OPAQUE pragma

To paraphrase https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/19553#note_339736:

Being able to mark a (global) binder opaque, thus:

{-# OPAQUE f #-}

What does OPAQUE mean?

To quote https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/415#issuecomment-802650289:

The ultimate goal is that every call of f generates, well, a call of f, not of some name-mangled variant.


The base/prelude library of the Clash Haskell-to-Hardware compiler has multiple functions where Clash should not translate the definitions of those functions to hardware, but use a specific-to-that-function hard-coded translation instead. An example of such a function would be multiplication for Clash’ arbitrary-sized signed number type (See https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/blob/ab6dd31dc61fc96bb058e57dc117db6f5626d3a9/clash-prelude/src/Clash/Sized/Internal/Signed.hs):

module Clash.Sized.Internal.Signed where

newtype Signed (n :: Nat) = S { unsafeToInteger :: Integer}

{-# NOINLINE times# #-}
times# :: Signed m -> Signed n -> Signed (m + n)
times# (S a) (S b) = S (a * b)

How does Clash know it should pick a hard-coded translation for that times# function? It reads in files such as https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/blob/ab6dd31dc61fc96bb058e57dc117db6f5626d3a9/clash-lib/prims/vhdl/Clash_Sized_Internal_Signed.primitives which contains entries such as:

{ "BlackBox" :
    { "name"      : "Clash.Sized.Internal.Signed.times#"
    , "template"  : "~IF~AND[~SIZE[~TYP[0]],~SIZE[~TYP[1]]]~THEN~ARG[0] * ~ARG[1]~ELSEsigned'(~SIZE[~TYPO]-1 downto 0 => '0')~FI"

which tells the Clash compiler that whenever it sees an application of Clash.Sized.Internal.Signed.times# it should use the string-template that’s given by the template entry, as opposed to looking up the definition of Clash.Sized.Internal.Signed.times# and translating that.

Clash uses the GHC API as a frontend, and also uses regular GHC+Cabal to install libraries. As such, Clash critically depends on GHC preserving applications of Clash.Sized.Internal.Signed.times#, and not inlining such functions.

One might assume that the NOINLINE pragma is sufficient, but as https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/19553 shows, it is not. That’s because worker/wrapper transformations translate definitions such as the above times# to:

times# :: Signed m -> Signed n -> Signed (m + n)
times# = times#1 |> coercion

times#1 :: Signed m -> Signed n -> Integer
times#1 (S a) (S b) = a * b

where the NOINLINE pragma on times# is dropped. GHC actually does this for good reasons: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/commit/6d49d5be904c0c01788fa7aae1b112d5b4dfaf1c

All of this is framed in the Clash use case, but I can image that other GHC (API) users needs/wants to recognize applications of certain functions, and thus doesn’t want those functions inlined (nor transformed by w/w).

Proposed Change Specification

  • Add a new OPAQUE pragma

  • Binders with an OPAQUE pragma are not inlined, just like NOINLINE.

  • Unlike NOINLINE, binders with an OPAQUE pragma are not w/w transformed, not even the cast w/w that happens in the early stage simplifier (which even happens for -O0 runs).

  • Unlike NOINLINE, OPAQUE pragmas can not have a phase activation, i.e. there is no OPAQUE[1].

  • Type-class specialisation is a no-op for binders annotated with an OPAQUE pragma, as is SpecConstr.

  • Let any caller of an OPAQUE annotated function know that while the annotated function might be head strict, it will not unbox its arguments.

  • OPAQUE is mutually exclusive with any of: INLINE, NOINLINE, SPECIALISE, CONLIKE

  • For the reason above, and unlike NOINLINE, OPAQUE does not form a two word pragma together with SPECIALIZE nor does it form a two word pragma with CONLIKE.


To indicate that times# really should not be inlined:

module Clash.Sized.Internal.Signed where

newtype Signed (n :: Nat) = S { unsafeToInteger :: Integer}

{-# OPAQUE times# #-}
times# :: Signed m -> Signed n -> Signed (m + n)
times# (S a) (S b) = S (a * b)

Effect and Interactions

We can now have binders that will: * Not be inlined * Not be type-class specialised * Not be specialised by SpecConstr * Not be w/w transformed, and thus not have a w/w wrapper that can be inlined

In addition, callers of that binding will: * No longer expect a wrapper to inline and unbox.

Costs and Drawbacks

Implementation should be straightforward:

  • Add an Opaque constructor to GHC.Types.Basic.InlineSpec

  • Extend the parser and lexer to process the OPAQUE pragma

  • Treat Opaque like NoInline throughout the rest of the GHC compiler, with the exception of W/W and specialisation related code.

  • Add guards to W/W related code to not transform Opaque annotated binders

  • Add guards to specialisation related code to not specialise Opaque annotated binders.

Drawbacks: * W/W transformation is quite important for performance, and disabling it seems like something you need extremely rarely. This pragma will only make sense for those with “deep” knowledge of GHC.


There’s already an -fno-worker-wrapper flag to disable “regular” W/W, but that’s quite a blunt instrument as the smallest granularity you have with applying it is complete modules.

In addition, as highlighted in https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/19553 -fno-worker-wrapper does not stop cast W/W as that happens in the early stage simplifier, i.e. cast W/W is also performed during -O0 runs. One suggestion was to have -fno-worker-wrapper also stop cast W/W, but that would affect -O0 runs compared to the status quo. Another options was to add a -fno-pre-worker-wrapper to stop W/W transformations in the early stage simplifier: cast W/W would then only be elided during -O0 -fno-pre-worker-wrapper runs. However, such a -fno-pre-worker-wrapper flag suffers from the same bluntness as the -fno-worker-wrapper flag.

Unresolved Questions

  • Should there be the two-word pragma combinations OPAQUE SPECIALIZE and OPAQUE CONLIKE?

No, they do not make sense, given that:

The ultimate goal is that every call of f generates, well, a call of f, not of some name-mangled variant.

Implementation Plan

I or one of my colleagues at QBayLogic will implement this change and submit an MR to the GHC gitlab.
