1 Decorate exceptions with backtrace information

Ease localization of runtime errors reported via the synchronous exception mechanism by attaching backtraces to exceptions.

1.1 Motivation

Exceptions are one of the primary mechanisms by which Haskell programs report errors. However, in contrast to most languages, Haskell provides only few tools for identifying the source of such errors. This leads to a poor debugging experience and makes it difficult to monitor systems in production.

While over the past few years GHC has grown a variety of mechanisms for reporting backtraces (e.g. HasCallStack, GHC.Stack.CCS, and DWARF debug information), currently we do not have a means to attach such backtraces to exceptions. The goal of this proposal is to fix this long-standing problem.

We want to ensure that exceptions report provenance information by default without requiring action on the part of the developer. To provide this provenance we leverage the existing mechanisms for collecting backtraces listed above. Furthermore, we want to ensure that this information is available for consumption in structured form by the user program, to allow use by logging libraries (for instance, see katip-raven #1), automatic error reporting, code analysis tools, and the like.

1.2 Proposed Change Specification

This proposal consists of four largely-independent parts:

  1. augmenting the current root of the exception hierarchy, SomeException, with additional metadata (“annotations”) in the form of an ExceptionContext;

  2. the introduction of annotation types to capture backtraces from the backtrace-collection mechanisms mentioned above;

  3. a facility for choosing which backtrace mechanism(s) should be used to collect exception provenance;

  4. changing the top-level exception handler to use displayException rather than show.

We will summarize these changes in the subsections below and give further context in the section that follows.

1.2.1 Annotations

Export the following new definitions from Control.Exception.Annotation:

  • The class of exception annotations:

    class Typeable a => ExceptionAnnotation a where
      displayExceptionAnnotation :: a -> String
      default displayExceptionAnnotation :: Show a => a -> String
      displayExceptionAnnotation = show
  • An existential wrapper for dynamically-typed exception annotations:

    data SomeExceptionAnnotation where
        SomeExceptionAnnotation ::
          forall a. (ExceptionAnnotation a) => a -> SomeExceptionAnnotation

1.2.2 Backtraces

Export the following new definitions from Control.Exception.Backtrace:

  • An enumeration of the mechanisms by which GHC can collect backtraces:

    data BacktraceMechanism
      = CostCentreBacktrace
      | HasCallStackBacktrace
      | ExecutionBacktrace
      | IPEBacktrace
  • During program execution, each backtrace mechanism is either enabled or disabled. This is tracked in global mutable state that can be accessed using the following functions

    getBacktraceMechanismState :: BacktraceMechanism -> IO Bool
    setBacktraceMechanismState :: BacktraceMechanism -> Bool -> IO ()

    By default, HasCallStackBacktrace is enabled and other mechanisms are disabled.

  • A record of collected backtraces:

    data Backtraces =
      Backtraces {
        costCentreBacktrace :: Maybe (Ptr CostCentreStack),
        hasCallStackBacktrace :: Maybe GHC.Stack.CallStack,
        executionBacktrace :: Maybe [GHC.ExecutionStack.Location],
        ipeBacktrace :: Maybe [StackEntry]
  • A function to render Backtraces to a user-readable string:

    displayBacktraces :: Backtraces -> String
    displayBacktraces = ...
  • An instance of ExceptionAnnotation for Backtraces:

    instance ExceptionAnnotation Backtraces where
      displayExceptionAnnotation = displayBacktraces
  • A procedure to collect backtraces at a given point in the program:

    collectBacktraces :: HasCallStack => IO Backtraces

    This function collects backtraces for the currently enabled mechanisms. As a consequence, enabling or disabling a mechanism will affect its performance.

1.2.3 Representing Exception Context

Export the following new definitions from Control.Exception.Context:

  • An abstract data type for exception contexts:

    data ExceptionContext
    instance Monoid ExceptionContext
    instance Semigroup ExceptionContext

    We do not export its constructors to allow for future changes.

  • A constraint synonym for an implicitly passed exception context:

    type HasExceptionContext = (?exceptionContext :: ExceptionContext)

    The fact that HasExceptionContext is defined as an implicit parameter is an implementation detail and is not considered a part of the API.

  • Functions to construct, extend, and deconstruct exception contexts:

    emptyExceptionContext :: ExceptionContext
    addExceptionAnnotation :: ExceptionAnnotation a => a -> ExceptionContext -> ExceptionContext
    getExceptionAnnotations :: ExceptionAnnotation a => ExceptionContext -> [a]
    getAllExceptionAnnotations :: ExceptionContext -> [SomeExceptionAnnotation]

    The order of annotations is preserved:

    getAllExceptionAnnotations $
        addExceptionAnnotation ann1 $
        addExceptionAnnotation ann2 $
        addExceptionAnnotation annk $
      SomeExceptionAnnotation ann1,
      SomeExceptionAnnotation ann2,
      SomeExceptionAnnotation annk

    Advertise the following time complexity for operations on contexts (the actual implementation may be more efficient):

    • addExceptionAnnotation – O(1)

    • getExceptionAnnotations – O(n)

    • getAllExceptionAnnotations – O(n)

  • A function to display the annotations of an ExceptionContext in human-readable form using displayExceptionAnnotation:

    displayExceptionContext :: ExceptionContext -> String

1.2.4 Attaching Context to Exceptions

In Control.Exception, modify existing definitions as follows:

  • Store the exception context in SomeException:

    - data SomeException = forall e.                      (Exception e) => SomeException e
    + data SomeException = forall e. (HasExceptionContext, Exception e) => SomeException e
  • Modify the Exception instance of SomeException as follows:

    instance Exception SomeException where
        toException e = e
        fromException = Just
        displayException (SomeException e) =
            displayException e ++ displayExceptionContext ?exceptionContext

Export the following new definitions from Control.Exception:

  • A function to retrieve the ExceptionContext attached to an exception:

    someExceptionContext :: SomeException -> ExceptionContext
  • A function that adds an annotation to a SomeException:

    addExceptionContext :: ExceptionAnnotation a => a -> SomeException -> SomeException
  • A function that catches any exception thrown by an IO action, adds an annotation to it using addExceptionAnnotation, and then rethrows it:

    annotateIO :: ExceptionAnnotation a => a -> IO r -> IO r

    It never calls collectBacktraces, adding only the user-specified annotation.

1.2.5 Providing context to handlers

Export the following new definitions from Control.Exception which provide a convenient way to gain access to ExceptionContext in exception handlers:

data ExceptionWithContext a =
  ExceptionWithContext ExceptionContext a

instance Show a => Show (ExceptionWithContext a)

instance Exception a => Exception (ExceptionWithContext a) where
    toException (ExceptionWithContext ctxt e) = SomeException e
      where ?exceptionContext = ctxt
    fromException se = do
        e <- fromException se
        return (ExceptionWithContext (someExceptionContext se) e)
    displayException = displayException . toException

1.2.6 Preserving exception causes on rethrowing

In Control.Exception:

  • Introduce a newtype:

    newtype WhileHandling = WhileHandling SomeException
    instance ExceptionAnnotation WhileHandling
  • Modify catch to add WhileHandling annotations to exceptions thrown from handlers:

    catch :: Exception e => IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a
    catch (IO io) handler = IO $ catch# io handler'
       handler' e =
         case fromException e of
           Just e' -> unIO (annotateIO (WhileHandling e) (handler e'))
           Nothing -> raiseIO# e

    Modify catchJust and handleJust accordingly (mutatis mutandis).

  • Introduce catchNoAnnotation exposing the old semantics of catch:

    catchNoAnnotation :: Exception e => IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a
    catchNoAnnotation (IO io) handler = IO $ catch# io handler'
       handler' e =
         case fromException e of
           Just e' -> unIO (handler e')
           Nothing -> raiseIO# e


  • Introduce catchExceptionNoAnnotation exposing the old semantics of catch:

    catchExceptionNoAnnotation :: Exception e => IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a
    catchExceptionNoAnnotation !io handler = catchNoAnnotation io handler

1.2.7 Capturing Backtraces on Exceptions

In Control.Exception, modify existing definitions as follows:

  • Add the following method and default definition to the Exception typeclass:

    backtraceDesired :: e -> Bool
    backtraceDesired _ = True
  • Add the following method implementation to the Exception SomeException instance:

    backtraceDesired (SomeException e) = backtraceDesired e
  • Introduce a (non-exposed) helper (mentioned here only to elucidate behavior):

    toExceptionWithBacktrace :: (HasCallStack, Exception e)
                             => e -> IO SomeException
    toExceptionWithBacktrace e
      | backtraceDesired e = do
          bt <- collectBacktraces
          return (addExceptionContext bt (toException e))
      | otherwise = return (toException e)
  • Modify throwIO as follows (note that this type will be further refined below in hascallstack):

    throwIO :: forall e a. Exception e => e -> IO a
    throwIO e = do
        se <- toExceptionWithBacktrace e
        raiseIO# se
  • Modify throw similarly:

    throw :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep). forall (a :: TYPE r). forall e.
             (?callStack :: CallStack, Exception e) => e -> a
    throw e =
        let !se = unsafePerformIO (toExceptionWithBacktrace e)
        in raise# se
  • Modify GHC.Exception.errorCallWithCallStackException to use toExceptionWithBacktrace instead of toException. This ensures that error and undefined gain Backtraces.

Export the following new definitions from Control.Exception:

  • The following newtype wrapper and instance which can be used by the user when throwing an exception to disable backtrace collection:

    newtype NoBacktrace e = NoBacktrace e
    instance Show e => Show (NoBacktrace e)
    instance Exception e => Exception (NoBacktrace e) where
      fromException = NoBacktrace . fromException
      toException (NoBacktrace e) = toException e
      backtraceDesired _ = False


  • Modify onException to avoid capturing a new backtrace:

    onException :: IO a -> IO b -> IO a
    onException io what = io `catchExceptionNoAnnotation` \e -> do
        _ <- what
        throwIO $ NoBacktrace (e :: SomeException)

1.2.8 HasCallStack Backtraces for Thrown Exceptions

In Control.Exception add HasCallStack constraints to the exception throw functions to allow inclusion in backtrace context:

throwIO :: forall e a. (HasCallStack, Exception e) => e -> IO a
throw   :: forall e a. (HasCallStack, Exception e) => e -> a

1.2.9 Asynchronous exceptions

Modify the following definitions in GHC.Conc.Sync:

throwTo :: forall e. (Exception e, HasCallStack) => ThreadId -> e -> IO ()

To avoid runtime overhead when throwing asynchronous exceptions to change control-flow in non-exceptional cases, define backtraceDesired _ = False in the following Exception instances:

  • ThreadKilled of GHC.IO.Exception.AsyncException

  • UserInterrupt of GHC.IO.Exception.AsyncException

  • System.Timeout.Timeout

1.2.10 Modifying the top-level handler

For historical reasons, the the top-level exception handler which all programs run under currently uses Show to display uncaught exceptions to the user. Change this handler to instead use the displayException method of the Exception class.

1.3 Discussion

The dynamically-typed open-world of exception types supported by Haskell is achieved through use of Typeable and the existentially-quantified SomeException type (see [Marlow2006] for details). We extend this type to allow exceptions to be extended in the “product” sense, allowing users to decorate existing exception types with ad-hoc metadata (represented by the ExceptionContext type).

The notion of ExceptionContext proposed here is taken from the generalized exception annotation machinery found in the annotated-exception library, which demonstrated the utility of being able to attach ad-hoc contextual data to exceptions. By folding this notion into base, we provide the community with a common means of capturing backtraces as well as application-specific metadata.

GHC currently has four distinct mechanisms for capturing backtraces, each with its own backtrace representation:

  • HasCallStack:
    • Pros: Can be used on all platforms; provides precise backtraces

    • Cons: Requires manual modification of the source program; runtime overhead

  • Cost-centre profiler (via GHC.Stack.CCS.getCurrentCCS):
    • Pros: Can be used on all platforms; fairly precise backtraces

    • Requires profiled executable (-prof); runtime overhead; may require manual SCC pragmas

  • DWARF debug information in conjunction with GHC’s built-in stack unwinder:
    • Pros: No runtime overhead; can trace through foreign code

    • Cons: Highly platform-specific (currently only available on Linux); slow backtrace collection; imprecise backtraces; large binary size overhead (built with -g3)

  • Info-table provenance (IPE) information (via GHC.Stack.CloneStack):
    • Pros: Can be used on all platforms; no runtime overhead

    • Cons: Large binary size overhead; no visibility into foreign code; must be built with -finfo-table-map

All of these backtrace mechanisms have their uses, offering a range of levels of detail, executable size, and runtime overhead. Given the complementary nature of these mechanisms, GHC should not dictate which of these mechanisms should be used to report exception backtraces. Consequently, we use the above-described context mechanism to allow backtraces from any of these mechanisms to be captured attached to exceptions.

The fact that backtrace collection with some of these mechanisms can be rather expensive motivates two features of this proposal:

  • the NoBacktrace wrapper, allowing users to disable backtrace collection at the throw-site. This is sometimes necessary when exceptions are used for non-exceptional control flow.

  • the ability to enable and disable individual exception mechanisms via setBacktraceMechanismState.

Since most of these mechanisms require changes in build configuration from the user to be useful, we proposal to only enable collection of HasCallStack backtraces by default.


Marlow, S. “An Extensible Dynamically-Typed Hierarchy of Exceptions.” Haskell ‘06 (<https://simonmar.github.io/bib/papers/ext-exceptions.pdf>).

1.3.1 Handling of rethrowing

One pattern frequently seen in Haskell programs is rethrowing. Typically this takes the form of catching one type of exception and throwing in its place another exception more specific to the application domain. For instance,

data MyAppError = MissingConfigurationError | ...

readFile "my-app.conf" `catch` $ \ (ioe :: IOError) ->
    if isDoesNotExistError ioe
      then throwIO MissingConfigurationError
      else throwIO ioe

This pattern can be problematic in the presence of exception context: the exception thrown by the handler lacks any of the context attached to the original IOError, including any backtraces.

While in some select cases dropping context may be desireable (e.g. to avoid exposing implementation details unnecessarily to the user), in general this proposal seeks to make exception provenance information ubiquitous and reliable. Consequently, we propose to that catch and handle be modified to preserve “parent” exceptions via WhileHandling annotations when an exception is thrown from a handler.

One implication of this change is that it becomes harder for library authors to hide internal exceptions from the user. In principle this could result in leakage of secrets from an application via WhileHandling annotations; for this reason we allow users to opt out of WhileHandling annotation via catchNoAnnotation. The authors would like to hear users’ thoughts on the implications of this design.

1.3.2 Teach top-level handler to use displayException

Under the original 2006 design of GHC’s extensible exception machinery, the only means of displaying exceptions to the user was Exception‘s Show superclass. However, this introduced an uneasy tension: While, on one hand, Show output is generally not appropriate to show to (often not Haskell-inclined) end-users, in principle Show is intended to produce Haskell syntax, invertible using Read.

For this reason, the displayException method was introduced [displayException-discussion] to Exception in 2014 to produce human-readable output. However, at the time there was some disagreement regarding whether it would be appropriate to change the top-level handler away from using Show, arguing that Show may be more appropriate for developers, who are free to introduce their own handler using displayException if desired.

However, in this proposal we do not propose to change the Show instance of SomeException to include exception context as implicit parameter syntax is not Haskell 2010.

Since only displayException will display exception context, we propose that the the top-level handler behavior be changed as was originally proposed in 2014: unhandled exceptions should be displayed to the user using displayException. As the default implementation of displayException simply delegates to show, we expect that the messages produced by most exceptions will be unaffected by this change (except for the context added by SomeException's displayException implementation).

1.3.3 Legacy backtraces from error

The exception thrown by error and undefined, GHC.Exception.ErrorCall, currently already captures a backtrace of type String, which is populated with backtraces from HasCallStack and (where available) cost-centre stack. For the sake of keeping this proposal minimal, we do not propose that this redundant field be removed at this time.

We also propose no changes to errorWithoutBacktrace. Consequently, the exception arising from errorWithoutBacktrace will not carry a Backtrace in its ExceptionContext.

1.3.4 onException and finally

The onException and finally operations are currently implemented by catching and re-throwing. This means that as-written they would produce new backtraces and WhileHandling context. However, this runs counter to the user intent expressed by these operations, which is merely to perform some effect while unwinding for an exception.

For this reason we propose to modify onException to:

  • avoid capturing a new backtrace on throw through use of NoBacktrace

  • avoid adding a WhileHandling annotation through use of catchRaw

As finally is implemented in terms of onException this change should cover both functions.

1.4 Examples

User programs would typically call setBacktraceMechanismState during start-up to select a backtrace mechanism appropriate to their usage:

main :: IO ()
main = do
    setBacktraceMechanismState IPEBacktrace True

    -- do interesting things here...

Some other programming language implementations use environment variables to configure backtrace reporting (e.g. the Rust runtime enables debugging with RUST_BACKTRACE=1). It would be straightforward to provide a utility (either in a third-party library or perhaps base itself) which would configure the global backtrace mechanism from the environment. Such a utility could be called during program initialization, providing the ease of configuration found in other languages. As it could be added at any time, we do not propose such a utility as part of the scope of this proposal.

1.5 Effects and Interactions

The described mechanism provides users with a convenient means of gaining greater insight into the sources of exceptions. Currently the +RTS -xc runtime system flag provides an ad-hoc mechanism for reporting exception backtraces using the cost-center profiler. While the -xc mechanism is largely subsumed by the mechanism proposed here, we do not propose to remove it in the near future.

During discussions on a previous iteration of this proposal, various community members mentioned that they were using dynamically-typed annotations on exceptions in their own code-bases to great effect. One such library, annotated-exception, served as the inspiration for the annotation notion proposed above and could likely be largely superceded by ExceptionAnnotation.

1.6 Costs and Drawbacks

The introduction of exception context adds a bit of complexity to GHC’s exception machinery in exchange for a significant improvement in observability. All-in-all, GHC’s exception interface grows modestly under this proposal, even if we don’t provide every possible variant.

Moreover, the general nature of exception context slightly muddies the waters when it comes to exception hierarchy design. Library authors now have two ways of conveying failure information to the caller: they may introduce a new exception type (as they can do today) or they can augment an existing exception type via the context field. Correctly choosing from between these options may be, in some cases, non-obvious and could require an element of design taste.

The introduction of the global state for backtrace mechanism selection is quite ad-hoc. We consider this approach to be a compromise which makes robust backtraces available by default with minimal additional code. Exception backtraces are primarily a debugging tool and are a cross-cutting concern. The global backtrace mechanism selection facility proposed here recognizes this but it suffers from the usual drawbacks associated with global state: it does not compose well and may result in surprising behavior when manipulated by more than one actor.

1.7 Migration

Unlike previous versions of this proposal, the change described above has nearly no impact on existing user-code while allowing existing users to benefit from backtraces. The only direct breakage will result in applications of the SomeException data constructor, where the user will be faced with a compile-time error complaining that ?exceptionContext is not in scope.

In our experience, this sort of code is rare and generally quite straightforward to adapt; a survey of Hackage suggests that nearly all uses of SomeException are in pattern contexts. However, the authors intend to perform a breakage study using head.hackage when a prototype implementation is available. If the breakage turns out to be significant, we propose to provide transitional solver logic to allow for a migration period over which users might adapt to the change (see solver-support).

We expect that users relying on exceptions (in particular asychronous exceptions) to adjust control flow in non-exceptional situations (e.g. cancellation in the async package) will want to define backtraceDesired _ = False in their Exception instances.

1.8 Alternatives

1.8.1 Exception hierarchy design (alternative one)

An earlier version of this proposal changed the root of the exception hierarchy to a new type which included a backtrace:

data SomeExceptionWithBacktrace
  = SomeExceptionWithBacktrace
      :: SomeException       -- ^ the exception
      -> [Backtrace]         -- ^ backtraces
      -> SomeExceptionWithBacktrace

Unsurprisingly, this change had a non-negligible impact on existing user code. Moreover, the change introduced confusion as users of the old SomeException type would silently not benefit from the introduction of backtraces. Moreover, this proposal was considerably less generic, focusing on static backtraces instead of arbitrary user-defined annotations.

1.8.2 Exception hierarchy design (alternative two)

Yet an earlier version suggested keeping SomeException as the root exception type, changing the constructor to add a Maybe Backtrace field and a pattern synonym for backwards compatibility:

data SomeException where
    :: forall e. Exception e
    => Maybe Backtrace   -- ^ backtrace, if available
    -> e                 -- ^ the exception
    -> SomeException

pattern SomeException e <- SomeExceptionWithLocation _ e
    SomeException e = mkSomeExceptionWithLocation e

The problem with this is that the pattern match completeness checker does not play well with pattern synonyms. Additionally, it may introduce a MonadFail constraint where one previously did not exist. For example, the following would no longer typecheck due to the lack of a MonadFail m constraint:

f :: Monad m => SomeException -> m ()
f someException = do
  SomeException e <- pure someException   -- Pattern synonym is assumed fallible

1.8.3 Backtrace mechanism selection

In addition, there are several alternatives to the proposed backtrace mechanism selection facility. For instance:

  • a simpler, non-GADT-based approach might be used

  • GHC could gain support for setting the backtrace mechanism at compile-time via a compiler flag (this would essentially come down to GHC emitting a call to enabledBacktraceMechanisms in its start-up code).

  • the backtrace mechanism could be set in a lexically-scoped manner, at the expense of implementation complexity and runtime cost

  • alternatively, the community might rather choose one of the backtrace mechanisms discussed above and use this mechanism exclusively in exception backtraces.

While the last approach may be simpler, we suspect that a single mechanism will not be sufficient:

  • There have been previous efforts to add HasCallStack constraints to all partial functions in base. While we believe that this is a worthwhile complementary goal, we don’t believe that HasCallStack alone can be our sole backtrace source due to its invasive nature.

  • The cost center profiler can provide descriptive backtraces but is widely regarded as being impractical for use in production environments due to its performance overhead.

  • GHC’s stack unwinder approaches offer stacktraces that are necessarily approximate (due to tail calls) and can be harder to interpret but have no runtime overhead in the non-failing case.

  • Only DWARF backtraces can provide visibility through foreign calls, as provided by many polyglot deployment environments

Yet another design would be a complete relegation of handling and reporting of backtraces completely to the runtime system. This would avoid the thorny library design questions addressed by this proposal but would lose out on many of the benefits of offering structured backtraces to the user, in addition to significantly complicating implementation.

1.8.4 Handling of rethrowing

The preservation of ExceptionContext in catch, et al. is a design choice whose value (namely, assurance context is not lost on rethrowing) may not be worth the slight overhead it imposes.

In addition, there is the question of whether rethrown exceptions should gain a backtrace for the catch callsite. We currently err on “no” here since the exception will already likely gain a backtrace from the throw callsite in the handler.

Previous discussions on this proposal have suggested that it would be beneficial to capture “nested” exceptions while rethrowing (that is, exceptions thrown while handling another exception; we will call these the “child” and “parent” exceptions here, respectively). This could be acheived with this proposal by attaching the child exception to the parent as an ExceptionAnnotation:

data WhileHandling = WhileHandling SomeException
instance ExceptionAnnotation WhileHandling

catchNested :: Exception e => IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a
catchNested io handler = catch io handler'
   handler' e =
     catch (handler e) $ \e' ->
       throw (annotateIO (WhileHandling e) e')

However, this opens up a large space with library design challenges (e.g. how does a library author encapsulate internal exceptions) and potential security challenges (e.g. via sensitive information leaking via the child exception). Consequently, we do not propose any such mechanism here.

1.8.5 Ubiquity of HasCallStack

Today, HasCallStack is the most commonly available and therefore widely used backtrace mechanism. The proposal above adds HasCallStack constraints to throw and throwIO. However, it can introduce overhead by way of small amounts of allocation in otherwise non-allocating code (although this can generally be mitigated by freezing the callstack at the throw callsite). One could also leave these functions as-is at the expense of giving up HasCallStack backtraces on exceptions.

1.8.6 Providing solver support for ExceptionContext

The fact that the SomeException constructor now carries an implicit argument is the source of the majority of the breakage caused by this proposal. One way to mitigate this would be to following the example of HasCallStack and introduce ad-hoc constraint solving logic to ensure that the constraint can be readily discharged with emptyExceptionContext.

While this would introduce relatively little additional implementation complexity, it trades off predictability of the type system. Moreover, it is possible that there is relatively little breakage due to this. The authors are currently witholding judgement on whether this would be a worthwhile addition until a concrete assessment of Hackage breakage is available.

Another option to avoid forever polluting the language with an ad-hoc special case would be to instead add solving logic only as a means of providing a deprecation period:

  1. With the introduction of this change in GHC $n$, a solver rule would be introduced to solve ?exceptionContext = emptyExceptionContext, throwing a -Wcompat warning when it does so.

  2. In GHC $n+1$ this warning would be added to -Wall

  3. In GHC $n+2$ the warning would be enabled by default

  4. In GHC $n+3$ the warning would turn into an error (but one more helpful than the usual insoluable constraint error)

  5. In GHC $n+4$ the solver logic and warning would be removed

1.9 Implementation Plan

There is an active branch with an implementation of this proposal: <https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/merge_requests/8869>

1.10 Acknowledgments

  • Sven Tennie (@supersven) has been the driving force through most of this proposal, having implemented an early version of this proposal and helped considerably in the proposal’s language

  • Vladislav Zavialov (@int-index) contributed significantly to the library design with his proposed use of implicit parameters to avoid changing the exception hierarchy.

  • Matt Parsons (@parsonsmatt) also significantly improved the library design by pointing out the generalization to dynamically-typed annotations.

1.11 Endorsements

  • @domenkozar has indicated that the problem addressed by this proposal poses a significant challenge for his work in production and that the approach presented here would be an improvement over the status quo.