A Proposal for Proposals

Recently there has been a growing feeling within the Haskell community that the mechanisms for proposing features and changes to GHC and the language that it compiles are less than approachable. In particular our tools for managing the proposal specifications and surrounding discussions make participation harder than necessary. Over the last few weeks I have been looking at how other open-source compiler projects address these issues (focusing on LLVM, Python, and Rust) with an eye towards improving GHC’s own practices.

To be clear, the process discussed below only affects proposal of the following five classes,

Note that this process does not cover,


Let’s start by examining a few of the shortcomings of GHC’s current change management processes,

  1. Higher than necessary barrier-to-entry.

    Involving oneself in the proposal process requires following a ticket, a Wiki page, one or more mailing list threads, and possibly Phabricator, each of which requires a separate account

  2. The proposal itself and the discussion surrounding it are quite decoupled.

    The proposal specification itself is kept on the Wiki, design discussion occurs in largely independent tickets, and further discussion is fragmented across several mailing lists, Reddit, and IRC. This leads to repetitive and often difficult-to-follow discussions.

  3. The phases of the lifecycle of a proposal are not clearly defined.

    This leads to unfortunate cases like that of ShortImports, where discussion proceeds for too long without a concrete specification. This drains effort from both the author of the proposal and those discussing it.

  4. The process that exists isn’t always consistently applied.

    While this arguably has improved in recent years, there are cases where features have been added without a formal specification or perhaps less discussion than would be desired.

Proposed change

I propose that we adopt a variant on the Rust RFC scheme, building our proposal process on top of existing code review tools for dissemination and refinement of proposals with a standing committee acting as the final arbiter of proposal acceptance.

To ensure that the process is as accessible and convenient as possible, I propose that we build this process on top of GitHub.

Proposal process

Each proposal goes through the following stages:

  1. The process begins with the opening of a pull request to the GHC proposals repository, proposing the merge of a document (derived from a provided template) specifying the proposed change. This document is the primary specification of the feature and takes the place of the current Wiki document.

    Due to GitHub’s in-place editing feature (the pencil icon visible when viewing a file on GitHub), proposals can be made quickly without manual forking or cloning.

  2. Community members (including members of the proposal committee) will discuss the proposal. The submitter is responsible for amending the specification to account for collected comments. It should be expected that the proposal will change during this process, which may last from days to months.

  3. When the author feels that the proposal is complete, and not being improved by further discussion, they can submit the proposal to the proposal committee for a decision.

  4. Within two (exceptionally three) weeks the committee will arrive at a consensus as to whether the proposal in its submitted form meets a set of criteria for inclusion (see below) while weighing the opinions expressed by the community.

    If the proposal is rejected then it will be sent back to the submitter along with a rationale (referencing the criteria defined below). This is by no means a final decision; the submitter may at any time amend and re-submit the proposal to address the concerns of the committee.

  5. When the proposal is accepted the pull request will be merged and the document will be preserved in the proposals repository as a permanent specification for the feature.

  6. The author will create a ticket linking to the proposal to provide a place track the progress of the implementation.

  7. The author may choose to implement the proposal after acceptance, but she is under no obligation to do so. (Of course, neither is anyone else.)

  8. During implementation, it is very likely that the specification will be refined. The implementor should keep the specification up to date over the course of the implementation.

Since the proposal pages already existing on the Wiki represent a significant amount of effort and knowledge, we’ll make an effort to import those which have been implemented into the proposals repository if this scheme is adopted.

GHC Committee

The process involves forming a small group which is responsible for deciding whether proposed changes should be accepted after discussion within the community.

The committee should be large enough to reflect the diversity of GHC’s contributor- and user-base but small enough to ensure a sense of individual responsibility among its members. A size of six to eight members would likely be a good starting point.

To simplify the committee selection process, I propose that the committee is chosen as follows. We seek nominations (including self-nominations); and then Simon Peyton-Jones and Simon Marlow select members from those nominations. This is simple and clear. It is also not very democratic, but Simon & Simon did originate GHC, and it is far from clear that a voting process would yield a better result. Moreover, voting brings with it a number of additional complexities (e.g. who can vote? who decides who can vote? how are votes collected?)

The group will have three roles,

  • Deciding proposal acceptance. At the proposal author’s invitation, the committee makes the decision over whether a proposal should be accepted, in light of a set of defined criteria (see below).

  • Judging whether the proposal process should be applied. There will no doubt be proposals where it is unclear whether the burden of the proposal process is necessary. The responsibility for determining the scope of the process lies with the committee.

  • Ensuring that the process is applied when necessary. The committee will be expected to monitor GHC contributions and ensure that changes which fall within the scope of the proposal process indeed go through the process.

Criteria for new features

The committee is responsible for weighing a variety of factors when deciding whether to adopt a feature. These are all judgement calls.

  1. The problem. What exactly is the problem that the feature solves? Is it an important problem, felt by many users, or is it very specialised?

  2. The right solution; generality. Elegance, economy, and generality are important. Sometimes a problem has lots of solutions, none of which have that “aha” feeling of “this is the Right way to solve this”. A classic example is that of records, for which we have had endless proposals (including many from the GHC authors themselves) none of which felt “right”, and none of which made it into GHC.

  3. Fit with the language. If we just throw things into GHC willy-nilly, it will become a large ball of incoherent and inconsistent mud. We strive to add features that are consistent with the rest of the language.

  4. Specification cost. Does the benefit of the feature justify the extra complexity in the language specification? Does the new feature interact awkwardly with existing features, or does it enhance them? How easy is it for users to understand the new feature?

  5. Implementation cost. How complex is the implementation likely to be? Is it highly localised, or does it require pervasive changes? As an author and contributor, it may look like you are giving GHC free work, but this viewpoint doesn’t align with the reality of a large project with a timescale in decades. Writing code is cheap; maintaining it is expensive.


Of course, group decision-making processes are difficult to manage and tools will only bring you so far. While the Rust scheme does seem to function more smoothly than our current system, it is not free of issues (as most recently discussed by Aaron Turon). These issues will likely apply to the process proposed here as well. In particular,

  • GitHub discussions in particular don’t scale terribly well; the lack of hierarchical threading means that long threads can become difficult to follow; experience suggests that Phabricator seems to be a bit better but long technical discussions are a challenge for nearly any tool.

  • The ease of commenting may bring a slightly diminished signal-to-noise ratio in collected feedback, particularly on easily bike-shedded topics.

Moreover, even leaving behind our current system incurs somewhat of a cost. GitLab already exists and a significant fraction of GHC developers are already quite comfortable with it. The fact that we already use it for Wiki and ticket tracking means that cross-referencing between proposals, tickets, and the Wiki is trivial. Any replacement system would almost certainly regress in this area.


There are a few alternatives which are worth considering,

  • We continue to build on GitLab, but attempt to be more rigorous with our current protocol. Namely we attempt to better document and more consistently enforce the procedures we currently have.

  • Adopting the process discussed above but replacing GitHub with Phabricator. This would offer the disadvantage of being slightly harder for casual contributors. Moreover, Phabricator lacks some of GitHub’s support for formatting markup. Phabricator, however, offers the advantage of integrating better with GHC’s current GitLab instance and avoid adding yet another tool to the GHC developer’s toolchain.

  • Adopting the process discussed above but replacing GitHub with GitLab. GitLab has many of the features of GitHub but with the advantage of being open-source and self-hostable. Unfortunately it would mean introducing yet another tool into the GHC developer’s toolbelt and add yet another piece of infrastructure to administer.

  • We move to something closer to the Python PEP scheme. Here a committee is formed for each proposal; the committee is responsible for crafting and collecting feedback on the proposal. The final acceptance decision is made by the Benevolant Dictator for Life. Discussion can be carried out on a medium of the committee’s choosing, with a common choice being a specially-created mailing list.

  • The Rust community has been considering breaking their process up in multiple stages to make their proposal queue more manageable. To first order these stages are,

    1. form a consensus around the problem and the need to solve it

    2. propose and refine possible solutions

    3. choose from among the proposed solutions

    The separation of step (1) from the others gives the community a means of concentrating focus on a set of small problems and encouraging exploration down multiple solution avenues. The cost of this is that it may frustrate authors with a slower, more involved process.

  • Something else entirely…

Moving closer to the Rust process

Also, there are a few facets of the Rust process which the proposed process does not carry over for a variety of reasons:

  • Shepherds. In the Rust process each submitted proposal is assigned a shepherd. This is a trusted core developer who is charged with keeping the proposal moving through the process. At the moment GHC arguably lacks the contributor pool to guarantee this.

  • Final comment period. The Rust process defines a portion of the proposal lifecycle known as the “final comment period”. This is a (typically one-week) period directly before the responsible sub-team makes its decision which is widely announced to solicit final comments from the community. This period is omitted from the process described above; instead it is up to the proposal submitter to ensure that sufficient discussion is solicited.

Open Questions

There are still questions regarding the desired scope of the process. While we want to ensure that changes which affect the user-facing aspects of the compiler are well-considered, we certainly don’t want the process to become unduly burdensome. This is a careful balance which will require care to maintain moving forward.


Thanks to the Rust contributors eddyb, nmatsakis, and steveklabnik for useful discussions sharing their experiences in the Rust community. Also, thanks to Anthony Cowley for his persistence in raising his concerns and helpful discussions over the course of this effort.