Extend -Wall with incomplete-uni-patterns and incomplete-record-updates

Extend -Wall with incomplete-uni-patterns and incomplete-record-updates because they warn only about things that should typically not occur in well-written modern Haskell.


-Wall does not warn on the following, but -Wincomplete-uni-patterns does

myHead :: [a] -> a
myHead = \(a:as) -> a

-Wall does not warn on the following, but -Wincomplete-record-updates does

data Foo
  = Bar { barInt :: Int, barString :: String }
  | Baz

mySetter :: Int -> Foo -> Foo
mySetter int foo = foo { barInt = int }

These code samples are in a style which is generally discouraged in modern Haskell and I suspect the vast majority of developers would want to be warned about these issues as standard. -Wall seems like a good standard place in which to apply them.

Historically, incomplete-uni-patterns seems to have been kept out of -Wall by https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/4905. It received no discussion nor counterpoints. Moreover, the change was made 6 years ago and standards for Haskell code in the wild have tightened somewhat since then.

I made this suggestion on Haskell Reddit and it received net 48 upvotes with no dissenting responses.

(Thanks to Dennis Gosnell for bringing this issue to my attention.)

Proposed Change Specification

Extend the meaning of -Wall to include incomplete-uni-patterns and incomplete-record-updates.

Effect and Interactions

Users using -Wall will be warned when they use incomplete-uni-patterns and incomplete-record-updates

Costs and Drawbacks

Minimal development and maintenance costs. Existing code compiled with -Wall will start warning if it uses incomplete-uni-patterns or incomplete-record-updates


Specify incomplete-uni-patterns and incomplete-record-updates manually.

Unresolved questions


Implementation Plan

Minimal planning required.