The Char kind

Haskell has support for type-level data in the form of the DataKinds extension, which promotes algebraic data types such as Bool, Maybe, or even user-defined ADTs. It also has special support for two non-algebraic data types: Symbol and Natural, representing type-level strings and type-level numbers respectively.

We propose to add support for one more non-algebraic data type, namely Char, thereby resolving the long-standing issue #11342.


The existing support for type-level strings is limited to:

  1. String literals:

    ghci> :kind "myString"
    "myString" :: Symbol
  2. String concatenation:

    ghci> :kind! AppendSymbol "hello" "world"
    AppendSymbol "hello" "world" :: Symbol
    = "helloworld"
  3. String comparison:

    ghci> :kind! CmpSymbol "hello" "world"
    CmpSymbol "hello" "world" :: Ordering
    = 'LT

There are no ways to decompose or analyse a type-level string in terms of its constituent characters. Constrast that with the API of Text, which offers a multitude of functions such as uncons, map, splitAt, and so on.

We could try to extend the API of Symbol accordingly. For example, the type-level counterpart of uncons :: Text -> Maybe (Char, Text) could be a built-in type family such as UnconsSymbol :: Symbol -> Maybe (Char, Symbol).

Notice that the return type of the proposed UnconsSymbol mentions Char. However, there’s currently no support for type-level characters:

ghci> :kind! 'x'
<interactive>:1:1: error: parse error on input '

We propose to fix this omission. The Char kind and the accompanying built-in type families will make it possible to implement type-level parsers (see the “Examples” section below).

Proposed Change Specification

  1. Extend the grammar of type-level literals with character literals:

    tylit ::=
      | STRING
      | CHAR       (NEW)

    The lexical syntax matches that of term-level character literals: the character enclosed in single quotes, e.g. 'X' or '\n'.

  2. Extend the GHC.TypeLits module with the following built-in type families:

    type family CmpChar (a :: Char) (b :: Char) :: Ordering
    type family ConsSymbol (a :: Char) (b :: Symbol) :: Symbol
    type family UnconsSymbol (a :: Symbol) :: Maybe (Char, Symbol)
    • The semantics of CmpChar match that of compare @Char.

    • The semantics of ConsSymbol and UnconsSymbol match that of (:) and Data.List.uncons respectively (via SymbolString). Unlike Data.Text.cons, we do not map UTF-16 surrogate code points to U+FFFD.

  3. Introduce the class KnownChar that allows the user to get hold of the type-level character in a term-level context by means of the charVal function:

    class KnownChar (n :: Char) where
    charVal :: forall n proxy. KnownChar n => proxy n -> Char
    charVal' :: forall n. KnownChar n => Proxy# n -> Char

    Cf. KnownSymbol and KnownNat

  4. Introduce the data type SomeChar with a conversion function called someCharVal. This data type also has Ord, Eq, Show, and Read instances:

    data SomeChar = forall n. KnownChar n => SomeChar (Proxy n)
    someCharVal :: Char -> SomeChar
    instance Eq SomeChar
    instance Ord SomeChar
    instance Show SomeChar
    instance Read SomeChar

    Cf. SomeSymbol and SomeNat

  5. Extend Template Haskell as follows:

    data TyLit =
        NumTyLit Integer
      | StrTyLit String
      | CharTyLit Char     (NEW)


The formatting library is a type-safe implementation of printf. However, instead of a formatting string, it introduces special combinators to construct a formatter:

> format ("Person's name is " % text % " and age is " % int) "Dave" 54
"Person's name is Dave and age is 54"

In Appendix I we offer a proof-of-concept implementation of a type-safe printf that builds upon the formatting library but adds support for formatting strings by parsing it at compile-time:

> formatS @"Person's name is %s and age is %d" "Danya" 26
"Person's name is Danya and age is 26"

A crucial part of the implementation is the use of the proposed UnconsSymbol type family:

type ParseFormat :: Symbol -> [FmtPart]
type ParseFormat s = ParseFormat1 '[] (UnconsSymbol s)

type ParseFormat1 :: [Char] -> Maybe (Char, Symbol) -> [FmtPart]
type family ParseFormat1 acc s where
  ParseFormat1 acc Nothing = AddLit acc '[]
  ParseFormat1 acc (Just '( '%', s)) = AddLit acc (ParseFormat2 (UnconsSymbol s))
  ParseFormat1 acc (Just '(c, s)) = ParseFormat1 (c : acc) (UnconsSymbol s)

Effect and Interactions

  1. Type-level text processing becomes more convenient. The users can do compile-time parsing without the use of Template Haskell.

  2. Types containing Char become promotable. A simple example:


    ghci> :kind! [ 'a', 'b' ]
    <interactive>:1:3: error: parse error on input '


    ghci> :kind! [ 'a', 'b' ]
    [ 'a', 'b' ] :: [Char]
    = '['a', 'b']
  3. GHC would accept type declarations like the following one:

    type A = 'a' :: Char
  4. Declaration such as the following one also become well-typed:

    t :: 'x' :~: 'x'
    t = Refl
  5. This feature also works with Template Haskell and Typeable. A couple of simple examples:

    ghci> type X = $( [t| 'x' :: Char |] )
    ghci> :kind! X
    X :: Char
    = 'x'
    ghci> typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy 'c')

Costs and Drawbacks

The API surface of GHC.TypeLits is increased. The added type families will become redundant with full-fledged support for dependent types.


  1. Previously, there was a quite similar patch by Alexander Vieth, see here. In contrast to this approach, we use the same Char and don’t introduce a distinct Character kind.

  2. The symbols library offers a different approach to parsing type-level strings. See “Parsing type-level strings in Haskell” by Csongor Kiss.

    symbols is based on a clever use of AppendSymbol and CmpSymbol to work around the lack of UnconsSymbol. Our approach offers better compile-time performance and scales beyond the ASCII character range.

  3. We may also define Symbol as a synonym for [Char] since Char becomes promotable with our patch. This way we wouldn’t need any built-in type families since UnconsSymbol and ConsSymbol could be defined by the user. We reject this alternative for several reasons. First of all, we keep Symbol for type-checking efficiency. Moreover, we would also handle type families inside cons cells when solving HasField constraints. For example, HasField T ('x' : F y : G z) ty.

  4. We can include a different set of built-in type families.

Unresolved Questions


Implementation Plan

See Merge Request !4351.

Appendix I

The full version of the example with formatters:

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module FormatS where

import Data.String ( IsString(..) )
import Data.Text.Lazy
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder hiding ( fromString )
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.TypeLits

import Formatting

data FmtPart = Lit Symbol | PctS | PctD

type ParseFormat :: Symbol -> [FmtPart]
type ParseFormat s = ParseFormat1 '[] (UnconsSymbol s)

type ParseFormat1 :: [Char] -> Maybe (Char, Symbol) -> [FmtPart]
type family ParseFormat1 acc s where
  ParseFormat1 acc Nothing = AddLit acc '[]
  ParseFormat1 acc (Just '( '%', s)) = AddLit acc (ParseFormat2 (UnconsSymbol s))
  ParseFormat1 acc (Just '(c, s)) = ParseFormat1 (c : acc) (UnconsSymbol s)

type ParseFormat2 :: Maybe (Char, Symbol) -> [FmtPart]
type family ParseFormat2 s where
  ParseFormat2 Nothing = TypeError ('Text "Expected a formatter after '%'")
  ParseFormat2 (Just '( 'd', s)) = PctD : ParseFormat s
  ParseFormat2 (Just '( 's', s)) = PctS : ParseFormat s
  ParseFormat2 (Just '(c, _)) = TypeError ('Text "Not a valid formatter: " :<>: ShowType c)

type AddLit :: [Char] -> [FmtPart] -> [FmtPart]
type family AddLit acc s where
  AddLit '[] ps = ps
  AddLit acc ps = Lit (FromReversedString acc "") : ps

type FromReversedString :: [Char] -> Symbol -> Symbol
type family FromReversedString cs s where
  FromReversedString '[] acc = acc
  FromReversedString (c:cs) acc = FromReversedString cs (ConsSymbol c acc)

type ParseFormat :: Symbol -> [FmtPart]
type family ParseFormat symb where
  ParseFormat symb = Foldr '[] (Foo symb)

class ToFmtElem (x :: FmtPart) where
  type FmtElemFn x r
  transformElem :: Proxy x -> Format r (FmtElemFn x r)

instance KnownSymbol s => ToFmtElem (Lit s) where
  type FmtElemFn (Lit s) r = r
  transformElem _ = fromString (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy s))

instance ToFmtElem PctS where
  type FmtElemFn PctS r = Text -> r
  transformElem _ = text

instance ToFmtElem PctD where
  type FmtElemFn PctD r = Int -> r
  transformElem _ = later decimal

class ToFmt (xs :: [FmtPart]) where
  type FmtFn xs r
  transform :: Proxy xs -> Format r (FmtFn xs r)

instance ToFmt '[] where
  type FmtFn '[] r = r
  transform _ = ""

instance (ToFmtElem x, ToFmt xs) => ToFmt (x : xs) where
  type FmtFn (x : xs) r = FmtElemFn x (FmtFn xs r)
  transform (Proxy :: Proxy (x : xs)) = transformElem (Proxy :: Proxy x) % transform (Proxy :: Proxy xs)

formatS :: forall symb. (KnownSymbol symb, ToFmt (ParseFormat symb)) => FmtFn (ParseFormat symb) Text
formatS = runFormat (transform (Proxy :: Proxy (ParseFormat symb))) toLazyText

example :: Text
example = formatS @"Person's name is %s and age is %d" "Danya" 26
-- "Person's name is Danya and age is 26"