1 Linear Types

This proposal previously underwent a round of review at this pull request.

This proposal introduces a notion of linear function to GHC. Linear functions are regular functions that guarantee that they will use their argument exactly once. Whether a function f is linear or not is called the multiplicity of f. We propose a new language extension, -XLinearTypes, to allow users to annotate functions with their multiplicities.

When turned on, the user can enforce a given multiplicity for f using a type annotation. By constraining the multiplicity of functions, users can create library API’s that enforce invariants not otherwise enforceable with current Haskell.

The theory behind this proposal has been fully developed in a peer reviewed conference publication that will be presented at POPL’18. See the extended version of the paper.

Main differences between the proposal and the paper:

2 Current status

Edited April 3, 2020.

On Oct 22, 2018, this proposal was conditionally accepted by the committee. Some of the conditions (in particular, about syntax) have been met. The remaining conditions are:

  1. The extension is pay-as-you-go; users who do not enable -XLinearTypes and who do not import modules that do should never need to know about the feature:

    1. Error messages must remain free of mention of linear types, unless -XLinearTypes is in effect (or some flag like -fprint-linear-types is on). The same must be true of using the :type facility in GHCi.

    2. Type inference must remain backward-compatible. All programs accepted today must be accepted when -XLinearTypes is not in effect.

    3. Compile times for programs without -XLinearTypes must not unduly increase. Anything approaching or over a 2% across-the-board increase in compile times would be a cause for concern.

    4. There must be no degradation in runtime performance of GHC-compiled programs. Linear types in Core might, for example, make some optimizations harder to apply; however, we must find a way to get runtime performance on par with what we have today.

  2. The theory of the linear types must be sound. This seems to be the case today, but as things evolve, we want to state explicitly that this must remain true. In particular, we must be able to rely on the safety of using linear mutable arrays.

  3. There must be a specification (in some typeset document) of the new core language, written out for public inspection. We expect this to be an update to the existing core-spec document in the GHC source tree in the docs/core-spec/ directory.

In addition to the stronger conditions above, we wish to meet these conditions:

  1. The worries in (1), above, should not become unduly worse when -XLinearTypes is enabled. For example, it is ideal if all programs that are accepted without -XLinearTypes are still accepted with -XLinearTypes, but there is considerably more wiggle room here. Similarly with compile times: a compile-time regression with -XLinearTypes is more acceptable than a regression without -XLinearTypes, but would still be a cause for concern.

  2. There should be a story for a migration of base. The committee is concerned that, once linear types hits, there will be a great demand to incorporate linear types into base. (Note that fmap may want a linear type, and due to Functor’s status as a superclass of Monad, fmap is really baked in.) How will this work? In particular, how will Haddock render newly-linearized types?

If the final version of -XLinearTypes should violate these prescriptions, it does not immediately mean we are at an impasse – it just means that we need to have more discussion.

2.1 Previous condition

  • We must work out an acceptable syntax for this all. In particular, : in types is taken by the list-cons operator, so we’ll need something new.

This condition has been met, by using a syntax around %, as described in the Syntax section below.

3 Motivation

Type safety enforces that well-typed programs do not go wrong. Programs will sometimes crash, or fail to terminate, but they do not segfault. Through well-chosen abstractions, types can be used to enforce further properties, such as trees being well-balanced. One such further property is resource safety, namely that,

  1. system resources only change state through legal transitions from one state to another,

  2. state transitions happen in a timely manner.

For example, a file handle transitions from open to closed, but never from closed to open. We want to enable users to program file I/O API’s that statically enforce that all I/O happens only on open handles, never on closed handles (no use-after-free). Moreover, we want such API’s to enable early closing of handles by the user (prompt deallocation). Use-after-free and prompt deallocation are hard to impossible to enforce with current Haskell.

This proposal hits another goal as a side benefit. In Haskell, impure computations are typically structured as a sequence of steps, be it in the IO monad or in ST. The latter in particular serves to precisely control which effects are possible and the scope within which they are visible. But using monads to write “locally impure” computations that still look pure from the outside has an unfortunate consequence: computations are over-sequentialized, making it hard for the compiler to recover lost opportunities for parallelism.

Linear types enable better solutions to both problems:

  1. using types to guarantee resource safety, and

  2. using types to control the scope of effects without forcing an unnatural sequencing of mutually independent effects.

In the companion paper to this proposal, we have worked out in detail several use cases for linear types. We argue that linear types have far ranging consequences for the language. Salient use cases from the paper include:

The keyword in the above examples is safety. This proposal is not about improving the performance of the compiler’s generated code. It is not about new runtime support. It is about enabling programmers to build safer API’s that enforce stronger properties, thereby bringing possible but otherwise high-risk optimization techniques, like managing memory manually, into the realm of the feasible.

Resource-safety or any other property are not an inherent property of linear types. They are properties of API’s making careful use of linear types.

The use cases put forth above are diverse and pervasive. Yet they are but a few examples of the safety properties that can be conveniently captured with linear types. Here are a few more:

4 Proposed Change Specification

We introduce a new language extension -XLinearTypes. Types with a linearity specification are syntactically legal anywhere in a module if and only if -XLinearTypes is turned on. -XLinearTypes implies -XMonoLocalBinds (see `Let bindings and polymorphism`_).

This proposal only introduces a new type for functions. It does not take advantage of these new types to perform new optimisations or better code generation.

4.1 Definition

We say that a function f is linear when f u is consumed exactly once implies that u is consumed exactly once (defined as follows).

  • Consuming a value of a data type exactly once means evaluating it to head normal form exactly once, discriminating on its tag any number of times, then consuming its fields exactly once

  • Consuming a function exactly once means applying it and consuming its result exactly once

The type of linear functions from A to B is written A %1 -> B (see Syntax).

Linearity is a strengthening of the contract of the regular function type A -> B, which will be called the type of unrestricted functions.

Remark: linear function f can diverge (i.e. either not terminate or throw an exception) or be called on diverging data. In this case, f will not necessarily consume its argument. This is fine: we can still build safe programming interfaces, as explained in the Exceptions section below).

4.2 Polymorphism

In order for linear functions and unrestricted functions not to live in completely distinct worlds, to avoid code duplication, we introduce a notion of polymorphism, dubbed multiplicity polymorphism, over whether a function is linear.

A linear function is said to have multiplicity 1 while an unrestricted function is said to have multiplicity ω. Multiplicity polymorphic functions may have variable multiplicity (see also Syntax), e.g.

map :: (a %p -> b) -> [a] %p -> [b]

Without polymorphism, we would need two implementations of map with the exact same code: one for p=1 and one for p=ω. Function composition is even worse: it takes two multiplicity parameters, hence, would require four identical implementations:

(.) :: (b %p -> c) -> (a %q -> b) -> a %(p ':* q) -> c

4.3 Syntax

This proposal adds two new syntactical constructs:

  • The multiplicity annotated arrow, for polymorphism, is written a %p -> b (where a and b are types and p is a multiplicity). We add a new production to the grammar for type:

    btype PREFIX_PERCENT btype -> ctype

    The PREFIX_PERCENT means that the % character and the multiplicity following it should never have a space in between.

    • In a %p -> b, p can be any type expression of kind Multiplicity (see below). So that the following is legal (though see Alternatives):

      type family F (a :: *) :: Multiplicity
      f ::  forall (a :: *). Int  %(F a) -> a -> a
  • Lambda-bound variables can also be annotated with a multiplicity:

    \ (%'One x) :: A -> x

    is the identity function at type A A. A binder can be annotated with a multiplicity without a type like this

    \ %'One x -> x

    This modifies the syntax entry for lambda expressions as follows

    lpat -> [PREFIX_PERCENT btype] lpat

    where the btype after the % must be of kind Multiplicity (see below). The lpat must be a bare variable, or an error occurs.

  • Record fields can be labeled with a multiplicity. This modifies the syntax for record fields as follows:

    fielddecl -> vars [PREFIX_PERCENT btype] :: (type | ! atype)

In the fashion of levity polymorphism, the proposal introduces a data type Multiplicity which is treated specially by the type checker, to represent the multiplicities:

  • data Multiplicity
      = One    -- represents 1
      | Many   -- represents ω
  • Accompanied by two specially recognised type families:

    type family (:+) (p :: Multiplicity) (q :: Multiplicity) :: Multiplicity
    type family (:*) (p :: Multiplicity) (q :: Multiplicity) :: Multiplicity

    Note: unification of multiplicities will be performed up to the semiring laws for (:+) and (:*) (see Specification).

A new type constructor is added

FUN :: Multiplicity -> forall (r1 r2 :: RuntimeRep). TYPE r1 -> TYPE r2

FUN is such that FUN p a b ~ a %p -> b.

The linear and unrestricted arrows are aliases:

  • a -> b is an alias for FUN 'Many a b,

  • a b (Unicode syntax) is an alias for FUN 'One a b.

The type a %'One -> b, being such a common case, can also be written a %1 -> b for brevity, where %1 is a single token. Like %, this steals syntax, since with the -XDataKinds extension, 1 is a valid type literal. However, integer literals are already overloaded at the term level and this syntax is forward-compatible with any future proposal to overload literals at the type level as well. If and when overloaded integer literals in types become available, a %1 -> b would be parsed as 4 lexemes: the type a, the symbol %, the type literal 1, the symbol -> and the type b.

4.4 Printing

This proposal introduces a new compiler flag to control how multiplicities are printer: -fprint-explicit-multiplicities. It is turned off by default.

When -fprint-explicit-multiplicities is turned on, every arrows are printed in the form %p ->. For instance, the type of the unrestricted fmap function from base will be printed as:

fmap :: Functor f => (a %'Many-> b) %'Many-> f a %'Many-> f b

And a linearised List.map would be printed as:

lmap :: (a %'One-> b) %'Many-> [a] %'One-> [b]

When -fprint-explicit-multiplicities is turned off (as is the default), the shorthands are used when available. The above examples are printed as

fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
lmap :: (a %1 -> b) -> [a] %1 -> [b]

Where no shorthand is available, as is the case for multiplicity polymorphic arrows, then the long form is used in both cases. So a multiplicity polymorphic List.map function would be printed as

-- With -fprint-explicit-multiplicities on
pmap :: (a %p -> b) %'Many-> [a] %p -> [b]

-- With -fprint-explicit-multiplicities off
pmap :: (a %p -> b) -> [a] %p -> [b]
Note on Core printing: -fprint-explicit-multiplicities is used

to control the printing of arrows in Core (in particular in the linter’s error messages) in the same way.

4.5 Constructors & pattern-matching

Constructors of data types defined with the Haskell’98 syntax

data Foo
  = Bar A B
  | Baz C

have linear function types, that is Bar :: A %1 -> B %1 -> Foo. This is true in every module, including those without -XLinearTypes turned on. This implies that most types in base (Maybe, [], etc…) have linear constructors. We also make the constructor of primitive tuples (,) linear in their arguments.

With the GADT syntax, multiplicity of the arrows is honoured:

data Foo2 where
  Bar2 :: A %1 -> B -> Foo2

means that Bar2 :: A %1 -> B -> Foo2. This means that, with -XLinearTypes on, data types written in GADT syntax with the ``(->)`` arrow are not the same as if they were defined with Haskell’98 syntax. This only holds in modules with -XLinearTypes turned on, however: see Without -XLinearTypes, for the specification changes in modules where -XLinearTypes is not turned on.

The definition of consuming a value in a data type exactly once must be refined to take the multiplicities of fields into account:

  • Consuming a value in a datatype exactly once means evaluating it to head normal form and consuming its linear fields exactly once.

When pattern matching a linear argument, linear fields are introduced as linear variables, and unrestricted fields as unrestricted variables:

f :: Foo2 %1 -> A
f (Bar2 x y) = x  -- y is unrestricted, hence does not need to be consumed

An exception to this rule is newtype declarations in GADT syntax: newtype-s’ argument must be linear (see Interactions below).

4.5.1 Linear constructors and backward compatibility

Consider the following Haskell98 code:

data Maybe a
  = Just a
  | Nothing

f :: (Int -> Maybe Int) -> Int
f g = case g 0 of
    Just n -> n
    Nothing -> 0

_ = f Just

Since Just has type a %1 -> Maybe a under the new implementation, and the linear arrow is not compatible with the regular arrow (See also Subtyping). Therefore when using a linear constructor as a term, we modify its type to make the above typecheck. When used in a pattern, linear constructors behave as described in the article.

To be precise, every linear field of a constructor C is generalised, when C is used as a constructor to be of multiplicity p for a fresh p. The non-linear fields are not affected. For instance

  • Just, when used as a term, is given the type Just :: a %p -> Maybe  a

  • (:), when used as a term, is given the type (:) :: a %p -> [a] %q -> [a]

  • With data U a where U :: a -> U a, when U is used as a term, it is given the type U :: a -> U a

  • With data P a b where P :: a %1 -> b -> U a b, when P is used as a term, it is given the type P :: a %p -> b -> U a b

All these extra multiplicity arguments are inferred (GHC classifies type arguments as either inferred or visible, the latter can be specified by type application, while the former are always determined by the type-checker). This way the extra type variables do not interfere with visible type applications.

See also η-expansion for a conceptually simpler alternative which turns out not to be complete. See More multiplicities for considerations in a more general setting.

4.6 Monomorphisation

We want that code which doesn’t use -XLinearTypes work as it did before. However, since constructors are now linear by default, and generalised due to the rule of Linear constructors, we need to prevent multiplicity variables to be visible to the unsuspecting user.

To that effect, much like is done for levity variables, wherever type variables would be generalised, remaining multiplicity variables are defaulted to ω. This way, f = Just is inferred to have type a -> Maybe a as before.

This also address a more serious compatibility issue. Consider the following (essentially) Haskell98 code

class Category arr where
  (.) :: b `arr` c -> a `arr` b -> a `arr` c

instance Category (->) where
  f . g = \x -> f (g x)

f = Just . Just $ 1

The type checker infers that Just . Just is of type a %p -> Maybe (Maybe a) for some p such that Category (FUN p). However, there is no Category instance for an arbitrary p (nor for p=1 as would be the inferred type without the generalisation rule of the Linear constructors section). But defaulting to p=ω, lets the constraint solver pick the intended Category instance.

4.7 Strict & unpacked fields

Strict fields, whether unpacked or not, are treated, for the purpose of linearity, just like regular fields, e.g.

data S a = S !a (S a)

-- S :: a %1 -> S a %1 -> S a
-- Or, polymorphised when used as a term:
-- S :: forall p q a. a %p -> S a %q -> S a
data T a = T {-# UNPACK #-}!(a, a) a

-- T :: (a, a) %1 -> a %1 -> T a
-- Or, polymorphised when used as a term:
-- T :: forall p q a. (a, a) %p -> a %q -> T a

4.8 Base

Because linear functions only strengthen the contract of unrestricted functions, a number of functions of base can get a more precise type. However, for pedagogical reasons, to prevent linear types from interfering with newcomers’ understanding of the Prelude, this proposal does not modify base. Instead, we expect that users will publish new libraries on Hackage including more precisely typed base functions. One such library has already started here.

Any linear variant of base need not redefine any of the data types defined in base. This is because like for all other data types, constructors of (non-GADT) data types in base are linear under this proposal. Since we get to reuse data types, libraries implementing linear variants of base functions remain compatible with base (e.g. there need not be two Maybe types, two list types etc).

Defining a linear variant of base is out of scope of this proposal. Possible future standardisation of the library content is the competence of the Core Libraries Committee (CLC). For expository purposes of the next sections, however, we assume that such a library will at least define the following data type:

data Unrestricted a where
  Unrestricted :: a -> Unrestricted a

See the paper for intuitions about the Unrestricted data type.

4.9 Multiplicities

So far, we have considered only two multiplicities: 1 and ω. But the metatheory works with any so-called sup-semi-lattice-ordered semi-ring (without a 0) of multiplicities. That is: there is a 1, a sum and a product with the usual distributivity laws, a (computable) order compatible with the sum and product, such that each pair of multiplicities has a (computable) join. Even if there is only two multiplicities in this proposal, the proposal is structured to allow future extensions.

Here is the definition of sum, product and order for this proposal’s multiplicities (in Haskell pseudo-syntax):

_ + _ = ω

1 * x = x
x * 1 = x
ω * ω = ω

_  ω = True
x  y = x == y

Every variable in the environment is annotated with its multiplicity, which constrains how it can be used. A variable usage is said to be of multiplicity p, or 0, in a term u if:

  • p=0 and x is not free in u

  • p=1 and u = x

  • p=p1+q*p2 and u = u1 u2 with u1 :: a %q -> b and the usage of x in u1 is p1, and in u2 is p2

  • u = λy. v and the usage of x in v is p.

A variable’s usage is correct if it is smaller than or equal to the multiplicity annotation of the variable (note that 0 is not smaller than one). Incorrect usage results in a type error. This definition is close to the intended implementation of multiplicities. The paper has a more declarative definition.

The multiplicity of a variable introduced by a λ-abstraction is taken from the surrounding typing information (typically a type annotation on an equation). For instance

foo :: A %p -> B
foo x =   -- x has multiplicity p

The above takes care of the pure λ-calculus part of Haskell. We also need to consider let and case.

Every binding in a let block is considered to have an implicit multiplicity annotation (the annotation is inferred). The usage of x in let {y1::(p1) _ = u1; ;yn ::(pn) _ = un} in v (where the yi are variables) is p1*q1 + + pn*qn + q where the usage of x in ui is qi and in v is q.

If a binder pi is recursively defined, then pi must be ω.

A case expression has an implicit multiplicity annotation. It is often inferred from the type annotation of an equation. The usage of x in case_p u of { }, where the usage of x in u is q is p*q plus the join of the usage of x in each branch. Note that, in usages, 0 1 as arguments with multiplicity 1 are consumed exactly once, which doesn’t include not being consumed at all.

The multiplicity annotation of variables introduced by a pattern depend on the constructor and on the implicit annotation of the case. Specifically in case_p u of {…; C x1 xn -> …; …} Where C :: a1 %q1-> an %qn-> A, Then xi has multiplicity annotation p*qi. For instance

bar :: (a,b) %p -> c
bar (x,y) =  -- Since (,) :: a %1 -> b %1 -> (a,b), x and y have
              -- multiplicity p

4.10 Deep patterns & multiple-argument equations

Type-checking deep patterns naturally extends the simple patterns above. For instance in

f :: Maybe (a, b) %1 -> 
f (Just (x,y)) = 

since the type annotation on the first argument is linear, the outer pattern is type-checked as a case_1:

f mxy = case_1 mxy of
  Just xy -> 

Therefore, the generated intermediate variable xy has multiplicity 1, therefore, the inner pattern is elaborated as a case_1 (that is the same multiplicity as the intermediate variable).

f mxy = case_1 mxy of
  Just xy -> case_1 xy of
    (x, y) -> 

4.10.1 Typechecking equations

In a definition with multiple equations, each equation is typechecked independently.

Let us see an equation as a list of (typed) binders (i.e. patterns) and a right-hand side. Each binder has a multiplicity, which is provided by the signature. If there is no signature, the initial multiplicity of each binder is ω instead.

Let us consider a judgement Γ (b1 : A1 %π1) (bn : An %πn) u : B

  • Γ u : B Γ u : B

  • Γ, x : A (b1 : A1 %π1) (bn : An %πn) u : B Γ (x : A %π) (b1 : A1 %π1) (bn : An %πn) u : B

  • Γ (p1 : C1 %πρ1) (pn : Cn %πρn) (b1 : A1 %π1) u : B Γ (c p1 pn : D %π) (b1 : A1 %π1) u : B, for c : C1 :ρ1-> Cn :ρn-> D, a constructor (notice how π flows down into the fields of c)

  • Γ (b1 : A1 %π1) u : B Γ (_ : C %π) (b1 : A1 %π1) u : B, if π=ω

4.11 Unboxed and unlifted data types

GHC supports unboxed data types such as (#,#) (unboxed pair) and (#|#) (binary unboxed sum), and (boxed) unlifted data types such as ByteArray#. The definition of “consuming exactly once” must be extended for them. Unlifted data types are handled as regular, lifted, data types, except that the their evaluation in head normal form is skipped (as values, at these types, are already evaluated). Unboxed data types are a particular case of unlifted data types, and are not treated specially. Thus

  • Consuming a value of type (#,#) (resp. any arity) exactly once means consuming each of its fields exactly once.

  • Consuming a value of type (#|#) (resp. any arity) exactly once mean discriminating on its tag any number of time, and consume its one field exactly once.

  • Consuming a value of type Int# (resp. any unboxed word-like type) is always true (we see a value of type Int# as an unboxed sum with 2⁶⁴ possible different tag).

  • Consuming a value whose type as kind TYPE UnliftedRep (such as ByteArray#, MutableArray# s a, …) means discriminating on its tag any number of times, and consuming each of its linear fields exactly once.

For the sake of typing, the proposal treats (#,#) and (#|#) as their boxed equivalent ((,) and Either, respectively): the constructors are linear (and case can have various multiplicities). More generally the typing rules do not distinguish unboxed or unlifted types from lifted ones, for the purpose of checking linearity.

There is no current proposed syntax for unboxed data types of mixed multiplicity, though the Unlifted data types proposal (if extended to unboxed data types as well), could provide a solution. Mixed-multiplicity unboxed records are, however, required internally (see The Core corner): they simply don’t have a syntax yet.

4.12 Records and projections

Records constructors, with Haskell98 syntax, are linear. That is, in

data R = R {f1 :: A1,  fn :: An}

we have R :: A1 %1 -> %1 -> An %1 -> R.

Mixed-multiplicity records can be defined using the syntax for annotating binders with multiplicity

data R' = R' { f1 %'Many :: A1, f2 %'One :: A2e, f3 :: A3 }

Then R' :: A1 -> A2 %1 -> A3 %1 -> R (that is, fields with no explicit annotation are linear).

Record patterns act like tuple patterns, but some fields can be omitted. A field can be omitted only if the resolved multiplicity for this field is ω.

foo :: R' %1 -> A
foo {f2=x, f3=y} =  -- permitted as f1 has multiplicity ω
foo {f2=x} =  -- rejected as f3 is omitted and has multiplicity 1

foo :: R' -> A -- non-linear function!
foo {f2=x} =  -- permitted because the context has multiplicity ω,
               -- hence the resolved multiplicity of f3 is ω.

Projections take an unrestricted record as argument: f1 :: R -> A1 (because otherwise the other fields would not be consumed). There is an exception to this rule: if a record type has a single constructor, and all the other fields are unrestricted, then f1 is made linear: f1 :: R %1 -> A1. This non-uniformity is justified by the standard newtype idiom:

newtype Foo = Foo { unFoo :: A }

which becomes much less useful in linear code if unFoo :: Foo -> A. Our practice of linear Haskell code indicates that this feature, while a mere convenience, is desirable (see e.g. here).

4.12.1 Records in GADT syntax

Records can also be defined in GADT syntax:

data R where
  R :: { f1 :: A, f2 :: B } -> R

In this special form, only the standard arrow is allowed, even with -XLinearTypes. This arrow, however, is not to be interpreted as the unrestricted arrow, or to have any meaning: it is just a syntactic construct. The multiplicity of the fields is given by the annotation on the binders, as with regular records.

That is, in the above example, R has type

R :: A %1 -> B %1 -> R

In general, in

data R where
  R :: { f1 %π :: A, f2 %ρ :: B } -> R

We have

R :: A %π-> B %ρ-> R

With absence of annotation interpreted as annotating with 'One.

4.13 Inference

Because of backwards compatibility, we initially chose the following strategy: when the type of a function is not constrained by a programmer-provided type, we conservatively assume it to have multiplicity ω.

Experience shows that this sometimes yield very confusing error messages where perfectly valid code is rejected:

type family L x
type instance L Int = A %1 -> A

f :: L x -> x

u :: Int
u = f (\x -> x)

While the identity function is indeed linear, because the resolution of the type family (L Int ~ Int) is delayed in GHC, \x -> x is considered to have no given type, and is inferred to have a non-linear type, and is refused by the type-checker.

We therefore need a more refined strategy, to avoid surprising behaviour like the above. We do not expect it to be too hard to implement a better strategy, but we don’t have a specification yet.

A more profound difficulty exists for inference: for explicit let bindings and case expressions (i.e. which are not generated from the desugaring of an equation but are written as let, where, or case in the surface syntax), we want to infer the multiplicity annotation. The process for this is not yet defined (see Unresolved questions below for a more precise description of this issue).

4.14 Let and where bindings

This section is written with let bindings, but all of the same applies to where bindings.

Note on terminology: following the Haskell 2010 report, a function binding is a binding of the form f arg1…argn = with at least one argument. The other binding form is called a pattern binding. In particular let x = is a pattern binding (as opposed to how it is in GHC’s implementation, where let x = would be a FunBind). This proposal will be using the terminology “non-variable pattern” for patterns which aren’t a single variable.

Let bindings can optionally be annotated with a multiplicity (including a multiplicity variable):

  %p1 pat1 = rhs1
  %pn patn = rhsn
in body


  • The binding is not top-level

  • The binding is non-recursive

  • The binding is a pattern binding (including a simple variable) p=e

  • Either p is of the form !p' or p is a variable. In particular neither x@y nor (x) are covered by “is a variable”

If there is a multiplicity annotation, the binding is not generalised. So let %m x = e in b and (\(%m x) ->  b) e have the same typing rule.

When the multiplicity annotation isn’t specified, the multiplicity is inferred, so that both

\(%1 z) -> let !(x, y) = z in (y, x)
let !(x, y) = u in (x, x)

are well typed. Recursive bindings, toplevel bindings and non-variable lazy-pattern bindings are always inferred to have multiplicity Many.

Note that, in particular, function bindings are not allowed:

-- Doesn't work
let %p f x y = rhs in body

instead write

-- pat can be a variable
let %p f = \x y -> rhs in body

When typechecking let %p pat = rhs in body the rhs is consumed with multiplicity p and the variables of pat must be consumed in body with multiplicity p (if pat has some non-linear fields, then the variables are scaled appropriately as per Constructors & pattern-matching). The pattern pat can be an arbitrary, nested, pattern, as long as the binding is strict.

Here are a few examples that illustrate the typing rules

-- good
let %1 x = u in x

-- bad
let %1 x = u in (x, x)

-- bad
let %1 x = u in let %Many y = x in 

-- good
let %1 !(x, y) = u in (y, x)

-- bad
let %1 !(x, y) = u in x

-- good
let %1 !(Ur x) = u in (x, x, x)

4.14.1 Non-variable linear let-bound patterns must be strict

Non-variable linear patterns can’t be lazy (see Lazy patterns). In practice, this means that, in order to be linear, non-variable let-bound patterns must

  • be annotated with a ! if -XStrict is off (because let-bound patterns are lazy by default, as opposed to case-bound patterns which are strict by default).

  • not be annotated with ~ if -XStrict is on

Without -XStrict:

-- good
let %1 x = u in 

-- good
let %1 !x = u in 

-- bad
let %1 (x, y) = u in 

-- good
let %Many (x, y) = u in 

-- good
let %1 !(x, y) = u in 

-- good
let %1 (!(x, y)) = u in 

-- inferred unrestricted
let (x, y) = u in 
With -XStrict::

– good let %1 x = u in …

– good let %1 !x = u in …

– good let %1 (x, y) = u in …

– bad let %1 ~(x, y) = u in …

– good let %Many ~(x, y) = u in …

– can be inferred linear let (x, y) = u in …

– inferred unrestricted let ~(x, y) = u in …

4.14.2 Non-variable linear patterns are monomorphic

Variables in non-variable multiplicity-annotated let-patterns are bound to monomorphic types (see `Let bindings and polymorphism`_ for the reasoning and a discussion). Unannotated non-variable let-patterns are inferred to be unrestricted (by default, since -XLinearTypes implies -XMonoLocalBinds, only toplevel bindings, which are always unrestricted anyway, are inferred to be polymorphic).

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonoLocalBinds #-}

-- x, y :: Int -> Int
-- Not generalised despite NoMonoLocalBinds
let %1 !(x, y) = ((\z->z), (\z->z)) in (x 0, y 1)

-- x, y :: Int -> Int
-- Not generalised despite NoMonoLocalBinds
let %Many !(x, y) = ((\z->z), (\z->z)) in (x 0, x 1, y 2)

-- x :: forall a. a -> a
let %1 x = (\z -> z) in if b then x 1 else x Bool

-- x, y :: forall a. a -> a
let !(x, y) = ((\z->z), (\z->z)) in (x 0, x Bool, y 2)

-- rejected because x and y are generalised (since NoMonoLocalBinds
-- is on), hence the non-variable pattern binding is inferred
-- unrestricted but must be linear
\ (%1 w :: T) -> let !(x, y) = ((\z -> (w,z)), (\z -> z)) in (x 0, y 1)

-- rejected even though it could be useful
let %1 !(Ur x) = Ur (\z -> z) in (x 0, x Bool)

Note: in the first two examples, the right-hand side of the binding is closed. In this case the variables are normally generalised even with MonoLocalBinds. Nevertheless, having a multiplicity annotation prevents generalisation of non-variable pattern bindings even in this case.

5 Effect and Interactions

A staple of this proposal is:

it does not modify Haskell for those who don’t want to use it, or don’t know about linear types.

A library which exports function with top-level linear arrows (aka first-order linear arrows) only imposes a light burden on the library consumer: they have to η-expand the function to use it as an unrestricted function (linear arrows in negative position, on the other hand, express a requirement by the API, that the consumer pass a linear functions, and requires care on the part of the consumer).

Linear data types are just regular Haskell types, which means it is cheap to interact with existing libraries.

5.1 Non-termination, exceptions & catch

In the presence of non-termination or exceptions, linear functions may fail to fully consume their argument. We can think of it as: the consumption of the result of the function was never complete, so the consumption of the argument need not be either. However, because exceptions can be caught, a program can observe a state where a value v has been passed to a linear function f but the call f v has exited (with an exception) without consuming v. So while, the guarantee provided by linear functions holds for converging computations, we must weaken it in case of divergence:

  • Attempting to consume exactly once f v, when f is a linear function, will consume v exactly once if the consumption of f v converges, and at most once if it diverges.

Where “consuming at most once” is defined by induction, like “consuming exactly once”, but every sub-consumption is optional.

In the paper, we gave a simplified specification of a linear IO monad (called IOL) which ignored the issue of exception for the sake of simplicity. Can we, still, write a resource-safe RIO monad with linear types despite the added difficulty of exceptions? Yes, as this section will show.

Concretely, how do we ensure that the sockets from the example API are always closed, even in presence of exceptions? This boils down to how the RIO monad is implemented. Below is a sketch of one possible implementation of RIO (see here for a detailed implementation).

First, note that since Haskell programs are of type IO (), we need a way to run RIO in an IO computation, this is provided by the function

runRIO :: RIO (Unrestricted a) -> IO a

Conversely, it is possible to inject an IO computation into an RIO computation. But it is absolutely essential that this IO computation does not capture a linear resource. Because resources are always held in linear variables, this can be achieved by making the IO computation an unrestricted argument

liftIO :: IO a -> RIO a -- notice the unrestricted arrow

In order to achieve resource safety in presence of exception, runRIO is tasked with releasing any live resource in case of exception.

To implement this, RIO keeps a table of release actions, to be used in case of exceptions. Each resource implemented in the RIO abstraction registers a release action in the release action table when they are acquired.

If no exception occurs, then all resources have been released by the program. In case an exception occurs, the program jumps to the handler installed by runRIO, which releases the leftover resources.

An alternative strategy would be to add terminators on every resource acquired in RIO. Release in the non-exceptional case would still be performed by the program, and the GC would be responsible for releasing resources in case of exception. The release in case of exception would be, however, less timely.

5.1.1 Can RIO have a catch?

It is possible to catch exceptions inside of RIO. But in order to ensure resource safety, the type cannot be linear:

catchL :: Exception e
       => RIO (Unrestricted a)
       -> (e -> RIO (Unrestricted a))
       -> RIO (Unrestricted a)

That is: no linear resource previously allocated (in particular linear variables which are not RIO resources) can be referenced in the body or the handler, and no resource allocated in the body or handler can be returned. In effect, catchL delimits a new scope, in which linear resources are isolated. To implement catchL, we simply give it its own release action table, so that in case of exceptions all the local resources are released by catchL, as runRIO does, before the handler is called. The original release action table is then reinstated. (Note: this version of catchL can be implemented in terms of liftIO)

Note that if the body or the exception handler, in catchL were linear arguments, catchL could capture linear resources which were previously allocated, and it would be possible for that resource to never be released.

Dually, if catchL could return linear resources (that is, if we didn’t restrict its return type to Unrestricted a), we could return a linear resource allocated within the catchL scope. It would then be in no release action table! Therefore, an exception after catchL return would make it so the resource is never released.

With this implementation, it is clear that capturing linear resources from the outside scope would compromise timely release, and returning locally acquired resources would leak resources if an exception occurs.

The latter restriction can be lifted as follows: instead of reinstating the original release action table in the non-exceptional case, instate the union of the original table and the local one. In this case the type of catchL would be the following:

catchL :: Exception e
       => RIO a -> (e -> RIO a) -> RIO a

Even with this type, however, exception handling remains clumsy, and it may prove more convenient to use a more explicit exception-management mechanism for linear resources, such as the EitherT monad.

The choice between these two types (and corresponding implementation) for catch, or the absence of catch altogether, is a design question for the library that implements a monad such as RIO.

In summary:

  • It is not possible to use resources allocated before catchL in a catchL scope.

  • It is possible to return resources allocated within a catchL scope from that catchL scope.

  • If an exception occurs during a catchL body, the all the resources allocated there will be released, and the control switches to the handler.

  • If an exception occurs after a catchL body returns, all resources (including the resources returned by the catchL body) are released

5.1.2 Can I throw linear exceptions?

In the type of catchL above, the type of the handler is e -> RIO a. Correspondingly, the type of the exception-throwing primitives are:

throwRIO :: Exception e => e -> RIO a
throw :: Exception e => e -> a

That is, exceptions don’t have a linear payload.

While there does not seem to be any conceptual difficulty in throwing exception with linear payload, we have noticed that, in practice, many (linearly typed) abstractions which we have come up with rely on values not escaping a given scope. Barring a mechanism to delimit the scope of exceptions with linear payload, such linear exceptions may compromise such abstractions.

To be conservative, and avoid potential such issue, we currently consider exceptions as only carrying unrestricted payloads in our library.

5.2 Rebindable Syntax

There is an unpleasant interaction with -XRebindableSyntax: if u then t else e is interpreted as ifThenElse u t e. Unfortunately, these two constructs have different typing rules when t and e have free linear variables. Therefore well-typed linearly typed programs might not type check with -XRebindableSyntax enabled.

5.3 Unrestricted newtypes

The meta-theory of linear types in a lazy language fails if we allow unrestricted newtype-s:

newtype Unrestricted' a where
  Unrestricted' :: a -> Unrestricted' a

Intuitively, this is because forcing a value v :: Unrestricted a has the consequence of consuming all the resources in the closure of v making it safe to use the value many times or not at all. But newtypes convert case into a cast, hence the closure is never consumed. So newtype must not accept non-linear arrow with -XLinearTypes: the above produces an error (see also Without -XLinearTypes below).

5.4 Pattern-matching

5.4.1 Constructor patterns

The specification in Constructors & pattern-matching is extended as follows:

  • An existentially quantified multiplicity is introduced, by pattern matching, as a rigid multiplicity variable (as any existential type variable).

    For instance, with the type

    data Foo a where
      Foo :: forall p. a %p -> (a %p -> Bool) -> Foo a

    in a branch

    Foo x f -> u

    u can, essentially, only apply f to x, in order to be well-typed.

5.4.2 Wildcard patterns

Linear wildcard patterns are disallowed.

5.4.3 Lazy patterns

Lazy pattern-matching is only allowed for unrestricted (multiplicity ω) patterns: lazy patterns are defined in terms of projections which only exist in the unrestricted case. For instance

swap' :: (a,b) %1 -> (b,a)
swap' ~(x,y) = (y,x)


swap' :: (a,b) %1 -> (b,a)
swap' xy = (snd xy, fst xy)

Which is not well-typed since, in particular, fst is not linear.

fst :: (a,b) -> a -- resp. snd
fst (a,_) = a

So swap' must be given the type (a,b) -> (b,a).

5.4.4 Strict patterns

Strict patterns are linear, including when applied to a variable, so that

($!) :: (a %p -> b) %1 -> a %p -> b
f $! x = let !vx = x in f vx

5.4.5 Unresolved pattern forms

  • It is unknown at this point whether view patterns can be linear

  • It is unknown at this point whether @ pattern of the form x@C _ _ can be considered linear (it is theoretically justified, but it is not clear in practice whether there is a reasonable way to implement check linearity of such a pattern).

  • There is no account yet of linear pattern synonyms.

5.5 Kinds

With or without -XDataKinds, this proposal does not allow for linear type-level functions (in other words, there is no linear arrow in kinds).

Attempts to use non-unrestricted arrows in a kind will result in an error (the syntax permits it as types and kinds are parsed the same way).

The reasoning is simply that it is easier to implement, and that there is no compelling motivation at the moment for linear type-level functions.

5.6 Without -XLinearTypes

When using -XLinearTypes, the GADT-syntax equivalent of a Haskell’98 type declaration uses the linear arrow rather than the unrestricted arrows, as is customary in Haskell. Worse: GADT-syntax newtypes-s are rejected if they use unrestricted arrows.

Since this proposal is completely backwards compatible, GADT-syntax newtype-s must behave differently without -XLinearTypes. GADT-syntax data definitions need not, but it is the expectation of the programmer that the following two are equivalent definitions (which they are not with -XLinearTypes):

data Maybe a
  = Just a
  | Nothing

data Maybe a where
  Just :: a -> Maybe a
  Nothing :: Maybe a

To follow the principle of least surprise (which we take to mean that only programmers aware of -XLinearTypes would be surprised), we interpret GADT-syntax type declaration (both data and newtype) in code without -XLinearTypes to be linear, despite the ostensible use of an unrestricted arrow.

5.7 Let bindings and polymorphism

It’s specified that multiplicity annotated non-variable pattern bindings are never generalised (see Non-variable linear patterns are monomorphic). This section elaborates why it’s problematic to generalise such bindings. It wouldn’t be unsound, to the best of Arnaud’s knowledge, to allow generalised linear patterns. This restriction follows, instead, from the necessary limitations of the type-checker, as well as the choice of intermediate language (an untyped intermediate language would let us paper over this issue, I believe).


let (f,g) = ((\x -> x), (\y -> y)) in 

The type-checker (with let-generalisation turned on (aka -XNoMonoLocalBinds)) infers type forall a. a -> a for both f and g.

To make this work, there is a lot going on behind the scene (during desugaring mostly). GHC creates a binding

let p @a @b = ((\(x::a) -> x), (\(y::b) -> y))

Remember: the type-checker only generalises at let bindings, so neither identity function will be given a polymorphic type, only p is. Then f and g are materialised as selections of p (this logic is represented by the AbsBinds type in the type-checker). It looks something like this:

let p' =
  let p @a @b = ((\(x::a) -> x), (\(y::b) -> y)) in
  let f @a @b = case p @a @b of { (f,_) -> f } in
  let g @a @b = case p @a @b of { (_,g) -> g } in
let f = case p' of { (f,_) -> f } in
let g = case p' of { (_,g) -> g } in

(f and g are parameterised by both @a and @b, this is simplified by later compiler passes)

For linearity the problem is that all these selections aren’t linear and that p is called several times. It isn’t because of lazy pattern matching (which is, independently, prohibited by the type-checker), a strict pattern:

let !(f,g) = ((\x -> x), (\y -> y)) in 

is desugared in a very similar way

let p' =
  let p @a @b = ((\(x::a) -> x), (\(y::b) -> y)) in
  let f @a @b = case p @a @b of { (f,_) -> f } in
  let g @a @b = case p @a @b of { (_,g) -> g } in
  (p, f, g)
let f = case p' of { (_,f,_) -> f } in
let g = case p' of { (_,_,g) -> g } in
let to_force = case p' of { (p,_,_) -> p } in
p `seq` 

For this to be linear we would like to implement this as one big case expression

let p @a @b = ((\(x::a) -> x), (\(y::b) -> y)) in
case p of
(f, g) -> 

But this means pattern-matching on a lambda abstraction (albeit a lambda over type variables), which is not something that Core understands. Also, f and g should be polymorphic, despite the fact that both fields of p are monomorphic. It’s not clear that this makes sense. Even assuming that it makes sense, it’s not clear how to make such a pattern-matching manifestly typed in Core.

This is also why -XLinearTypes implies -XMonoLocalBinds: -XMonoLocalBinds prevents the type-checker from generating AbsBinds, and, as such, makes more inferred lets linear, which is almost certainly the right default (at least it’s the least surprising: a binding doesn’t change from linear to unrestricted because a small change makes it generalisable).

See also https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/18461#note_506330 for the initial discussion on this difficulty.

6 Costs and Drawbacks

6.1 Learnability

This proposal tries hard to make the changes unintrusive to newcomers, or indeed to the existing language ecosystem as a whole. However, if many users start adopting it, inevitably, linear arrows may start appearing in so many libraries that it becomes hard to be oblivious to their existence. They can be safely ignored, but teachers of Haskell might still consider them distracting for their students.

6.2 Development and maintenance

The arrow type constructor is constructed and destructed a lot in GHC’s internals. So there are many places in the type checker where the GHC implementation will have to handle multiplicities. It is most often straightforward as it consists in getting a multiplicity variable and pass it to a function. Nevertheless, it is possible to get it wrong. And type checker developers will have to be aware of multiplicities to modify most aspects of type checking.

Linear types also affect Core: Core must handle linear types, and the linter modified accordingly to check linearity, in order to ensure that core-to-core passes do not break the linearity guarantees. The flip side is that all core-to-core passes must make sure that they do not break linearity. It is possible that some of the pre-linear-type passes actually do break linearity in some cases (note: there has been no evidence of this so far).

Unification of multiplicity expressions (as for instance in the type of (.) above) requires some flavour of unification module associativity and commutativity (AC). Unification modulo AC is well-understood an relatively easy to implement. But would still be a non-trivial addition to the type-checker. We may decide that a simplified fragment is better suited for our use-case that the full generality of AC.

7 Alternatives

This section describes variants that could be considered for inclusion in the proposal.

7.1 Lexical tokens of the multiplicity-parametric arrow

Other syntaxes have been discussed during the course of the proposal process. They are listed here for the records.

  • :p->. This was the version originally used in the document

  • -p->

  • |p->. The following mnemonic has been proposed by @goldfirere: it starts with a vertical line hence pertains to line-arity.

  • #p ->, proposed by @davemenendez, the mnemonic is that # is the number sign. This is the syntax used by this proposal, but with # replaced by % to avoid a conflict with overloaded labels. - This syntax proposal is accompanied by an alternative notation for

    multiplicity with binder: \ x :: a %p -> ; which also allows omitting the type when giving a multiplicity annotation: \ x %p -> . The syntax for binders would carry over to the syntax of record fields: Rec { field :: t %p }.

    • This syntax proposal is also accompanied by a new non-GADT syntax to annotate fields of data constructors with a multiplicity: data Unrestricted a = Unrestricted (a %'Many).

  • ^p ->, proposed by @mboes. It’s the same as the previous alternative, but with ^ instead of %.

  • ->{p}, proposed by @niobium0

  • A meta-proposal is any of the above, but using ->. (or whatever the linear arrow ends up being). This was proposed by @monoidal. The reasoning is that, then a %p ->. b means the same as Mult p a ->. b (where data Mult p a where Mult :: a %p -> Mult p a). There is more symmetry here than if the notation was a %p -> b.

Here are other suggestions which have been floated, but we don’t believe are very good:

  • ->_p (using the _ to represent the subscript from the paper as in Latex)

  • ->:p. We’ve used this one a little, and found that it was confusing, seeming to attach the multiplicity to the result, where it ought to be thought as affecting the argument. The same probably applies to (->_p).

7.2 Lexical token of the linear arrow

Other notations have been discussed during the course of the proposal process. They are listed here for the records.

  • (->.) the one we use in the proposal. The reasoning behind this notation is that it conveys the intuition that the linear arrow is just the same thing as (->) for most intents and purposes (except for those advanced users who do care about the distinction).

  • (-o) is a natural ASCII representation of the Unicode notation (⊸). But it requires changing the lexer (-o is not a token in current GHC, and a-o is currently interpreted as (-) a o)

  • (%1 ->) based on the notation (%p ->) used for multiplicity-parametric arrows.

7.3 Name of the multiplicity

The proposal names the two multiplicities One and Many (these names were proposed by @jeltsch).

Earlier versions of this proposal used One and Omega, imitating the notations in the paper. However, it was agreed that Omega is mathematical jargon which is meaningless to most programmers. Instead Many is named after the many function from Control.Applicative which is more familiar.

7.4 Name of the extension

This proposal uses -XLinearTypes as the name for the extension it introduces. We believe it is the most appropriate name for this extension. Nevertheless, other names have been proposed

  • -XLinearArrows (which didn’t garner much support because of the confusion with the Arrow type class)

  • -XLinearFunctions

  • -XLinearFunctionTypes (to avoid confusion with the use of “linear functions” in linear algebra)

The reasoning, proposed by @christiaanb, is that LinearTypes should be reserved for a notional future extensions where types are classified, by their kinds, on whether their value are to be used linearly or not (as opposed to this proposal, where linearity is a property of function).

We’d argue that “linear types” describe the type system having a notion of linearity, rather than types being classified as linear or not. The notional future extension, if it comes to exist, could in this context be named LinearityKind or something to that effect.

7.5 Syntax of multiplicity expression

7.5.1 Dedicated syntax

We proposed that, in a %p -> b, p could be any expression, as long as it is of kind Multiplicity. This is simpler in terms of modifying the parser, but the error messages may be confusing for very little benefit: in practice we would expect to have polynomial expressions of multiplicity variables. Plus, any expression beyond this form is unlikely to be resolved by the type checker satisfactorily.

So we could decide to restrict p to the following grammar:

MULT ::= 'One
       | 'Many
       | VARIABLE
       | MULT :+ MULT
       | MULT :* MULT
       | ( MULT )

7.5.2 Constrained variables

Another simple variant on the syntax of a %p -> b is to restrict p to be a variable, and when p needs to be a composed expression, use a constraint of the form p ~ q :* r.

This alternative is probably the simplest in terms of parsing. It has the drawback that composed multiplicity expression seem to appear mostly in result position. Such as in the composition function

(.) :: (b %q -> c) %1 -> (a %p -> b) %q -> (a :(p :* q)-> c)

which would become

(.) :: (r ~ p :* q ) => (b %q -> c) %1 -> (a %p -> b) %q -> (a :r-> c)

It does look a bit curious. But it’s a possiblity worth considering.

7.6 Records in GADT syntax

For record in GADT syntax, we proposed that the arrow symbol always be ->, but has no interpretation.

An alternative would be to allow an arbitrary arrow %π-> as in

data R where
  R :: { f1 %'One :: A, f2 :: B, f3 %'Many :: C} %π-> R

Which could be interpreted in one of two ways:

  • π can act as a default multiplicity for the fields which don’t have a multiplicity annotation. In this case, the type of R would be

    R :: A %1 -> B %π -> C -> R
  • π can act as a multiplier on all the fields (unannotated field are considered linear). In this case, the type of R would be

    R :: A %π -> B %π -> C -> R

7.7 Unboxed data types

7.7.1 Mixed-multiplicity via unary tuples

To alleviate the lack of syntax for unboxed data types with mixed multiplicity, we can leverage the fact that unboxed data types compose and introduce a single type constructor:

Mult# :: forall k. Multiplicity -> TYPE k -> TYPE ('TupleRep '[k])
Mult# :: a %p ->  Mult# p a

of multiplicity-parametric unary tuples, together with the corresponding pattern.

Compare with the regular (# x #) unary tuple, which is linear (hence equivalent to Mul# x :: Mult# 'One A).

Hence, we could use the type (# A, Mult# 'Many C, C #) where we want a 3-tuple where the middle field is unrestricted and the other two linear. Due to the semantics of unboxed tuples, this doesn’t incur any performance penalty, compared to a more native syntax.

7.7.2 Syntax for native mixed-multiplicity unboxed data types

Alternatively, we can come up with a syntax for mixed-multiplicity native unboxed data types (either only for unboxed tuples, or for both unboxed tuples and unboxed sums).

No syntax has been proposed yet.

7.8 Other strategies when -XLinearTypes is turned off

The proposal holds that in absence of -XLinearTypes, GADT-syntax type declarations are interpreted as linear declarations. This achieves two purposes:

  • For data declarations: it honours the expectation of the programmer unaware of or unfamiliar with -XLinearTypes that Haskell’98 syntax can always be replaced by the appropriate GADT syntax without affecting the semantics.

  • For newtype declarations: it makes sure that the existing GADT-syntax newtype-s are valid, while must be rejected when -XLinearTypes is turned on.

This choice is aimed at making the life of programmers which don’t use -XLinearTypes as unaffected by the existence of linear types as possible. On the other hand, one may point out that it will make it so that turning -XLinearTypes will change the semantics of GADT-syntax type declarations. While we believe it to be a lesser problem, let us outline an alternative plan.

  • data declaration honour the unrestricted arrow annotation even with -XLinearTypes turned off. This means that they are not equivalent to the corresponding Haskell’98 declaration anymore. This would likely mean that users of -XLinearTypes will want to discourage the use of GADT syntax where Haskell’98 syntax even in codebases which don’t use -XLinearTypes.

  • newtype declarations are always linear. Even if we use unrestricted arrows in their definitions. Even with -XLinearTypes turned on. When -XLinearTypes is on, a warning is emitted.

7.9 Linear projections of records

Other strategies, compared to the one suggested in the Records section, could be deployed regarding the multiplicity of record projections.

  • We could make record always be unrestricted. This is simpler, but, in the idiom

    newtype Foo = Foo { unFoo :: A }

    unFoo would be essentially useless in linearly typed code. Experience with the prototype implementation indicates that this would be surprising, and somewhat awkward, as it often ends up being replaced by:

    newtype Foo = Foo A
    unFoo :: Foo %1 -> A
    unFoo (Foo a) = a

    If the programmer is going to write it anyway, we might as well generate this code for them.

  • We could only generate linear projections if there is a single projection. This is a proper restriction of the design in the Records Section. It isn’t clear that it offers any real simplification to the current proposal, either for the programmer or for the code base. So it doesn’t seem worth it.

  • A generalisation of the current proposal would be to allow linear projections from a data type with several constructor. In this case, the linear projection proj could be partial (i.e. not every constructor need to feature a proj field), and every field, in every constructor which is not a proj field must be unrestricted.

    This is a more complex specification. And there is no known use case for such a generalisation yet.

7.10 Syntax of binders with multiplicity

No alternative syntax has been proposed for binders with multiplicity yet.

7.11 Affine types instead of linear types

In the presence of exceptions, it may seem that linear functions do not necessarily consume their arguments. For instance, an RIO a may abort before closing its file handles. And because of catch we are able to be observe this effect. Could affine types agree better with this reality?

A function is called affine if it guarantees that if its returned value is consumed at most once, then its argument is consumed at most once.

There are three possible systems we can consider:

  1. a system with linear functions (as we are proposing),

  2. a system with affine functions,

  3. a system with both linear and affine functions.

All three system are consistent and can be easily accommodated in our formalism. In fact the formalism has been designed with extensibility in mind, and the proposed implementation is easy to change in order to cope with affine functions. Therefore the choice between these three systems is not a fundamental issue of this proposal. We are arguing for system (1), but it can easily be changed.

We argue against system (2) for the following reasons, expanded upon below:

  • Many API properties crucially rely on linearity.

  • Affine types and linear types are not equi-expressive (see next section).

  • Some API properties (not all) can be achieved using linear types in direct style, or with affine types in continuation passing style (CPS). As is well-established in the literature, programming in direct style is easier, less verbose and less error prone than CPS. So abandoning the stronger guarantee of linear types would come at a cost for API designers.

  • While affine types are sufficiently strong to achieve many desirable properties, linear types can express them just as well at minimal implementation and API design cost.

An example of a direct style API that crucially relies on linearity is @gelisam’s 3D-printable models). Exceptions can only be caught in the IO monad, yet this API is pure. So exceptions are not a concern in the design of this API. The properties this API wants to enforce hold even with linear types and even in the face of exceptions being thrown (in a pure or impure context) and caught (in an impure context). No linear types means this API would need to use CPS, if that works at all to enforce the same properties.

Another example is language interop by @facundominguez and @mboes. In this example, Haskell users create GC roots for every object in the JVM’s heap that they want to reference directly. These GC roots must be released as soon as the reference is no longer useful. Introducing a bracket-like withJvmScope action is one way to ensure all roots do get deleted eventually (at scope exit), but in practice, in complex dual-language projects, introducing neither too fine-grained or too coarse-grained scopes has proven very difficult. Furthermore, bracket-like constructs break tail-recursion. Linear types enable working with a single global resource scope, while still guaranteeing eventual deletion of roots, in any order. Affine types do not. At any rate, not in direct-style.

Now, in this latter example, exceptions do impose both an implementation cost and a design cost. The implementation cost arises because we want a stronger guarantee: we want to know that all GC roots are always freed exactly once, so we must register each GC root to free them if an exception is thrown. A free-at-most-once guarantee wouldn’t require this, but is also not realistic. In the above use case, we do want references to be freed eventually, so we have to bother with registration either way, whether with affine or linear types. The design cost is that catch requires a weaker type than desirable, as discussed above, limiting its power.

It should be noted that affine types are sufficient for many use cases. Examples: in-place mutation of garbage-collected structures like mutable arrays. Affine types also make it possible to ascribe a more precise type to catch (writing 'A for the affine multiplicity):

catch :: Exception e => RIO a %'A-> (e -> RIO a) %'A-> RIO a

So affine mutable arrays could be free variables in the body of a catch. It’s not clear yet that this finer type for catch would actually be useful: the same affine free variable could not appear both in the body and the handler. The only instance of such a pattern which we’ve found documented so far, is in the Alms programming language, where the catch is used to perform clean-up, i.e. close a resource, (see Jesse Tov’s thesis p67). We invite the community to come up with more use cases for affine types and where linear types would impose a high implementation and/or API design cost.

Finally, while it is easy to implement system (3), we have not included it in the proposal. We propose to reserve it for a later proposal (see also More multiplicities below), while thriving in this proposal to focus first on the minimal system that adequately addresses the motivations.

7.11.1 Remarks on the relation between affine and linear types

As noted by @rleshchinskiy, we can recover, in a limited case, the guarantees of linear types in system (2) via an encoding. The idea is to introduce a type-level name for each resource that we want linearity guarantees for (this requires to introduce the resource in continuation-passing). Here is what it would look like for the socket example:

data Socket (n :: *) (s :: State)
data Closed (n :: *)

newSocket :: RIO (forall n. Socket n 'Unbound %'A-> RIO (Unrestricted a, Closed s)) %'A -> RIO (Unrestricted a)
close :: Socket n s -> RIO (Closed s)

This, however, requires to release resources in some sort of a stack-like discipline: if resources are released in an unbounded out-of-order manner, we can’t retain the relation between the resource names and the type of the expression. Therefore we cannot have, say, a priority queue of sockets with the above affine API. Whereas linearly typed priority queues are perfectly fine.

Conversely, affine types can be encoded in linear types (folklore in the literature):

type Affine a = forall k. Either (a %1 -> k) k %1 -> k

drop :: Affine a %1 -> ()
drop x = x $ Right ()

Unfortunately, with this encoding, it is still not easy to give the following type to catch:

catch :: Exception e => Affine (RIO a) %1 -> Affine (e -> RIO a) -> RIO a

Therefore, despite the tantalising proximity, system (1) and (2) are different in practice.

7.12 η-expansion

In a previous version of this proposal we proposed that, despite the following not being well-typed according to core rules

f :: A %1 -> B

g :: A -> B
g = f

To implicitly η-expand f. So that the above program is elaborated in the following, well-typed, one

f :: A %1 -> B

g :: A -> B
g x = f x

The main motivation for that was backwards compatibility: because constructors have been made linear by default, Haskell 98 code, such as

app :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
app f x = f x

data Maybe a = Just a

app Just

Display the same kind of mismatch, as Just is linear: Just :: a %1 -> Maybe a. Using η-expansion to resolve this mismatch solves the issue.

This was not satisfactory. First because η-expansion is not semantics-preserving in Haskell: `seq` () diverges, while (\x -> x) `seq` () never does. Furthermore, while GHC already does some η-expansion, the direction seems to be towards fewer η-expansion rather than more, as η-expansion causes problem in the approach to impredicative type checking from the Guarded impredicative polymorphism paper.

But the real issue was that η-expansion is not sufficient to restore backwards compatibility. There are two issues:

  • We cannot η-expand under a functor. And the following was not expanded, caused type errors despite being valid Haskell 98

    data Maybe a = Just a
    data Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a }
    foo :: Identity (a -> b) -> a -> b
    foo = unIndentity
    foo (Identity Just)

    What happens is that Identity Just is inferred to have type Identity (a %1 -> Maybe a), which is not compatible with type Identity (a -> b) and cannot be mediated by an η-expansion. It could have been that Just would be type-checked at type a -> b so that Identity Just would have been elaborated to Identity (\x -> Just x) :: a -> b, but the type information is not there in practice.

  • The other problem is about type classes on (->). Such as Category

    data Maybe a = Just a
    class Category (arr :: * -> * -> *) where
      (.) :: b `arr` c -> a `arr` b -> a `arr` c
    instance Category (->) where
      f . g = \x -> f (g x)
    Just . Just

    This is valid (essentially) Haskell 98 code, but with Just turned into a linear type, it doesn’t type check anymore: Just :: a %1 -> Maybe a, and there is no instance of Category (%1 ->).

For all these reasons we removed η-expansion in favour of the solution based on making constructor polymorphic when they are applied.

7.13 Subtyping instead of polymorphism

Since A %1 -> B is a strengthening of A -> B, it is tempting to make A %1 -> B a subtype of A -> B. But subtyping and polymorphism don’t mesh very well, and would yield a significantly more complex solution.

In general, subtyping and polymorphism are not comparable, and some examples will work better with one or the other. Therefore it makes sense to go for the simplest one.

7.14 Zero as a multiplicity

The implementation, and the usage-based definition of linearity in the Multiplicities section, use a 0. It is currently kept out of the actual multiplicities because we have no use case for this. But it would not be hard to provide. Additionally, 0 has been used by Conor McBride to handle dependent types, which may matter for Dependent Haskell.

An alternative which we may consider, or which we may take into account when Dependent Haskell progresses, would be to have the multiplicity 0 as an additional multiplicity.

The definitions of sum, product and order would have to be modified as follows:

0 + x = x
x + 0 = x
_ + _ = ω

0 * _ = 0
_ * 0 = 0
1 * x = x
x * 1 = x
ω * ω = ω

_  ω = True
x  y = x == y

Note in particular that 0 1.

An important point to note, however, is that case_0 is meaningless: it makes it possible to create values dependending on a value which may not exist at runtime. For instance the length of a list argument with multiplicity 0.

-- Wrong!
badLength :: [a] :'0-> Int
badLength [] = 0
badLength (_:l) = 1 + badLength l

-- Not linear! But well-typed if the above is accepted
f :: [a] %1 -> (Int, [a])
f l = (badLength l, l)

Because we want to allow case_p for a variable p, this creates a small complication. Which can be solved in a number of way:

  • Make it so that multiplicity variables are never instantiated by 0, in particular type-application of multiplicity variables must prohibit 0.

  • Instead of restricting variables and type applications so that case_p is allowed for a variable p, we can allow arbitrary variables and disallow, in particular, case_p.

    In this case, we would have:

    map :: (a :(p:+'One)-> b) -> [a] :(p:+'One)-> [b]
    map f [] = []
    map f (a:l) = f a : (map f l)

    In practice, under this situation, the type of map is probably better written as

    map :: forall p a b q. (p ~ q :+ 'One) => (a %'One-> b) -> [a] %p -> [b]

    In order to play more nicely, for instance, with explicit type applications.

    A benefit is that higher-order functions with no case such as (.) are now capable of taking functions with multiplicity 0 as argument.

  • A variation on the same idea is to introduce a constraint

    CaseCompatible :: Multiplicity -> Constraint

    which is discharged automatically by the compiler. Variables implementing this are acceptable in case. So map would be of type.

    map :: (CaseCompatible p) => (a %p -> b) -> [a] %p -> [b]

    This is harder to implement than just reusing p~q:+'One as a constraint, but is more resistant to having more multiplicities than just 0, 1, and ω, as is currently proposed.

  • Another option is to have a type of multiplicities excluding 0 and have another type of extended mulitplicities for multiplicities with 0. Note that a different (:+) and (:*) would have to act on extended multiplicities.

7.15 No annotation on case

Instead of having case_p (see Multiplicities) we could just have the regular case (which would correspond to case_1 in this proposal’s formalism). This would simplify the addition of 0.

On the other hand, doing this loses the principle that linear data types and unrestricted data types are one and the same. And sacrifices much code reuse.

7.16 Uniqueness instead of linearity

Languages like Clean and Rust have a variant of linear types called uniqueness, or ownership, typing. This is a dual notion: instead of functions guaranteeing that they use their argument exactly once, and no restriction being imposed on the caller, with uniqueness type, the caller must guarantee that it has a non-aliased reference to a value, and the function has no restriction.

Where uniqueness really shines, is for in-place mutation: the write function can take a regular Array as an argument, it just needs to require that it is unique. Freezing is really easy: just drop the constraint that the Array is unique, it will never be writable again.

With linear types, we need to have two types MArray (guaranteed unique) and Array, just like in Haskell today. This is fine when we are freezing one array: just call freeze. But what if we are freezing a list of arrays? Do we need to map freeze? This is unfortunate (the problem is even more complicated if we start considering MArray (MArray a)). It has a feel of Coercible, but it does feel harder.

On the other hand, other examples work better with linear types, such as fork-join parallelism. This is why Rust has a notion of so-called mutable borrowed reference, on which constraints are more akin to linear types (or rather, affine types, technically).

Overall, uniqueness type system are significantly more complex to specify and implement than linear types systems such as this proposal’s.

7.17 Linearity-in-kinds

Instead of adding a type for linear function, we could classify types in two kinds: one of unrestricted types and one of linear types. A value of a linear type must be used in a linear fashion.

This would get rid of the continuation of newMArray in the motivating MArray interface.

The most natural way to do this, in Haskell, is to add a second parameter to TYPE (the first one is for levity polymorphism). So, ignoring the levity polymorphism, we would have TYPE 'One for linear types and TYPE 'Many for unrestricted type. We get polymorphism by abstracting over the multiplicity.

As interesting as it is, there is quite some complication associated to it. First, because of laziness, you can’t have a function of type (A :: TYPE 'One) -> (B :: TYPE 'Many) (because you don’t need to consume the result, hence you may not consume an argument that you have to consume). So what would be the type of the arrow? Something like forall (p :: Multiplicity) (q p). p -> q -> q. So we’re introducing some kind of bounded polymorphism in our story. This is quite a bit harder than our proposal.

Most types will live in both kinds, but that would have to be explicit:

data List (p :: Multiplicity) (a :: TYPE p) :: TYPE p where
  [] :: List p a
  (:) :: a -> List p a -> List p a

Mixing non-linear and linear lists (e.g. with (++)) would require either some subtyping from List 'Many a to List 'One a (but as discussed above, subptyping in presence of polymorphism quickly becomes hairy) or some conversion function.

It it worth taking into account that the issues with MArray and Array (which may be Array 'One and Array 'Many in this case) above are not solved by such a situation. Unless there is a subptyping relation from Array 'Many from Array 'One, which cannot be performed by an explicit function since this would be equivalent to the proposal’s situation.

On the other hand, the CPS interface to newMArray delimits a scope in which the array lives. This gives a perfect opportunity to put clean-up code to react to exceptions. So it may not be such a bad thing after all.

So linearity in kind seem to add a lot of complication for very little gain.

On the matter of dependent Haskell, to the best our knowledge, the only presentations of dependent types with linearity-in-kinds disallow linear types as arguments of dependent functions.

7.18 Additive conjunction

There is a connective of linear logic which is not included in this proposal: the additive conjunction, typically written A&B. It differs from the multiplicative conjunction (written A⊗B in linear logic, and (A, B) in Linear Haskell) in that it has two linear projections π₁ :: A&B %1 -> A and π₂ :: A&B %1 -> B but, contrary to the multiplicative conjunction, only one of the two conjuncts of a linear A&B will be consumed (that is: consuming a value u of type A&B exactly once, means consuming π₁ u exactly once, or, exclusively, consuming π₂ u exactly once).

It is not part of the proposal because it can be encoded:

type a & b = forall k. Either (a %1 -> k) (b %1 -> k) %1 -> k

What could be a benefit of having a primitive support for A & B? Values of type A&B could be implemented as a lazy thunk rather than a function. But this only really matters for unrestricted values, but in this case, the role of lazy pair is already played by Unrestricted (A, B) (due to our treatment of case, see No annotation on case).

On the other hand we believe additive pairs of effectful computations to be more useful in effectful context. In which case we would use:

type a & b = Either (a %1 -> ) (b %1 -> ) %1 -> 

For some effect type (it could be type = RIO () for instance).

So on balance, we didn’t consider additive pairs to be useful enough to justify a dedicated implementation and syntax.

7.19 Future extensions (not part of this proposal)

7.19.1 Toplevel-linear binders

Something that hasn’t been touched up by this proposal is the idea of declaring toplevel linear binders

module Foo where
token :: A %'One

Here token would have be consumed exactly once by the program, this property is a link-time property. This generalised the RealWorld token which is currently magically inserted in the main function (the existence of which is checked at link time).

This would allow libraries to abstract on main or to provide their own linearly-threaded token.

7.19.2 More multiplicities

One central aspect of the proposed system is that it is very easy to extend with new multiplicities: add a multiplicity to the Multiplicity data-type, extend the sum, product, ordering, and join functions.

As discussed in the Affine types section, one such extra multiplicity is the multiplicity of affine functions (which is the join of 0 and 1). The paper also suggests a “borrowing” multiplicity which would allow for arbitrary usage, but be strictly smaller than ω.

It is not clear what the eventual list of multiplicity should be. The literature teaches us that multiplicities classify co-effects, of which there are many.

Instead of trying to come up with a definite list of multiplicities which ought to be built in, we hope to be able to propose a solution to make it possible for libraries to define new multiplicities.

Note that not all potential multiplicity are compatible with the rule to generalise the type of linear constructors to a multiplicity-polymorphic type. The affine multiplicity is fine, but a multiplicity 2 which would mean, for instance that an argument must be consumed exactly twice wouldn’t. As the following would type check

data T a = T a

-- This is obviously incorrect
wrong :: a :2-> a
wrong x = case T x of { T y -> y }

If a multiplicity which is incompatible with 1 is desirable then we will have to add a constraint CompatibleWithOne :: Multiplicity -> Constraint, and restrict the multiplicity variables in the type of constructors (when used as term) to be compatible with one. In the above example,

T :: CompatibleWithOne p => a %p -> a

So, wrong wouldn’t typecheck: it would complain that CompatibleWithOne 2 doesn’t hold.

One way to introduce the CompatibleWithOne constraint, is to manifest the order of multiplicity as a constraints (⩽) :: Multiplicity -> Multiplicity -> Constraint. In which case, we would define

type CompatibleWithOne p = 1  p

7.20 Let bindings and polymorphism

This proposal specifies (in particular in Non-variable linear patterns are monomorphic) that

  1. -XLinearTypes implies -XMonoLocalBinds.

  2. Generalised non-multiplicity-annotated let-bound non-variable patterns are inferred to be unrestricted

  3. Multiplicity annotated let-bound non-variable patterns are not generalised.

7.20.1 MonoLocalBinds

We could choose not to imply -XMonoLocalBinds. The whole point of having -XMonoLocalBinds is to make (2) irrelevant though. Because it feels rather unpredictable. Because -XMonoLocalBinds is quite standard already, being more or less necessary for -XGADTs and -XTypeFamilies, so it feels unnecessary to add extra worries by not implying -XMonoLocalBinds.

7.20.2 %Many annotated patterns

We could try to generalise multiplicity annotated bindings when they are annotated with %Many. But it invites a lot of complication (what if it’s a type synonym that is equivalent to Many? What if it’s a type family?) that are hard to justify. In particular since we take -XMonoLocalBinds for granted, where generalisation doesn’t occur anyway.

7.21 Restrictions of multiplicity-annotated let bindings

A previous version of the proposal had a stronger, more syntactic, restriction on multiplicity-annotated bindings. It was required that the binding was marked with a ! even with -XStrict and when the annotation is %Many. The motivation for such a restriction was to improve the precision of error messages. But we can have nearly as precise error messages by using more precise CtOrigin.

The additional flexibility is, therefore, mostly without cost, and it’s more consistent with inference. With the stronger restriction we would have that let %Many (x, y) = u in is never well-typed whereas let (x, y) = u in (of course) is.

8 The Core corner

This section is an appendix to the proposal describing the changes to GHC’s Core intermediate language in order to accommodate the new feature of this proposal and verify linearity in the code generated by optimisation passes

The bulk of the modifications to Core is described in §3 of the paper. We also wrote a document describing a less idealised version of Core, which describe with precision the changes which we have to make.

8.1 Changes to the type system

Here is a summary of the changes included in the paper:

  • All variables have an attached multiplicity (just like they have an attached type)

  • Type variables can be of kind Multiplicity

  • The arrow type constructor has an additional argument (the multiplicity p in a %p -> b)

  • Data constructors have multiplicities attached to their fields

Here are the changes and interactions which were omitted in the paper:

  • In the paper the only polymorphism described is polymorphism in multiplicities, there is no added difficulty due to general type polymorphism.

  • The paper does not have existentially quantified type variables. They do not cause any additional difficulty.

  • The paper uses a traditional construction for case, but Core’s is a bit more complex: in Core, case is of the form case u as x of { <alternatives> } where x represents the head normal form of u. Moreover one of the alternative can be WILDCARD -> <rhs> (where WILDCARD is Core’s representation of _). This is described in the Linear Core document.

  • Join points are a variant of let but the standard typing rule for let does not suffice to type check them. This is explained and descbired in the Linear Core document.

  • It seems that, because of the worker/wrapper split in the strictness analysis, Core will need unboxed tuples with multiplicity-annotated fields. Even if there is no surface syntax for these in the proposal.

There is no change to the term syntax, only the types and the linter are affected.

Note: the constraint arrow => is interpreted as an unrestricted arrow (i.e. of multiplicity ω).

8.2 Effect on transformations and passes

An indication that the effects of linear types on Core transformations should be small is that GHC must already preserve linearity: in the case of ST and IO, a token is passed around which must be used linearly. At the surface level, linearity is enforced by the abstract interface, but it is manifest in Core, so core must preserver their linearity. Therefore, any interaction between linearity and Core transformations are due either to new patterns which couldn’t be previously expressed or limitation of the type-checking.

Below are the transformations which we have analysed so far:


Because the η-expansion of a linear function can be an unrestricted function, it is not, in general, safe, to η-reduce functions. GHC already does not perform η-reduction carelessly, so we need to add an extra condition for η-reduction to be successful.


Suppose we have

let %1 x = u in if b then  x  else  x 

GHC may try to line x at the some (but not necessarily all) of the use sites. For instance, GHC may try to reduce to

let %1 x = u in if b then  u  else  x 

But this is not recognised as linear under the current typing rules (because, among other things u counts as having been used twice, once in the right-hand-side of the let, and once in the then branch).

So, under the current typing rules, linear lets could be inlined at every site (this is a form of β-reduction) or none at all. But, of course, this inlining transformation does not change the meaning of the program, so it is still valid. Maybe we need a refined typing rule for let, in Core, akin to that of join points.

Common Subexpression Elimination (CSE)

When encountering an expression of the form

let x = u in e

the rewrite rule u --> x is added to the environment when analysing e.

This can’t safely be done in general for linear lets:

let %1 x = u in e

There are several potential strategies:

  • Ignore linear lets for the purpose of CSE. After all, we are unlikely to find many occurrences of u if u is used in a let %1 x.

  • Try and see if we can replace the let %1 x by a let x (that is, if u only has unrestricted type variables). And continue with u --> x if the let %1 x was successfully promoted to let x.

  • Do not change the let %1 x immediately, but when an occurrence of u is encountered, lazily promote the let %1 x to a let x if needed (if we have resolved the issue with inlining, we may not always need to promote the let x). It is not completely clear how to pursue this option.

Case-binder optimisations:

GHC will try to transform

case x of %1 y {
  (p:ps) -> (case x of %1 z {}) (case x of %1 w {})}


case x of y %1 {
  (p:ps) -> let %?? x = y in (case x of ) (case x of )}

This transformation, similar to CSE, is valid only because we are calling for a case_1 of some unrestricted variable. This is difficult for several reasons:

  • Under the naive typing rule for case-binders proposed above, it is not even correct to use y inside an alternative: it has been consumed by being the scrutinee.

  • Even if we have a more flexible typing rule for let (see below), it remains that y has multiplicity 1 and that for the right-hand side of the alternative to type-check, we actually need let x = y in , which is not well-typed.

Like for CSE, we can either prevent this optimisation for linear cases. Or we can try to promote the case_1 to a case_ω, and perform the transformation only if it’s successful.

Float-in & float-out

These transformation move let-bindings inside or outside λ-abstractions. They are safe in presence of linear types.

Note that the issues and interactions were illustrated with examples of multiplicity 1, but the same arguments works for any multiplicity which are not ω (in particular multiplicity variables).

8.3 Advanced typing rule for let

There is no known account of a type-system which would account for the inlining transformation. Let alone of one which would not require too much engineering. But the idea is, conceptually, simple enough: from the point of view of usage, x and u must be considered the same (since u may contain several variables with their own multiplicity, it requires more than a union-find structure).

Provided we can give a precise description of such a system, it can be used to make general inlining well-typed, and it would resolve the rigidity of the case-binder typing rule discussed above.

However, it may be worth noticing a potentially surprising behaviour: we may use, as an optimisation, the fact that a let is linear to avoid saving its thunk upon evaluation as we are not going to force it again. But the case-binder does not have this property: computationally does not quite behave like a linear let.

9 Unresolved questions

This section summarises the questions that have yet to be resolved.

9.1 Inference

  • There is no systematic account of type inference. Unification up to the theory of semi-ring being undecidable, there is no theoretically obvious solution. We need to balance the requirement of discharging as many instances as possible with needing type annotation only in predictable locations. A naive approach, deployed in the prototype implementation, simply infers unrestricted arrows whenever it isn’t immediately obvious that another kind of multiplicity is required, but experience shows that it can result in very surprising type errors. See Inference for more details.

  • In Core, case expressions are indexed by a multiplicity: case of x %p {…} (and similarly let x %p). In the surface language, we can deduce the multiplicity in equations when there is a type annotation.

    fst :: (a,b) -> a
    fst (a,_) = a    -- this is inferred as a case_ω
    swap :: (a,b) %1 -> (b,a)
    swap (a,b) = (b,a)   -- this is inferred as a case_1

    But what of explicit case and let in the surface language? We can syntactically annotate them with a multiplicity, but it is generally clear from the context which multiplicity is meant. So the multiplicity annotation really ought to be inferred.

The fact that unification isn’t decidable is not an obstacle. At an extreme end of the inference spectrum, we could gather all the constraints arising from the linearity checking (which take the form of equality and inequality constraints between multiplicity expressions), and only discharge them when they are ground. This would, of course, give absolutely horrendous types, and we would like to avoid this.

The difficulty in designing the inference algorithm resides in finding a good middle ground, where most common constraints are correctly simplified or discharged. And where it is reasonably straightforward to specify why a constraint hasn’t been discharged.

This is work in progress.

9.2 Patterns

It is not clear yet how the following should be handled:

  • View patterns: linear view patterns should not be a problem as long as there is only one view and that the patterns are grouped into a single call to the view (otherwise the patterns would translate, in Core, to several calls using the same linear variable, which is not allowed). It is not clear yet that we can have a predictable criterion which would allow programmers to use linear view patterns without generating faulty Core. On the other hand, it would be unfortunate not to have linear view patterns at all, as views matter more in linear types as there are usually no projections.

  • @-patterns: The pattern x@(Just _) -> could be seen as linear. After all, it is equivalent to Just y -> let x = Just y in . This elaborates to a well-typed alternative in Core, but we need to come up with a criterion in the surface language.

  • Pattern synonym: linear pattern synonyms have not been studied yet. In particular, how they ought to be type checked, when they are defined. It is still unknown whether this problem is hard or easy.

9.3 Syntax

Linear monads, like RIO in the socket motivating example will require the do notation to feel native and be comfortable to use. There is a facility to do this -XRebindableSyntax but, besides the problem with itThenElse mentionned above, this has a much too coarse grain behaviour: realistically, the same file will want to mention regular monads and linear monads (there is also another useful type of monads where multiplicity can change), but -XRebindableSyntax changes the meaning of do globally. A solution would be to have a locally-rebindable do syntax such as is attempted in this proposal.

10 Implementation Plan