A syntax for visible dependent quantification

GHC 8.0 has support for visible dependent quantification in kinds. For example, GHC 8 will accept

data T k (a :: k)

Note that any (fully-applied) use of T has to mention both a kind and a type. For example, T Nat 3 and T Type Int are well-typed. If you ask GHCi for the kind of T, it tells you forall k -> k -> * (with -fprint-explicit-foralls). Note that there is no . after the forall. Instead, this kind makes k a visible, dependent type variable. It’s visible because every (fully-applied) use of T must pass in a value for k visibly (explicitly). It’s dependent because k appears later in the kind of T. The ability to have visible, dependent quantifiees is a new feature in GHC 8, available only in kinds. (There’s no way to do this in terms.)

The syntax forall k -> k -> * that is printed in GHCi for these kinds is not currently parsed. This proposal proposed to add this kind format to the language as a first-class kind.

This proposal is viable on its own, but it may be best considered in the context of other quantifiers needed to support dependent types. See #102.


Currently, GHC allows the user to define a type with a visible, dependent quantifiers in its kind, but it offers no way to write the kind directly. This is just plain silly.

(Historical note: the reason this happened is that I got early feedback claiming that forall k -> ... was poor syntax, and I was reticent to add it to the language with -XTypeInType. However, now that this proposals process is active, I’m happy to propose the new syntax where it can get debated in the open and perhaps refined.)

A useful example of how this construct might be used is an alternative syntax for TypeRep. We can imagine

TypeRepV :: forall k -> k -> Type   -- "V" for visible

as a companion to

TypeRep :: forall k. k -> Type      -- we have this today

Now, if someone wants to operate on a type representation for some type of kind Type -> Type, they could say

foo :: TypeRepV (Type -> Type) a -> ...

and GHC would easily infer that a should have kind Type -> Type.

Proposed Change Specification

Add a new bit of syntax for types (= kinds) that looks like this:

'forall' tv_bndrs '->' ctype

where ctype is the point within GHC’s grammar (as implemented in its parser) where the current 'forall' tv_bndrs '.' ctype rule lives. The meaning will be identical to that of the existing forall construct, except that the tv_bndrs will be visible.

(NB: The 'forall' construct in the parser also accepts .)

This new construct will be rejected in any context that is unambiguously a type for a term. (For example, it will be rejected in type signatures of terms, but allowed in type synonyms, which can be used in kinds.) No term-level definition can have a type that has a visible dependent quantifier.

To wit, this new construct would be forbidden in the following places (with examples of rejected constructs):

  • The type ascription of a forall-bound term variable in a RULE:

    {-# RULES "blah" forall a -> id a = a #-}
  • The type of a foreign import/export:

    foreign export ccall freeStablePtr :: forall a -> StablePtr a -> IO ()
  • A type signature for a term-level variable:

    id :: forall a -> a -> a
  • The type in a SPECIALISE or SPECIALISE_INLINE or SPECIALISE instance pragma:

    {-# SPECIALISE foldM :: forall a b -> (a -> b -> IO a) -> a -> [b] -> IO a #-}
  • An expression type ascription:

    zipWith ((<>) :: forall a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a) xs ys
  • A pattern synonym type signature:

    pattern Nil :: forall a -> [a]
  • A type signature in a pattern:

    isJust (x :: forall a -> Maybe a) = ...
  • A GADT data constructor type:

    data T where
      MkT :: forall a -> a -> T

Naturally, the new syntax is forbidden anywhere that forall is currently forbidden (for example, in an argument position of a type family).

Effect and Interactions

Shouldn’t be any untoward interactions. Template Haskell will have to be updated, and we’ll have to make sure no terms can get these strange new types.

Note that the new construct can be used in higher-rank scenarios:

data S :: (forall k -> k -> Type) -> Type

will accept the T in the introduction as an argument, but it won’t accept Data.Proxy's Proxy, as Proxy takes its argument invisibly. Perhaps one day we can devise a way to coerce visibilities to allow S to take Proxy as an argument, but not today.

Costs and Drawbacks

It’s one more construct that has to be maintained, which is a non-negligible cost. But, I argue that the language simply has a strange surface area without this feature, where a type exists that cannot be written down.

A drawback of the design as proposed is that the signifier of the visible/invisible distinction can be far away from individual variables. For example, consider forall a b c d. and forall a b c d ->. You have to scan for the . or the -> before you know what kind of quantification is at hand.


I don’t have any good ones. Do you?

Unresolved questions

None right now, other than bikeshedding this syntax.

Implementation Plan

I or a close collaborator volunteer to implement.