Hexadecimal Floats in Haskell

Currently, Haskell only allows writing floating-point numbers in the decimal format. Unfortunately, writing floats in decimal/scientific format is not always the best option: To write finite floats precisely one might need an extraordinary number of decimal digits, for instance.

As an alternative, there’s the so called “hexadecimal floating point” format, described in p57-58 of http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1256.pdf

Another source for the same format is the IEEE-754 spec itself: Section 5.12.3 of https://www.csee.umbc.edu/~tsimo1/CMSC455/IEEE-754-2008.pdf

The format is rather simple, unambiguous, and relatively easy to implement. And it’s been around for about 10 years by now. Some examples are:

  • 0x1p+1

  • 0x1p+8

  • 0x1.b7p-1

  • 0x1.fffffffffffffp+1023

  • 0X1.921FB4D12D84AP-1

It would be nice if the Haskell standard was changed to include such literals. But in the meantime, perhaps GHC can support such literals via a pragma, such as LANGUAGE HexadecimalFloats or similar.

Eventually, the change should make it into the Haskell report.

Note that there’s already a feature request filed for GHC: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/13126


Floating-point is always tricky, due to loss of precision during computation. This starts from the reading of such values, as decimal notation is not sufficient for expressing floats precisely anc concisely. The hexadecimal notation provides a concise notation without losing precision, and conforms to the new standards as implemented by gcc.

Proposed Change Specification

The changes are rather simple, and follows that of the other languages with some Haskell specific deviations:

  • Introduce a new pragma LANGUAGE HexadecimalFloats or similar.

  • Follow the grammar given in p57-58 of http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1256.pdf
    • Exception: We do not need the suffix F or L as types would be enough to do the appropriate conversion.

    • Exception: We will make the exponent (the p... part) optional, just like the regular e is optional.

    • Exception: If a literal contains a dot, then it must have some hex digits before and after it

  • Provide the corresponding pretty-printer (showHFloat) in the Numeric package.

  • Read instance for floats-doubles should be changed to support the new format.

Note that the original allows 0x.Ap4 as a literal, which we disallow in Haskell. This is similar to the case for .5 or 5. that is allowed by other languages, but not by Haskell.


Ordinarily, a literal such as 2.5 is overloaded in Haskell, and inhabits all Fractional values. It desugars to fromRational (25 % 10).

The new notation makes no changes to this semantics. One thing to note, however, is that since precision is the primary motive for this notation, we should be more vigilant in issuing warnings for underflow/overflow cases. (See below.)

Note that the . and p are both optional in the notation. If either exist, we desugar through fromRational. If neither exists, then it’s already a hexadecimal literal that desugars as usual via fromInteger. Various cases to consider:

  • 0xAB: No dots, no exponents: Regular literal. Desugars via fromInteger.

  • 0x1a.3: Dot, no exponent. Floating point literal: Desugars via fromRational.

  • 0x1p-4: No dot, exponent. Floating point literal: Desugars via fromRational.

  • 0x1.2p3: Both dot and exponent. Floating point literal. Desugars via fromRational.

So, the rule is simple: If . or p is present: Desugar through fromRational. Otherwise use fromInteger.

Effect and Interactions

None. The addition is orthogonal, and the changes to the grammar is unambiguous by design. No significant complexity to any part of the compiler anticipated.

Costs and Drawbacks

This proposal should be fairly simple to implement. Perhaps about a day of coding and test cases for someone familar with the code base. Even if it’s tackled as an intern/summer-of-code idea, it should not take more than a few days to flesh it out at the worst case. Also, some code reuse is possible as the idea is already implemented as a library. See below.

Drawbacks: It was pointed out that the Read instance would break backwards compatibility. Consider:

Prelude> reads "0x1p3" :: [(Double, String)]

With the new implementation, this would return: [(8.0, "")] instead. While this is a change in behavior, I think it’s an acceptable one given the new syntax for floats. The drawback here is that we cannot guard against this using a language pragma.


The obvious alternative is to use quasi-quoting to implement this in a library. Indeed, there is already a hackage package that implements this as a quasi-quoter, together with the pretty printer: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/FloatingHex

Unfortunately, the “library” solution is really not ideal:

  • It relies on the rather heavy mechanism for quasi-quotes

  • Usage requires importing a new module

  • Usage requires a pragma (QuasiQuotes)

  • Most imporantly: Usage requires dependency on a hackage package

This is indeed a lot of requirements and heavy machinery to be able to write literals! With this proposal, we will reduce the dependency to one pragma (HexadecimalFloats); and when the Haskell standard catches up, even that will become unnecessary.


The format allows for specifying numbers that are larger or smaller than what the underlying type can represent. For instance a number like 0x1p5000 would not fit in a Double and thus would have the special value Infinity. (Similar to 1/0). In the other direction, a number like 0x1p-5000 is too small to be represented, and would round to the correct value based on the rounding-mode, which is by default round-to-nearest-ties-to-even in Haskell. This is really no different than how decimal floats are treated in Haskell today.

I think the right thing to do when the literal is too large/small is to print a warning, similar to what we already have for other literals:

Prelude Data.Word> 200000::Word16

<interactive>:3:1: warning: [-Woverflowed-literals]
     Literal 200000 is out of the Word16 range 0..65535

However, I’ll note that GHC currently doesn’t provide a similar warning for decimal floats (such as 2E20000). Indeed, the recommended practice section of http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1256.pdf on page 58 says:

The implementation should produce a diagnostic message if a hexadecimal constant cannot be represented exactly in its evaluation format; the implementation should then proceed with the translation of the program.

I think GHC should follow the same practice, and issue warnings for all float values when the coversion would cause undeflow/overflow, controlled by the -Woverflowed-literals flag.

Unresolved Questions


Implementation Plan

Iavor Diatchki (@yav) has a Phabricator patch that implements the proposal (https://phabricator.haskell.org/D3066). which requires minimal amount of work to be complete. (Essentially the read instance and the pretty-printer are missing; as of Feb 20 2017.)