Binding type variables in lambda-expressions

This proposal is one of several that affect the way type variables are brought into scope. `Proposal #448 <0448-type-variable-scoping.rst>`_ supersedes the content of this proposal and puts it in context.

Proposal #126 allows us to bind scoped type variables in patterns using an @a syntax. However, the new syntax is allowed only in constructor patterns K @a @b x y. This proposal extends this idea to lambda-expressions, allowing \ @a x -> .... Here are some examples:

id :: a -> a
id @a x = (x :: a)                      -- no forall needed

prefix :: a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
prefix @a x yss = map xcons yss
  where xcons :: [a] -> [a]             -- this signature is impossible to write without ScopedTypeVariables
        xcons ys = x : ys

const :: a -> b -> a
const @c x _ = (x :: c)                 -- names can change; you do not have to bind every type variable

fconst :: a -> b -> b
fconst @_ @d _ x = (x :: d)             -- order matters

pair :: forall a. a -> (a, a)           -- brings a into scope (just like today)
pair @b x = (x :: a, x :: b)            -- brings b into scope with the same meaning as a

higherRank :: (forall a. a -> a -> a) -> ...
higherRank = ...

ex = higherRank (\ @a x _y -> (x :: a)) -- it works in a higher-rank situation, too

wrong @a x = x                          -- we can't do this without a type signature

stillWrong @a (x :: a) = x              -- even here we can't


There are several motivating factors for this addition:

  1. There are cases where a Proxy is necessary in order for a higher-rank function argument to access a type variable, such as:

    type family F a
    higherRankF :: (forall a. F a -> F a) -> ...
    usage = higherRankF (\ (x :: F a) -> ...)

    The (x :: F a) pattern signature does not work, because F is not injective. There is no way to be sure that the a in usage is meant to match the a in higherRankF. Currently, there is simply no way for usage to get access to the type variable written in the signature for higherRankF. This code would have to be rewritten to use Proxy. Under this proposal, however, usage could be simply

    usage = higherRankF (\ @a x -> ...)

    Ah. That’s better.

  2. With #126, we can bind type variables in constructor patterns, allowing us to easily capture existentials. The only other place a type variable can enter scope is in a function definition, and so it’s only logical to extend #126 to do so.

  3. ScopedTypeVariables's mechanism for binding type variables using a forall in a signature has never sat well with some. (I’m in the some, but I’m not the only one.) A type signature can appear arbitrarily far away from a function definition, and (to me) the use of forall to induce scoping over the function definition is far from intuitive. Using this new syntax, all the action happens in the function definition.

  4. See crowd-sourced example here.

Proposed Change Specification

GHC’s type system is bidirectional, meaning that it sometimes is inferring a type and sometimes is checking a type. Practical Type Inference for Arbitrary-Rank Types is a careful introduction of the ideas, though GHC’s algorithm is currently based on the more recent Visible Type Applications. Essentially, bidirectionality means that the type system can distinguish (and make decisions based on) the difference between knowing what type to expect and not.

Under this proposal, the new feature is allowed only in checking mode. That is, we always know exactly what type is expected for a function definition or lambda expression.

As always, we can consider a nested lambda \ x y z -> ... to be an abbreviation for \ x -> \ y -> \ z ->. This does not change if one of the bound variables is a type variable (preceded by @). We do require, as usual, that we do not bind the same variable twice in a single lambda; this is true for type variables, too.

Thus, the proposal boils down to one rule:

  • \ @a -> body, being checked against the type forall a. ty (where the a is specified), binds the type variable a and then checks body against the type ty. Checking an expression \ @a -> body against a type that does not begin with a forall is an error. The token after the @ must be a type variable name or _.

That’s it! Note that this specification assumes that the variable name in the lambda equals the variable name in the forall. If the type begins with a forall, this correspondence can always be made to happen because we can freely rename the bound type variable in a forall. (This “free renaming” is entirely internal; a user can write a different name in the type than in the pattern, always.)

As usual, we can interpret a function defintion f <args> = body as f = \ <args> -> body, and thus the function-definition case reduces to the lambda-expression case above.

This new behavior will be with -XTypeApplications. Naturally, scoped type variables work only with -XScopedTypeVariables enabled, so using this feature without -XScopedTypeVariables would enable only @_ abstractions.

This change is specified in the appendix to the Type variables in patterns paper.

Bidirectional type checking

While the specification above is (in my opinion) a complete specification of the proposed behavior with respect to the linked papers, I include here an expansion of the idea behind bidirectional type checking to aid understanding.

Motivation: We need to restrict this feature to the checking mode of bidirectional type checking because it is unclear (to me) how to do better. Clearly, id @a x = x is problematic, because we don’t know how to associate a with x. But what about f @a (x :: a) @b (y :: b) = x == y? That could indeed be well-typed at f :: forall a. a -> forall b. b -> (a ~ b, Eq a) => Bool, but I don’t wish to ask GHC to infer that. (Even without the wonky equality constraint would be hard.) Perhaps someone can sort this out and expand this feature, but there seems to be no need to handle the inference case now.

The algorithm operates in inference mode when it does not know the type of an expression. If GHC does know the type in advance, it uses checking mode. Here are some examples:

f x = x 6 True  -- we do not know the type of the RHS, so we infer it

g (x :: Int) = x + 8   -- ditto here: we do not know the type of the RHS

h :: Int -> Int
h x = x + 8   -- this RHS is in *checking* mode, as we do know it to have type Int

j :: Bool -> Bool
j x = id not x   -- the expression (id not) is in *inference* mode, as we don't, a priori, know its type

The new syntax is available only in expressions that are being checked, not inferred. In effect, this means that it is usable only when a function that has been given a type signature.

In the context of the GHC implementation, we have these definitions:

data ExpType = Check TcType
             | Infer !InferResult
tcExpr :: HsExpr GhcRn -> ExpType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTcId)

Checking mode is precisely when the ExpType passed to tcExpr is a Check. Inference mode is precisely when the ExpType passed to tcExpr is an Infer.


Here are two real-world examples of how this will help, courtesy of @int-index:

  1. It would be useful to eliminate Proxy in this style of proof:

    class WithSpine xs where
      onSpine ::
        forall r.
        Proxy xs ->
        ((xs ~ '[]) => r) ->
        (forall y ys.
          (xs ~ (y : ys)) =>
          WithSpine ys =>
          Proxy y ->
          Proxy ys ->
          r) ->

    Code taken from here.


    1. @-style: withSpine @xs (onNil ...) (\ @y @ys -> onCons ...)

    2. Proxy-style: withSpine (Proxy :: Proxy xs) (onNil ...) (\(Proxy :: Proxy y) (Proxy :: Proxy ys) -> onCons ...)

  2. From reflection:

    reify :: forall a r. a -> (forall (s :: *). Reifies s a => Proxy s -> r) -> r


    1. @-style: reify (\ @s -> ...)

    2. Proxy-style: reify (\(Proxy :: Proxy s) -> ...)

Effect and Interactions

  • One might worry about parsing. After all, @ already has a meaning in patterns. However, this is all OK: whenever -XTypeApplications is enabled, @ with a preceding whitespace character (or comment) is parsed differently from @ without a preceding whitespace character (or comment). So f x @a is a good left hand side for a function with type Int -> forall a. ... and f x@a simply binds both x and a to the first argument to f.

  • An astute reader will note that I put spaces after all my lambdas. That is because \@ is a valid name for a user-defined operator. This proposal does not change that. If you want to bind a type variable in a lambda, you must separate the \ from the @.

  • This proposal makes abstracting over type variables the dual of applying types with visible type application.

  • This proposal is meant to dovetail nicely with other recent proposals in this space (#126, #128), but all the proposals are orthogonal. Any can usefully be accepted without the others.

  • Accepted proposal 26 (debated as #99) introduces the possibility of user-written specificity annotations (forall {k} ...). An inferred variable, including one written by the programmer using this new notation, is not available for use with any form of visible type application, including the one proposed here. If you have a function f :: forall {k} (a :: k). ..., you will have to rely on the old behavior of -XScopedTypeVariables to bring k into scope in f's definition. This is regrettable but seems an inevitable consequence of the {k} notation.

  • (technical) The Visible Type Applications (VTA) paper defines the behavior about what to do when checking against a polytype: it says to deeply skolemize. However, eager deep skolemization will spell trouble for this extension, as we need the lambdas to see the foralls. The end of the Section 6.1 in the extended VTA paper discusses why we do eager deep skolemization: essentially, the alternative would be to do type generalization at inflection points between checking and inference mode, right before doing the subsumption check. Type generalization is hard in GHC, though, and so the paper avoided it. In order to implement this proposal, we’ll have to work out how to do this.

Costs and Drawbacks

This is another feature to specify and maintain, and that’s always a burden. It will take some creative thought about how to do generalization properly (last point in previous section), but I don’t actually think the code will be all that challenging there.

There is a potential confusion with as-patterns.


If we want to bind type variables in lambda-expressions, I think this is the only way to do it. We don’t have to, of course, but then there will still be one area in GHC/Haskell that requires Proxy, and that’s unfortunate.

One alternative design would be to rearrange the extensions so that users could enable parts of today’s ScopedTypeVariables without enabling the strange binding behavior of forall. I don’t feel the need for this, myself, so I do not plan on working out this design, but I’m happy to accept contributions toward this end from the community. One such worked out design is in this comment. I’m still not convinced the complication is worth it.

One drawback of this proposal is that it rejects id @a (x :: a) = x if there is no type signature on id. We could imagine extending this feature to pretend that such a definition comes with an implicit id :: forall a. a -> _ partial type signature and proceeding accordingly. (The partial type signature is created from a quick syntactic analysis of the definition.) In this case, the definition of id would be accepted. However, I worry that this would be fragile as the partial-type-signature extraction would have to be purely syntactic. For example, would null @a ((_ :: a) : _) = False be treated identically to null @a ((_:_) :: [a]) = False and null @a (_:(_ :: [a]))? It seems hard to ensure. Perhaps I’m just being pessimistic, though.

Unresolved questions

Q: As brought up in the GitHub trail: should we consider changes to the extension structure? Specifically, do we want a way to enable this feature without also enabling the fact that a forall in a type signature binds a type variable in a definition.

A: I say “no”. I would prefer that world to the one we’re currently in, but I simply don’t think this small rejiggering is worth the transition costs.

Implementation Plan

I’m happy to advise and support a volunteer who wishes to implement. I might do it myself or work with a student on this someday, as well.