:24:15: error:
     Blah blah
        arising from a use of f
     In the first argument of print, namely (f True)
      In the expression: print (f True)
      In an equation for main: main = print (f True)
(deferred type error)

1.5 Costs and Drawbacks

This is yet another feature, and will require some implementation effort, but it should not require extensive changes to GHC’s existing constraint solving behaviour.

The differences between Unsatisfiable and TypeError may be subtle for novice users, but the increased convenience of Unsatisfiable for more advanced users defining custom type errors in libraries seems worth it.

1.6 Alternatives

There have been various requests for more powerful alternatives to TypeError. This proposal is deliberately simple. Proposal #59 and proposal #278 were more ambitious attempts to improve custom type errors, but both have been abandoned due to their complexity.

#18978 suggests introducing Annotate :: ErrorMessage -> Constraint -> Constraint where Annotate e c renders the message e if the constraint c cannot be solved, and is equivalent to c otherwise. This is similar to WithMessage from proposal #59. Unsatisfiable is the special case of Annotate where the constraint can never be solved. It might make sense to introduce Annotate together with or instead of Unsatisfiable, but it is not immediately obvious how to deal with constraints that are simplified rather than solved outright.

1.6.1 Relationship to TypeError

The relationship between Unsatisfiable and TypeError was summarised by David Feuer during the proposal discussion:

TypeError is a bit like throw—it can be used anywhere. Unsatisfiable is a bit like throwIO—it’s fairly well behaved.

Another possible alternative to this proposal would be to refine the strategy GHC uses for searching for occurrences of TypeError, possibly adding special-case behaviour when TypeError is used at kind Constraint. This would avoid the need for a separate Unsatisfiable class. However, in the absence of a well-defined operational semantics for type-level evaluation (which would clearly specify when a TypeError should be “triggered” during constraint solving), it seems inevitable that TypeError will be somewhat ad hoc. In contrast, restricting the kind to Constraint means that it is much easier to specify when Unsatisfiable should produce an error message.

Given this, it would perhaps not be unreasonable for GHC to issue a warning when TypeError is used at kind Constraint, encouraging the user to switch to Unsatisfiable instead. However this is not part of the current proposal, both because it is not immediately obvious how to specify such a warning, and because it seems better for Unsatisfiable to be generally accepted by the community before GHC starts actively warning against TypeError. (Many library authors seek to support multiple GHC versions, and so would require a compatibility shim library to use Unsatisfiable immediately.)

1.6.2 Other minor alternatives

Having Given Unsatisfiable constraints automatically solve all Wanted constraints is not strictly necessary, though it has been requested several times (#14983, #18310). The user could instead be required to call unsatisfiable explicitly to produce a value of type Dict c, defined by data Dict c where Dict :: c => Dict c.

Similarly, the pattern match coverage checker, functional dependency check, and missing methods warning could remain ignorant of Unsatisfiable constraints. Instead the user could explicitly write calls to unsatisfiable.

The proposed definition of unsatisfiable is levity-polymorphic, so it can be used directly at unlifted types. This is consistent with error, but is not strictly necessary. A consequence is that import GHC.TypeError (Unsatisfiable (..)) will not import unsatisfiable, so users preferring explicit imports will need to write import GHC.TypeError (Unsatisfiable, unsatisfiable) instead. While mildly annoying, this preserves freedom to tweak the class definition in the future without breaking backwards compatibility, and is consistent with Coercible and coerce, which likewise have to be imported separately.

1.7 Unresolved Questions
