Levity-polymorphic Lift

The Lift typeclass lets us lift values into typed or untyped Template Haskell expressions.

class Lift t where
  lift :: t -> Q Exp
  liftTyped :: t -> Q (TExp t)

newtype TExp a = TExp { unType :: Exp }

One shortcoming of this class is that it does not let us lift values whose kind is not Type. We propose to lift this restriction by making Lift and TExp levity polymorphic.

class Lift (t :: TYPE r) where
  lift :: t -> Q Exp
  liftTyped :: t -> Q (TExp t)

newtype TExp (t :: TYPE r) = TExp { unType :: Exp }


The Lift class cannot currently handle unlifted types. This is a somewhat frustrating limitation since Template Haskell supports representing unlifted values, only they must be constructed manually.

x :: Q Exp
x = LitE (IntPrimL 1)  -- yet we'd like to be able to write `lift 1#`

The fact that TExp doesn’t support unlifted types means that it is less expressive that Exp. TExp is generally regarded as a more type-safe approach to Template Haskell, so users find themselves needing to choose between generating more performant code that uses unlifted types and using the more typesafe TExp. The problems around TExp don’t end there: if you omit a type signature, one can trick GHC 8.6.3 (and latest HEAD) into accepting invalid TExp!

{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, TemplateHaskell #-}

import GHC.Exts
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

main = print =<< runQ (unTypeQ [|| I# $$e ||])
  where e = [|| 1# ||] -- :: Q (TExp Int#)
                       --  yet but adding this ^ signature causes a compile error!

The current -XDeriveLift implementation has some special logic for handling data types with unlifted fields. Generalizing Lift would remove the need for any special cases.

Proposed Change Specification

Change TExp, Lift, unTypeQ, and unsafeTExpCoerce to take advantage of levity polymorphism:

newtype TExp (t :: TYPE r) = TExp { unType :: Exp }

unTypeQ :: forall (a :: TYPE r). Q (TExp a) -> Q Exp
unTypeQ m = do { TExp e <- m
               ; return e }

unsafeTExpCoerce :: forall (a :: TYPE r). Q Exp -> Q (TExp a)
unsafeTExpCoerce m = do { e <- m
                        ; return (TExp e) }

class Lift (t :: TYPE r) where
  lift :: t -> Q Exp
  default lift :: (r ~ 'LiftedRep) => t -> Q Exp
  lift = unTypeQ . liftTyped

  liftTyped :: t -> Q (TExp t)

Two important observations:

  1. The r ~ 'LiftedRep is needed because GHC doesn’t know how to handle levity polymorphic binders. It does mean that instances of Lift over unlifted types will need to manually implement both lift and liftTyped.

  2. By not providing a default implementation of liftTyped, any existing empty instances of Lift will crash as opposed to loop. This does have the unpleasant side effect that there will be no way to write a CPP-free and backwards-compatible manual instance of Lift. However, since the vast majority of instances can (and should!) be derived with -XDeriveLift, which is backwards compatible, this is not a significant problem.

Add to Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax a handful of new instances of Lift which are now valid:

instance Lift Int# where ...
instance Lift Word# where ...
instance Lift Float# where ...
instance Lift Double# where ...
instance Lift Char# where ...
instance Lift Addr# where ...

Modify -XDeriveLift to generate typed and untyped quotes (for liftTyped and lift respectively).

Effect and Interactions

The proposed change would make it possible to lift values of unlifted kinds and would make it (officially) possibly for TExp to represent expressions of unlifted kinds.

This proposal would also provide a means for trying out levity polymorphism in typeclasses (see sections 7.3 and 8.1 of the Levity Polymorphism paper). Although there are many classes which could benefit from this treatment, Lift is a good first candidate because it isn’t too widely used and template-haskell isn’t expected to be as stable and free of breakage as base. There is already a proposal which aims to make typeclasses in base levity-polymorphic.

Costs and Drawbacks

The main drawback is that uses of lift, TExp, unType, unTypeQ, and unsafeTExpCoerce which have visible type applications will be broken (since the type argument would now refer to the runtime rep). Here is an example:

ghci> let rationalOne = lift @Rational 1    -- no longer works

<interactive>: error:
     Expected kind GHC.Types.RuntimeRep, but Rational has kind *
     In the type Rational
      In the expression: lift @Rational 1
      In an equation for it: it = lift @Rational 1

Any such uses should be easily fixable in a backwards compatible fashion by using explicit type signatures instead of type applications (or, if one wishes to continue using type applications, by adding an extra @_ type argument first).

In terms of development and maintainability, the cost is small: the prototype patch that implements this functionality ends up removing more lines from the compiler than it adds.

The only other drawback is that beginners browsing the documentation for Template Haskell are more likely to be confused by the complex signature for the default implementations of the lift method.


None known.

Unresolved Questions

If the proposal Explicit specificity in type variable binders were already implemented, we might be able to avoid breaking code which uses visible type application (on any of the functions whose signatures we are proposing to generalize). The idea would be to specify the RuntimeRep type variables as inferred. This would come at the cost of even more complicated type signatures though.

Implementation Plan

I (Alec Theriault) will implement this change. The work is already done in Phab:D5220.