Unify Nat and Natural

GHC currently uses GHC.TypeLits.Nat to describe compile-time natural numbers but Numeric.Natural.Natural to describe runtime ones. This proposal unifies the two by making GHC.TypeLits.Nat a synonym for Numeric.Natural.Natural.


GHC should not have two different types to represent natural numbers. One is enough. The existence of the separate kind Nat and the impossibility of using Natural at compile time (and data constructors with Natural fields) is an unnecessary complication. It forces us to create redundant types with Nat fields in their constructors (making these types uninhabited at runtime) only for use at compile time. This is more cumbersome than the promotion of ordinary data types.

Consider this data type with fields of type Natural:

data Point = MkPoint Natural Natural

Point is inhabited by terms, but not by types:

p = MkPoint 3 5       -- ok
type P = MkPoint 3 5  -- not ok

Alternatively, we could declare it with fields of type Nat:

data Point = MkPoint Nat Nat

Then it would have the opposite issue:

p = MkPoint 3 5        -- not ok
type P = MkPoint 3 5   -- ok

To avoid declaring two incompatible data types, we could add a parameter to Point:

data Point n = MkPoint n n
type PointT = Point Natural  -- inhabited by terms
type PointK = Point Nat      -- inhabited by types

However, this is a roundabout way to go about it, and in more involved scenarios requires additional machinery to support it (such as the Demote type family in the singletons package). By unifying Nat and Natural, we avoid this issue entirely.

Proposed Change Specification

  • Add type Nat = Natural in GHC.TypeNats.

  • Re-export Natural from GHC.TypeNats and GHC.TypeLits (along with the current re-export of Nat).

  • Assign numbers in types to have kind Natural instead of kind Nat.

Effect and Interactions

  • Instances written about Nat may now need TypeSynonymInstances, which is implied by FlexibleInstances. Or, they could be written to use Natural instead of Nat.

  • It is possible for someone to have separate instances today for Nat and Natural, though it is unclear how an instance on Nat would be useful. Having two separate instances for these types will not be possible after this proposal is implemented.

Otherwise, this change should be backward compatible. In particular, this proposal does not change parsing or other aspects of numbers written in types. For example, even though (-5 :: Natural) parses today (and throws a runtime error), that expression will not parse in types.

Costs and Drawbacks

  • We might be painting ourselves into a corner, having not yet worked out the way we will support other types of compile-time literals. But I (Richard) think this will be OK.


  • Do nothing.

Unresolved Questions

  • None at this time.

Implementation Plan